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ANKARA: First Notes on 11 March Process: Yesterday Hrant, Today Berk

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  • ANKARA: First Notes on 11 March Process: Yesterday Hrant, Today Berk

    Vatan (in Turkish), Turkey
    March 13 2014

    First Notes on 11 March Process: Yesterday Hrant, Today Berkin

    by Rusen Cakir

    -I was in the United States at the time of Hrant Dink's funeral. Those
    who have attended both funerals are saying that Berkin Elvan's funeral
    yesterday bore great resemblance to that of Dink. As a matter of fact,
    the resemblance is not in their funerals only. Both come from this
    country's oppressed sections. Hrant was Armenian and Berkin Alevi. The
    state is directly responsible for the death of both. And, the
    murderers of both are being protected by the state.

    -The people of this country who are not Alevis know the cemevis [Alevi
    place of worship] only from funerals of young people whose lives were
    brought to an end by the state. Had the television channels
    broadcasted the sermon made by the Dede [Alevi religious leader]
    yesterday, I believe many hardline Sunnis would regret being so
    prejudiced against Alevis.

    -Yesterday, a great number of people from different sections attended
    the funeral ceremony that started at the Okmeydani cemevi and ended at
    the Ferikoy cemetery. (I am not giving any numbers, but if the police
    does, I am convinced that the figure should be doubled and tripled
    many times.) It was a ceremony covered in slogans, clapping, prayers,
    but most of all by tears. Especially when the funeral coach carrying
    Berkin's body passed, women and men, young and old, everyone both
    clenched their hands and cried.

    -I made the way from the cemevi to the cemetery in the bus that
    carried Berkin's family and the parents and siblings of the young
    people, Ali Ismail, Ethem, Mehmet, who lost their lives at the Gezi
    protests. Previously, the relatives of those who disappeared in
    detention had formed the "Saturday Mothers," and the relatives of
    intellectuals who were the victims of unsolved murders had formed the
    "Social Memory Platform." Those who lost their children during the
    Gezi process because of the AKP [Justice and Development Party] have
    also started a similar initiative. Those families who looked after
    Berkin when he was at the hospital were in the front ranks at the
    funeral as well.

    -The organization of yesterday's funeral ceremony was undertaken to a
    great extent by a leftwing group called the "People's Front" that is
    very strong in Okmeydani and its surrounding area. The ceremony ended
    without any unpleasant incidents. That was also due to the fact that
    all along the road there was no police presence. After the funeral,
    however, once people started to disperse, the police intervention
    started. Certain government supporters held the "parallel entity"
    responsible for the incidents during the Gezi process. We saw,
    however, that the police, whether parallel or straight, does not like
    those people, that is the leftists, Alevis, or any kind of opponents.
    Moreover, it is clear that the police was extremely disturbed by the
    fact that such a great crowd managed to hold that grand funeral
    ceremony in such dignity and solidarity. Let it feel disturbed. It is
    already too late for that force. That is because, it is certain that
    Turkey will change drastically with this new process that started in
    the wake of the Gezi process first, then the 17 December process, and
    finally that 11 March morning where 15 year-old Berkin could no longer
    hold on and passed away.

    We will talk about the 11 March process tomorrow.

    Note: We heard that while we were saying farewell to Berkin, Egemen
    Bagis called us "necrophiles." There is no shame in loving a child
    that the state took away. Bagis should first respond to the corruption
    allegations against him.

    [Translated from Turkish]

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress