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Kosovo prelude to Georgia?

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  • Kosovo prelude to Georgia?

    Washington Times, DC
    Sept 7 2008

    Kosovo prelude to Georgia?

    James George Jatras
    Sunday, September 7, 2008


    In anticipation of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's recognition of
    the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, President Bush said
    "Georgia's territorial integrity and borders must command the same
    respect as every other nation's."

    Critics of Russia's action include Sens. Barack Obama, Joseph Biden
    and Joseph Lieberman; Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice; former
    United Nations Ambassador Richard Holbrooke; and many others in the
    bipartisan establishment.

    Among the specific criticisms are Russia's violation of the sovereign
    territory of Georgia, a fledgling democracy and a member of the United
    Nations; a disproportionate response to Georgian President Mikhail
    Saakashvili's attempt to settle South Ossetia's status by force,
    including Russian military operations well outside of South Ossetia;
    and Moscow's tardiness in withdrawing its forces under a deal brokered
    by French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

    Evidently irony is not much appreciated in Washington. It seems
    critics have forgotten President Bush's recognition of the
    independence of Kosovo, a province of democratic, U.N. member
    Serbia. President Bush's reference to "every other nation" whose
    "territorial integrity and borders must command the same respect"
    apparently has at least this one exception. If he can violate the
    United Nations Charter and the Helsinki Final Act, which guarantee
    sovereign borders, what right does he have to accuse others of doing
    the same?

    If Moscow stepped over the line in its crushing military response to
    Mr. Saakashvili's offensive, what do we call 78 straight days of
    NATO's bombing throughout Serbia, destroying most of that country's
    civilian infrastructure? If Russia is to be faulted for imperfect
    implementation of the Sarkozy agreement, what can be said about
    Washington's violation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244, which
    ended the 1999 Kosovo war and reaffirms Serbian sovereignty in the

    The standard reasons cited for making Serbia an exception to the rule
    we demand in Georgia is that NATO intervened to stop genocide of
    Kosovo's Albanians and that they will never again accept being part of
    Serbia. But after the war actual casualties among all ethnic groups -
    whether by military action, atrocities committed by both Serbs and
    Albanians, and the toll of NATO's bombing - proved to be far fewer
    than those cited in justification for the war. Compared to South
    Ossetia's much smaller population, mutual accusations of genocide
    against South Ossetians and Georgians, respectively, are
    proportionally larger than those at issue in Kosovo. And are South
    Ossetians and Abkhazians less adamant that they will not submit to
    Tbilisi's rule than Kosovo's Albanians are with respect to Belgrade?

    It also should be kept in mind that Kosovo's legal status is very
    different from that of entities in the former Soviet Union. Under the
    Yugoslav constitution - the same authority that justified the
    secession of Croatia, Slovenia, etc. - Kosovo, part of Serbia since
    before Yugoslavia was formed, has no legal claim to independence. In
    contrast, the 1990 Soviet law on secession - which was the legal basis
    of the independence of Union Republics such as Georgia - required that
    autonomous entities within their borders be allowed, via referenda, to
    remain in the Soviet Union, and by extension its successor, Russia.

    Thus, while Kosovo's status as part of Serbia is unquestionable, South
    Ossetia and Abkhazia can make a good case they were part of Soviet
    Georgia but never the current independent state of Georgia. (The same
    would apply to Transdniestria with respect to Moldova and
    Nagorno-Karabakh with respect to Azerbaijan. When will they follow

    By trashing the accepted international "rules of the road" on Kosovo,
    Washington has created what amounts to the rules of the jungle. Each
    power acts as it will, either to suppress restive minorities or to
    compromise other countries' borders: The United States tries to force
    Serbia to accept Kosovo's independence and pressures other countries
    (without much success) to recognize it; Georgia tries to subdue the
    Ossetians and the Abkhazians and fails; Russia moves to establish the
    Ossetians' and Abkhazians' independence and now also will try to
    secure wider recognition. In turn, the U.S.-supported separatist
    Kosovo Albanian administration itself threatens a miniature version of
    Mr. Saakashvili's South Ossetia offensive to subdue Serbian enclaves,
    where the remaining one-third of the province's prewar community finds
    refuge. Where does the logic of "big fish eat little fish" end?

    In Kosovo, Washington sowed the wind, and now Georgia has reaped the
    whirlwind. Only a return to the negotiating table to address
    comprehensively Kosovo, South Ossetia, Abkhazia and similar trouble
    spots elsewhere can prevent this malignant precedent from spinning
    further out of control with incalculable consequences for global peace
    and security. With each step down this road it will be harder to put
    the genie of might-makes-right back in the bottle.

    James George Jatras is a lawyer and director of the American Council
    for Kosovo in Washington, an activity of Squire Sanders Public
    Advocacy, LLC, and Global Strategic Communications Group, which are
    registered agents for the Serbian National Council of Kosovo and
    Metohija. Mr. Jatras formerly served as a foreign policy analyst of
    the U.S. Senate Republican leadership. sep/07/kosovo-prelude-to-georgia/