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AAA: Assembly Applauds Armenian Caucus Letter on Kessab, State Depar

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  • AAA: Assembly Applauds Armenian Caucus Letter on Kessab, State Depar

    Email: [email protected]
    Phone: (202) 393-3434

    March 28, 2014
    Contact: Taniel Koushakjian


    State Department "Deepy Troubled" by Attack Against Kessab Armenians

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly)
    applauded the Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Reps. Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and
    Michael Grimm (R-NY), along with Armenian Genocide resolution lead sponsors
    Reps. David Valadao (R-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA), for sending a letter to
    President Obama on the recent siege on Kessab, Syria, reported the
    Assembly. "We are writing to express our serious concerns regarding
    credible reports that Islamist rebels entering from Turkey this past
    weekend were involved in attacks in the Latakia region of Syria,
    specifically the town of Kessab, which is a predominately Armenian
    populated area. Such actions shock the conscious and must be resoundingly
    condemned," the letter reads in part.

    In addition to the Caucus letter, earlier today, Congressman James McGovern
    (D-MA), who Co-Chairs the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, issued a
    strongly worded statement condemning the attacks and called for an
    investigation into reports of Turkish involvement. "I am deeply concerned
    by the reports that these attacks allegedly originated in Turkey and demand
    that the United States and international community conduct a thorough and
    critical investigation of these claims," McGovern said. Meanwhile,
    yesterday Congressman Schiff, who sits on the House Permanent Select
    Committee on Intelligence, said that "The vicious attacks by al Qaeda
    affiliated terrorists against Armenians and other Christians in the Syrian
    town of Kessab in northern Syria are beyond appalling."

    The Armenian Caucus letter comes on the heels of the Assembly's March 24
    letter to President Obama which called on the Administration "to take all
    steps necessary to not only safeguard the Christian Armenian community of
    Kessab, but to increase efforts in coordination with the United Nations to
    ensure that all minority communities are afforded greater protection." "In
    addition, we urge President Obama to make it publicly clear that the United
    States will not tolerate its NATO ally's policy of providing support to
    extremist groups," the Assembly's letter stated. On Wednesday, March 26,
    the Assembly firmly condemned the attacks on Armenians in Syria. Days after
    the Assembly's letter, executive director Bryan Ardouny, and Archbishop
    Aykazian, Diocesan Legate for the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), met
    with officials at the U.S. Department of State to directly express the
    concerns of the Armenian American community and to outline steps that the
    United States can take to assist and safeguard the Kessab Armenians.

    During today's State Department daily press briefing, spokeswoman Marie
    Harf stated, "We are deeply troubled by recent fighting and violence that
    is endangering the Armenian community in Kessab, Syria, and has forced many
    to flee. "

    "We have seen some statements by groups fighting in Kessab saying they will
    not target civilians and will respect minorities and holy places," she
    said. "We expect those commitments to be upheld. The United States will
    continue its steadfast support to those affected by violence in Syria and
    throughout the region, including Syrian Armenians. We have long had
    concerns about the threat posed by violent extremists, and this latest
    threat to the Armenian community in Syria only underscores this further,"
    the Harf said.

    "We applaud the action of the Armenian Caucus and welcome the statements of
    Congressmen Schiff and McGovern," stated Assembly executive director Bryan
    Ardouny. "Given the urgency of the matter, we must press forward to ensure
    that the Christian Armenian community in Syria is safeguarded," Ardouny

    Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest
    Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and
    awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt
    membership organization.


    NR: # 2014-013
