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Armenian Opposition Force Backs Down

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  • Armenian Opposition Force Backs Down


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #768
    Feb 25 2015

    After calling for the downfall of the president, Prosperous Armenia's
    leader has a change of heart.

    25 Feb 15 By Arshaluis Mghdesyan

    After calling for protests to bring down Armenian president Serzh
    Sargsyan, government, the country's leading opposition party has
    backed down and says it will work towards consensus instead. The
    Prosperous Armenia party's abrupt change of plan has created a rift
    in the three-member opposition bloc, and experts say the credibility
    of mainstream politics has been undermined.

    Prosperous Armenia, the biggest parliamentary opposition party, called
    for a "nationwide rally" against the ruling coalition to take place
    on February 20, signalling an end to any kind of working relationship
    with the ruling administration.

    Its relations with President Sargsyan's administration and the
    governing Republican Party were already near breaking-point after an
    attack on one of its senior figures earlier in the month. Prosperous
    Armenia accused the authorities of complicity in the February 7
    abduction and beating of Artak Khachatryan, a member of its governing
    council. (See Outrage at Attack on Armenian Oppositionist.)

    On February 12, President Sargsyan launched a personal attack on
    Prosperous Armenia's leader Gagik Tsarukyan. Addressing a Republican
    Party meeting, he described Tsarukyan as "an evil for our country"
    and a "pseudo-politician".

    Sargsyan ordered the prime minister to oversee an investigation into
    allegations that Tsarukyan owed massive amounts in unpaid taxes,
    and the same day he stripped the politician of his seat on Armenia's
    National Security Council. He also proposed depriving him of his
    parliamentary seat, a move which would remove his immunity from

    Tsarukyan hit back the next day with a speech calling for mass rallies
    to press for the president's resignation.

    "I am calling for a general mobilisation [for protests] with the single
    aim of getting Serzh Sargsyan to resign by all legal political means
    - continuing rallies, marches and acts of civil disobedience - in
    order to rid ourselves of the evil that the authorities have become,"
    he said.

    Tsarukyan said the reason he was under fire was because he would
    not bow to a planned constitutional reform that would shift powers
    from president to parliament. After consultations and a draft set of
    constitutional amendments, Sargsyan is expected to decide early this
    year whether to move forward to a referendum.

    The proposed change might seem a desirable way of creating greater
    democratic accountability, but opposition parties see it as a plot
    to give Sargsyan a hold on power once his term as president expires
    in 2018. This is his second term, the last he is entitled to. The
    suspicion is that with his Republican Party dominating the legislature,
    he could get himself elected speaker of a body armed with more power
    than before; or else control things in the more back-seat role of
    party chairman.

    Tsarukyan said he had been offered various inducements to back the
    reform, including the post of president. "It was on condition that
    I wouldn't obstruct the recycling of the [same] powers that be. I
    categorically refused, and that's why this [verbal] attack happened."

    Despite being in coalition with Sargsyan's Republicans until 2012,
    Prosperous Armenia joined forces with the opposition Armenian National
    Congress and the Heritage Party last year to form the Nationwide
    Movement, known informally as the "troika". The other two parties
    signed up to plans to hold the first mass protest on February 20.

    The political confrontation now escalated rapidly. Insults were traded
    publicly, and police raided premises owned by supporters of Tsarukyan,
    and around 30 Prosperous Armenia members were detained.

    As parliament embarked on the process of depriving Tsarukyan of his
    seat, five legislators withdrew from Prosperous Armenia's parliamentary
    faction, clearly feeling the strain.

    As tensions peaked, reports emerged that a mediator had appeared on
    the scene, in the shape of billionaire businessman Samvel Karapetyan,
    a Russian national of Armenian extraction. Karapetyan's company
    refused to confirm or deny the story.

    Some analysts suspected the Kremlin had asked him to step in to
    resolve the dispute in Russia's closest ally in the South Caucasus.

    "I believe Samvel Karapetyan has close ties to the Russian political
    and business elite. Seen that way, his arrival in Yerevan looks like
    Moscow's attempt to intervene in this internecine political conflict
    and to reconcile the sides," political analyst Stepan Danielyan said.

    Another peacemaker appeared, the Dashnakstutyun party, which engineered
    a face-to-face meeting between Sargsyan and Tsarukyan.

    Dashnakstutyun normally opposes the government but is supportive of
    the planned constitutional reform.

    "We are very pleased that the meeting happened, and that contact
    was made and the ice broken," Armen Rustamyan, who leads the party
    in parliament.

    Vahram Baghdasaryan, the Republican's parliamentary head, struck a
    note of caution, telling RFE/RL radio that the meeting only resulted
    in a temporary truce.

    After a weeklong stand-off between the two political heavyweights,
    it was Tsarukyan who gave way. His party called off the rally, and
    he declared that "we must not fight one another, but rather carry
    on working and find and implement solutions to problems calmly and
    without recriminations".

    He said that the way things were going, "it's easy to envisage what
    this will lead to in a week or two. No one will win, least of all
    our society."

    Tsarukyan's sudden about-face left the opposition troika in danger of
    collapse. While the Armenian National Congress expressed understanding
    for his decision, the Heritage Party threatened to leave.

    Alexander Iskandaryan, director of the Caucasus Institute in Yerevan,
    argues that Tsarukyan retreated after gambling and losing.

    "Tsarukyan was responding to the public appetite for fast solutions to
    complex political problems, for example through revolution or regime
    change," Iskandaryan said. "He suffered defeat because he is a priori
    unable to meet that demand,"

    Iskandaryan argues that Tsarukyan has backed down before, for example
    when he decided not to run against Sargsyan in the last presidential
    election. As Armenia's wealthiest businessman, Tsarukyan may fear that
    his assets are vulnerable to confiscation or takeover by the state.

    Looking at the broader political scene, Iskandaryan regrets the
    absence of a genuine, committed opposition.

    "The authorities have set about liquidating the opposition, and it's
    worked," he said. "That's having a deleterious effect on the political
    system. Politics is shifting away from the political arena to towards
    public discourse and Facebook, becoming more radical along the way
    and turning into endless discussions about regime change."

    This trend could have dangerous consequences, Iskandaryan said.

    "In the absence of a serious political force to articulate it, public
    dissatisfaction may eventually become so heated that everything
    blows up into what one might call a "Maidan" [Kiev-style uprising],
    in other words the collapse of the political system," he said.

    Arshaluys Mgdesyan is a freelance journalist in Armenia.

    From: Baghdasarian