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"Amendments To Armenia's Assembly Law Raise Serious Concerns"

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  • "Amendments To Armenia's Assembly Law Raise Serious Concerns"


    02 April, 2008

    OSCE, Council of Europe: amendments to Armenia's assembly law
    raise serious concerns Strasbourg/Warsaw, 02.04.2008 - In a joint
    legal opinion, the Council of Europe's Venice Commission and the
    OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)
    concluded that recent amendments to Armenia's assembly law raise
    serious concerns.

    The amendments to the Law of the Republic of Armenia on Conducting
    Meetings, Assemblies, Rallies and Demonstrations, passed on 17 March
    2008, were reviewed by the ODIHR's Expert Panel on Freedom of Assembly
    and the Venice Commission following a request from the Speaker of
    the Armenian Parliament.

    "On the basis of a preliminary assessment, the Venice Commission and
    the OSCE/ODIHR Expert Panel on Freedom of Assembly do not consider
    the proposed amendments to be acceptable, to the extent that they
    restrict further the right of assembly in a significant fashion",
    says the joint opinion.

    The amendments tighten provisions concerning spontaneous assemblies,
    and limit the possibility for decisions on restricting assemblies
    deemed to pose a risk for public order to be reviewed by an
    independent tribunal or court. In addition, a provision allowing
    for small events to develop spontaneously into bigger assemblies -
    which was considered a good practice example and made the Law in its
    previous form stand out as progressive - has been repealed. The joint
    opinion of the Venice Commission and the OSCE/ODIHR was shared with
    the National Assembly on 28 March 2008, and will be discussed with
    National Assembly representatives in Yerevan on 15-16 April 2008.

    The joint opinion continues the long-standing cooperation between
    the Armenian authorities, the ODIHR and the Venice Commission on the
    legislative regulation of public assemblies