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National Citizens' Initiative Takes On Youth Issues

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  • National Citizens' Initiative Takes On Youth Issues

    The National Citizens' Initiative
    75 Yerznkian Street
    Yerevan 375033, Armenia
    Tel.: (+374 - 10) 27.16.00, 27.00.03
    Fax: (+374 - 10) 52.48.46
    E-mail: [email protected]

    September 22, 2005

    National Citizens' Initiative Takes On Youth Issues

    Yerevan--The National Citizens' Initiative (NCI) today convened a youth
    roundtable on "The Generation of Independence: Present and Future Tasks."
    The meeting brought together young public and political figures, heads of
    student and other non-governmental associations, human rights advocates,
    analysts, experts, and media representatives.

    NCI coordinator Hovsep Khurshudian welcomed the audience with opening
    remarks. "The nationwide awakening in 1988 and, starting from 1991, the
    institution of Armenia's sovereignty inspired hope that the new generation
    that was formed under the conditions of an independent statehood would
    inherit the values of those years, possess the push for becoming the masters
    of their country, and be prepared to shoulder the heavy burden of
    responsibility for the integrity of the state. Today, however, we are
    bearing witness to a profound apathy among youth circles in regard to
    national matters. An overwhelming majority of young people do not see
    themselves as owners of the country, but rather its tenants at best. High
    concepts, for one reason or another, were not passed on to the new
    generation. And today we convene this roundtable in order to identify its
    causes," Khurshudian said.

    In his intervention entitled "The Question of the Youth's Perception of
    Independence," chairman Mihran Hakobian of Yerevan State University's
    Student Council deemed the discord among the youth as one of the impediments
    to the establishment of "the independence generation" in the country. He
    criticized the authorities' youth policy and accused them of ineffective use
    of state means in and for youth affairs. "The 'Baze-2' gathering, for the
    organization of which a tremendous amount of money was allocated from state
    budget, in fact was a failure," Hakobian said. He also harshly disapproved
    of the recent government-endorsed laws and regulations diminishing the
    autonomy of university administration. In essence, he continued, the most
    conscientious and devoted of the independence generation are alienated from
    the country's governance, the precept of natural selection is encroached
    upon, and those young people who are guided not by principles but by
    self-serving pettiness are penetrating into power.

    In his talk on "The Yesterday and Today of the Independence Generation: A
    Comparative Briefing," NCI program coordinator Edgar Hakobian touched upon
    the history of the youth movement in Armenia starting from 1988. Since then,
    he said, the characteristics of the youth have largely changed, with guiding
    ideals such as patriotism, dedication, and spirituality succumbing to
    egotism, consumer mentality, and a readiness to rank petty self-interests
    above vital national interests. "Speaking in the name of the entire youth, a
    group of pro-governmental young people formed by the authorities themselves
    is trying to secure its own financial welfare," Hakobian concluded.
    Moreover, the greater part of the youth is extremely passive when it comes
    to the resolution of numerous public problems. This refers to the rights of
    those serving in the army as well as the protection of those citizens who
    have been illegally evicted from the Northern Avenue-Biuzand Street
    construction zone. Hakobian made an appeal for youth organizations to
    intensify their participation in these and related processes.

    During his address entitled "Youth Obligations for the Sovereignty of the
    Country," Aren Manukian of the "Development of Knowledge" group said that
    while the old generation played a meaningful role in achieving Armenia's
    independence, a solution to the Artsakh question, and consolidation of the
    country's sovereignty, the new generation has not yet demonstrated a
    capacity to continue the work of its elders and to assume responsibility for
    the country's future. In his opinion, without the engagement of the youth en
    masse, the involvement of a number of young activists in matters concerning
    the restoration of the rule of law in Armenia would have only limited
    effect. "When the matter referred to granting postponement of military
    service to graduate students, we succeeded in having thousands of students
    hold protests, but now that we are taking part in the reinstatement of the
    rights of citizens who have been thrown out of their homes in the Northern
    Avenue and Biuzand Street construction belt, you can count on your fingers
    the number of people who come with us," Manukian worried aloud.

    The day's final speaker, Armenian Center for National and International
    Studies (ACNIS) analyst Syuzanna Barseghian, introduced and analyzed the
    results of a series of sociological surveys recently conducted by ACNIS on
    "generation next" and its outlook on Armenia's independence, avenues for
    resolving the Karabagh issue, the Genocide, and Armenia's European
    integration process. According to those findings, although Armenian youth
    are prepared to take part in the defense of the Homeland if Armenia or
    Karabagh is again attacked, the bulk of respondents find that Armenia's
    independence has brought with it more setbacks than accomplishments. In
    Barseghian's words, such thinking by the new generation is exceedingly

    Also noteworthy were interventions by ACNIS analysts Alen Ghevondian and
    Hovhannes Vardanian; "Development of Knowledge" group representatives Arsen
    Kharatian and Ararat Mirzoyan; Heritage Party members Armen Martirosian and
    Sargis Manukian; and many others.

    In his closing remarks, NCI coordinator Hovsep Khurshudian accentuated this
    matter's significance for Armenia and the Armenian public. "The youth are
    the tomorrow of this country, and the future of the sovereignty of the
    Republic of Armenia and the prospects for the institution of civil society
    are dependent on them," Khurshudian concluded.

    The National Citizens' Initiative is a public non-profit association founded
    in December 2001 by Raffi K. Hovannisian, his colleagues, and fellow
    citizens with the purpose of realizing the rule of law and overall
    improvements in the state of the state, society, and public institutions.
    The National Citizens' Initiative is guided by a Coordinating Council, which
    includes individual citizens and representatives of various public,
    scientific, and educational establishments. Five commissions on Law and
    State Administration, Socioeconomic Issues, Foreign Policy, Spiritual and
    Cultural Challenges, and the Youth constitute the vehicles for the
    Initiative's work and outreach.

    For further information, please call (37410) 27-16-00 or 27-00-03; fax
    (37410) 52-48-46; e-mail [email protected]; or visit