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Karen Tchougourian Wows Melbourne Seniors With His Piano Virtuosity

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  • Karen Tchougourian Wows Melbourne Seniors With His Piano Virtuosity

    By Maura O'Neal

    Advocate Weekly
    S ept 11 2008

    Photo: Karen Tchougourian Classical pianist Karen Tchougourian is so
    popular at EPOCH Assisted

    PITTSFIELD - When Karen Tchougourian, an accomplished classical
    pianist, performs for the residents and guests of EPOCH Assisted
    Living at Melbourne, he brings no sheet music.

    Yet, for more than an hour each month, he dazzles the audience with
    complicated classical pieces he has successfully played in high-level
    competitions around the world.

    Born and raised in Yerevan, Armenia, Tchougourian has been playing
    the piano since the age of 7. He has played in major venues from his
    native Yerevan to Carnegie Hall in New York City. His competitive
    efforts have paid off with top prizes in the Mozart International
    Competition, the Schumann Piano Competition and the Arkansas State
    University Piano Competition, among other awards.

    Through his piano virtuosity and humble comportment, Tchougourian
    has established a fan club of sorts among the residents at EPOCH of
    Melbourne, where he has been playing nearly every month for more than
    two years. (His next performance is Oct. 3.)

    "I love to just watch him play. His hands are so graceful," said
    Gertrude Treat, a resident at EPOCH.

    Tchougourian's performances have taken on a special importance
    for residents of Melbourne. They look forward to his concerts, and
    Tchougourian himself has noticed how audience members are rejuvenated
    and energized after an afternoon's performance.

    Unwilling to name a specific performance that was especially memorable,

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    said he strives to make every performance special. If he isn't moved by
    every performance, he doesn't feel like his audience will be, either.

    "It's a two-way street," he said. "As much as the residents enjoy it,
    I get a kick out of it myself, too."

    To keep his performances fresh, Tchougourian improvises on popular
    songs from the East and West.

    "I'm open to many styles and try to mix a variety of styles into my
    performances," he said. He blends classical pieces with Broadway
    standards and his own arrangements of popular music from many
    different eras.

    Tchougourian challenges himself to learn one or two new songs for
    each performance, but also recognizes that audiences enjoy hearing
    some familiar pieces as well. Treat has requested "Jesu, Joy of Man's
    Desiring" several times, and Tchougourian always happily obliges.

    As far as arriving to play with no sheet music, Tchougourian explained
    with a soft laugh, "So far I haven't had any problems remembering
    the songs. I just have a hard time thinking what to play next."

    Many EPOCH residents would be pleased if Tchougourian performed more
    than just once a month.

    "I wouldn't miss a performance for the world," said resident Irving
    Zinberg, for whom a birthday performance was especially memorable. "It
    was his usual, excellent piano playing. I was very grateful for the
    birthday gift." That gift? Tchougourian played an Armenian song -
    Zinberg's birthday request.

    Zinberg and Treat are certainly not alone in their
    sentiments. Tchougourian plays to near-capacity crowds in EPOCH at
    Melbourne's great room, where he tickles the ivories of the majestic
    grand piano, located just beneath a wall of large bay windows that
    open up to the breathtaking Berkshire landscape behind him.

    "When Karen performs, the music fills the atrium and flows from our
    great room throughout the first floor. Even if you're not in the room,
    you're surrounded by this beautiful music," said Diane Weinstein,
    executive director of EPOCH at Melbourne. "It's wonderful."

    Karen Tchougourian will play at 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 3, at EPOCH
    Assisted Living, 140 Melbourne Road, Pittsfield. The public is
    invited and the concert is free, but reservations are requested. Info: