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Turkey's Gov't-Aligned News Blame Victims in Paris Attack

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  • Turkey's Gov't-Aligned News Blame Victims in Paris Attack

    Turkey's Gov't-Aligned News Blame Victims in Paris Attack

    Islamist AKP-aligned news outlets first labelled Charlie Hebdo as a
    magazine that insulted Mohammed, then blamed the victims for the

    Thu, January 8, 2015

    French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira near the Paris offices of
    Charlie Hebdo yesterday (Photo: (c) Reuters)

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    Turkish and regional Islamist newspapers have blamed the satirical
    magazine Charlie Hebdo ("Charlie Weekly") for the attacks against it
    yesterday. Islamists and jihadists all over the world rejoiced over
    the attack, flocked to online forums and sharing their glee on social

    The assault on the magazine, the worst terrorist attack in France in
    50 years, killed 10 journalists and two policemen. Those murdered were
    staff of the magazine who had been holding their weekly editorial
    meeting at the time.

    It has been reported that the jihadists targeted specific cartoonists.
    Among those killed was the magazine's chief editor Stephane
    Charbonnier and three of France's most famous cartoonists: Jean Cabut,
    George Wolinski and Bernard Verlhac.

    One of the terrorists, aged 18, turned himself in to the French
    authorities. He gave the names of the other attackers, two brothers --
    Cherif Kouachi, 32, and Said Kouachi, 34 -- to the police. The manhunt
    for the two continues.

    Paris was shaken this morning by another apparent terror attack when a
    policewoman was shot in the southwestern suburb of Montrouge by a man
    with an automatic rifle. The policewoman has since died of her wounds.
    The attack has not been definitively connected to yesterday's

    Following the attack on Charlie Hebdo, Yeni Akit, a Turkish daily
    newspaper with ties to the ruling Islamist AK party, ran the headline
    "Attack on The Magazine that Provoked Muslims."

    Another pro-AKP party paper, the Turkiye Gazetesi, ran the headline
    "Attack on the Magazine that Insulted Our Master the Prophet." After
    it received heavy criticism on social media, the magazine changed
    their headline to "Attack on the magazine that published ugly cartoons
    of our prophet."

    By contrast Turkiye Gazetesi's English-language website ran the
    headline "American Muslims Condemn Paris Attack on Charlie Hebdo" this
    morning. Yet inside the article, the same sentiment as in the article
    in Turkish is evident. The first sentence moves straight onto
    Charlie's Hebdo's "history of publishing unflattering depictions of
    the Prophet Muhammad."

    This should not come as a surprise. Turkey's foreign minister said
    yesterday that terrorist Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal was welcome to
    move to Turkey should he leave Qatar, where he has been based, despite
    Turkey's official status as a NATO ally.

    As reported by the Daily Caller, Egyptian newspaper Shorouk said in
    its headline that Charlie Hebdo had "A history of insulting the
    prophet, ending in fire."

    These papers are all implying that the writers and cartoonists at
    Charlie Hebdo brought the terrorist attack on themselves by exercising
    freedom of expression.

    At the same time, many Western media outlets have decided not to
    publish Charlie Hebdo's cartoons so as not to upset Muslims. CNN's
    Editorial Director Richard Griffith sent an internal memo reading, "We
    are not at this time showing the Charlie Hebdo cartoons of the Prophet
    considered offensive by many Muslims."

    Several Western media outlets explained the motive of the ruthless
    murderers by saying that they were provoked.

    As Douglas Murray wrote for the Gatestone Institute, "The press was
    already blaming the victims. Commentators on CNN opined thatCharlie
    Hebdo had been "provoking Muslims" for some time. Perhaps they assume
    that it is easier to force good people to keep quiet, or keep their
    own media offices from being attacked, than to tackle to the problem
    of Islamic extremism head-on. It is easier blame Geert Wilders, Ayaan
    Hirsi Ali, Lars Hedegaard, Suzanne Winters, Salman Rushdie or Charlie
    Hebdo -- and even put some of them on trial -- than to attack the
    attackers, who might even attack back!"
