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Putin forges new ties with former republics

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  • Putin forges new ties with former republics

    Putin forges new ties with former republics
    By Steven Lee Myers

    Seattle Times
    Nov 14 2004

    MOSCOW — President Vladimir Putin is not subtle.

    As the presidential campaign climaxed late last month in Ukraine, a
    country once dominated by Russia's czars and commissars but now free
    to choose its own way, Putin went to Kiev for three days of
    politicking on behalf of the candidate who promised to strengthen
    bonds with Moscow.

    That candidate came in a close second to one advocating closer ties
    to Europe — another way of calling for greater independence from its
    big neighbor. On Friday, barely a week ahead of the runoff, Putin was
    in Ukraine again.

    In the language of international diplomacy this is known as
    interfering in another country's internal affairs. For Putin,
    however, it is an increasingly typical feature of what might be
    called Russia's soft imperialism.

    >>From the edges of a new Europe to the Caucasus to Central Asia, Putin
    is wielding Russia's considerable resources — and his personal clout
    — to keep those countries in what Russians call the "near abroad"
    under the sway, if not outright domination, of the Kremlin.

    He has used Russia's economic levers — above all, its oil and gas,
    often sold at discounts — to bind its neighbors into an ever tighter
    dependency. He has countered the U.S. military buildup in Central
    Asia after the Sept. 11 attacks with a buildup of Russian forces in
    Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.

    Separatist regions abetted

    In Moldova and Georgia, Russia has openly abetted separatist regions
    by refusing to keep its commitments to withdraw its troops. In
    Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia, it has also granted Russian
    citizenship to thousands who, technically, are citizens of other
    countries, an act that makes them candidates for the special
    attention of Kremlin diplomacy.

    Putin is not rebuilding the Soviet Union. But he is trying to forge
    an economic, social and military facsimile, with Moscow again at the
    core, in all but three of its former republics. The notable
    exceptions are the Baltic nations, which irrevocably severed the old
    chains and now belong to NATO and the European Union.

    Elsewhere, despite new national identities that took root after the
    Soviet collapse, he appears to be succeeding.

    "Russia is on its way to recover the degree of soft power the
    U.S.S.R. once enjoyed in its immediate sphere of influence," Fiona
    Hill, an expert with the Brookings Institution, wrote in a recent
    study for the Foreign Policy Center in London, referring to the
    economic power and cultural influence that once accompanied the far
    harder power of the troops and security apparatus that controlled the
    Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.

    Protecting interests

    It is no surprise that Putin, like any leader, would consider it his
    right to protect what he sees as the country's interests in its
    extensive back yard, especially now that the United States, the
    European Union, China and others are actively pursuing their own
    business and strategic interests there.

    But some of his policies and pronouncements have revived fears of
    Russia's long shadow. In Poland, a former Soviet satellite, a scandal
    has erupted over allegations of bribery and espionage involving a
    Russian agent and the country's largest oil company.

    "We are facing a restoration of the Russian empire through economic
    means," Zbigniew Siemiatkowski, the former Polish chief of
    intelligence, told a parliamentary inquiry last month.

    Indeed, the rebound of Russia's economy after the financial crisis of
    1998 has given Putin new leverage with which to counter the economic
    and political incentives the West is offering Ukraine, Georgia,
    Armenia, Azerbaijan and the countries of Central Asia to lure them
    out of Moscow's embrace.

    Russia has the advantage of proximity and old ties, as well as
    linguistic bonds, because Russian remains the language of commerce
    and diplomacy throughout the region. Even more important, it has oil
    and gas.

    As Stephen O'Sullivan, the head of research at the United Financial
    Group in Moscow, put it, "Oil and gas is what makes Russia important
    to a lot of the world."

    Reclaiming status

    Putin, who not long ago called the Soviet collapse a "national
    tragedy," is clearly eager to reclaim for Russia some of its status
    as a superpower. And there is more to it than economics. The
    perceived losses of the Baltics and, more recently, of Georgia have
    been treated in Russia as a blow to national prestige.

    That is what has made the outcome of Ukraine's election so evidently
    vital to Putin. Despite gaining independence in 1991, Ukraine retains
    deep ties to Russia because it spent centuries under Moscow's rule.
    Many Ukrainians are ethnic Russians.

    Now, President Leonid Kuchma's decision to step down after 10 years
    has opened up a fiercely contested fight over the country's future.
    Kuchma himself zigzagged between Russia and the West, but he has
    thrown his support to Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, who has made
    it clear he feels the country's interests lie to the east.

    And that makes Yanukovich the candidate favored by Putin over Victor
    Yushchenko, who wants to balance trade with Russia with expanded ties
    to Ukraine's European neighbors.

    "This election is not about Yushchenko or Yanukovich or even
    Ukraine," Hryhoriy Nemyria, director of the European Center for
    International Studies in Kiev, said in an interview after the first
    round of voting. "It's about Russia."

    He said a victory for Yushchenko in the runoff would amount to a
    public humiliation of Putin, at home and abroad.

    "The perception would be that Ukraine escaped, like Georgia," he
    said. "It would be like the escape of a little sister from the
