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Mr. President, Speak Truth To The Armenian Genocide By Rep. Adam Sch

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  • Mr. President, Speak Truth To The Armenian Genocide By Rep. Adam Sch


    Los Angeles Daily News
    April 22 2015

    Dear Mr. President:

    Last week, the Pope caused an international incident by speaking
    the truth.

    At a Mass at Saint Peter's Basilica celebrated for Christians of
    Armenian heritage, Pope Francis spoke plainly about the Armenian
    Genocide, the extermination of 1.5 million Armenians by the Ottoman
    Empire 100 years ago. When Pope Francis said that "concealing
    or denying evil is like allowing a wound to keep bleeding without
    bandaging it," it set off a sad but predictable reaction by a Turkish
    government that has made the denial of the Armenian Genocide one of
    its defining national characteristics.

    Within hours of the Pope's remarks, Turkey recalled its ambassador to
    the Vatican and its minister for European Relations was so incensed
    that he did not limit his criticism to the Pope, but lashed out at
    the entire nation of Argentina as well, the Pope's place of birth.

    The Pope's remarks were moving and courageous, and they were in the
    best tradition of his faith's commitment to peace and justice. And,
    as you understand from your own experience on this issue, his remarks
    were also undeniably accurate.

    One hundred years ago, as the Ottoman Empire was in its dying throes,
    it began a systematic effort to exterminate the Armenian, Assyrian and
    Christian people during World War I. They did so through a campaign
    of mass killing and displacement that saw 1.5 million Armenians killed
    and millions more forced to flee from their ancestral homes. There is
    no serious historical debate that the Turkish government set out on
    a campaign to kill and displace its minority Armenian population, and
    that its actions amounted to the crime we now call "genocide." In fact,
    the coiner of the word "genocide," Holocaust survivor Raphael Lemkin,
    specifically cited the campaign of murder against the Armenians as
    an example of why he created the term.

    Your administration has now said that you will again refrain from
    using the word "genocide" to describe the campaign to exterminate
    the Armenian people. I urge you to reconsider.

    As a senator, you spoke eloquently of the Armenian Genocide, and
    promised to be the type of president who speaks "truthfully about
    the Armenian Genocide and responds forcefully to all genocides." Your
    commitment was reflective of the reality that we cannot speak credibly
    about human rights today -- whether it is the mass killings in South
    Sudan or the campaign of brutality by the Islamic State against
    religious minorities in Syria and Iraq -- if we pick and choose
    which atrocities we are willing to recognize or allow ourselves to
    be complicit in a campaign of genocide denial.

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    America's silence on the first genocide of the last century is a
    bitter irony, considering that American diplomats from the period,
    including our ambassador Henry Morgenthau, were some of the chief
    chroniclers of what the ambassador termed the "Destruction of the
    Armenian race." Our country also did more than any other to alleviate
    the suffering of the victims of the genocide.

    Learning of the millions of Armenians who had fled into destitution
    and despair, Americans reacted with a level of generosity never before
    seen in the world. In response to the carnage, the Congress passed and
    President Calvin Coolidge signed legislation establishing the Near
    East Relief Foundation, a public-private humanitarian relief effort
    that would go on to raise the modern equivalent of $2.7 billion in
    funds to build orphanages, provide food and shelter, and ensure the
    survival of the Armenian people.

    I recognize, of course, that many will urge you to refrain from
    anything that might antagonize an important ally in the fight against
    Mideast extremism. They will argue that "now is just not the right
    time." In fact, genocide deniers been making this argument long before
    the world was plagued by the likes of the Islamic State. The reality is
    that Turkey will do what it considers to be in its national interest
    in the fight against terror, no more and no less and regardless of
    whether we commemorate the genocide.

    As we have already seen, and despite your best efforts, Turkey has
    taken only modest steps to stem the flow of foreign fighters into
    Syria, to halt revenues from the sale of Syrian oil from going back
    to Islamic State fighters, or to assist Kurds and other minorities at
    risk across the border. Our willingness to be complicit in Ankara's
    campaign of silence will have little impact on Turkish actions against
    the Islamic State, but will say a great deal about whether we are
    willing to speak the truth about genocide to friend and foe alike.

    Mr. President, you are a man of great principle and one who does not
    make commitments lightly, and certainly not on a subject as weighty as
    genocide. Our government's silence over the genocide is a continuing
    wound to the Armenian people and all others who have suffered such
    cruelty, an injury that cannot heal without recognition. As Pope
    Francis implored, "it is necessary, and indeed a duty, to honor
    their memory, for whenever memory fades, it means evil allows wounds
    to fester."

    On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
    and on behalf of the families of the millions who were lost, I ask
    you to call the deliberate campaign to annihilate the Armenian people
    what it was, genocide.

    Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Burbank, is one of the primary sponsors of the
    Armenian Genocide Truth and Justice Resolution.

    From: Baghdasarian