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Book Review: Who Gets In: And What Happens Once They're Here

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  • Book Review: Who Gets In: And What Happens Once They're Here

    by Peter Skerry

    The Weekly Standard
    September 15, 2008 Monday

    The New Case Against Immigration
    Both Legal and Illegal
    by Mark Krikorian
    Sentinel, 304 pp., $25.95

    The New Case Against Immigration lives up to its title. Mark Krikorian,
    executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, Washington's
    most respected restrictionist voice, has produced a radical but
    constructively provocative case for the fundamental incompatibility of
    mass immigration with mature modern societies. Arguing that America
    has outgrown mass immigration, he mounts a frontal assault on all
    its forms-legal as well as illegal, skilled as well as unskilled.

    One does not have to agree with Krikorian to see that this is no
    screed by a neo-Malthusian doomsayer, or nativist zealot. Neither
    does it bear any trace of the outraged naivete that characterizes so
    much restrictionist commentary. The grandson of Armenian immigrants,
    Krikorian has produced a well-researched, policy savvy book whose
    comprehensiveness and verve ought to embarrass Washington's major
    think tanks, which veer between narrowly technical and evasively
    high-minded approaches to the topic.

    At the core of Krikorian's analysis is his refrain: "It's not
    the immigrants, it's us." He explicitly rejects the view that
    immigrants today, especially Hispanics, are unwilling or unable to
    assimilate. Rather, he argues that they are not assimilating because
    multicultural elites are encouraging them not to, through such
    misguided policies as foreign-language ballots, bilingual education,
    ethnic studies programs, and dual citizenship. He also emphasizes
    how Spanish-language electronic media and easy air travel back home
    similarly retard assimilation.

    Yet these familiar points do not represent Krikorian's strongest
    suit. In fact, he ignores abundant evidence that, despite such
    multicultural efforts, Hispanic immigrants and their children are
    learning English and adopting American values. And while he correctly
    highlights the potential problems posed by huge concentrations of
    immigrants from one social, cultural, linguistic group (Hispanics),
    Krikorian goes too far when he asserts that its largest component,
    Mexican immigrants and their offspring, is "marginalized from the
    American mainstream."

    Nevertheless, Krikorian dismisses restrictionist nightmares about
    Chicano radicals bringing about a reconquista by Mexico of territory
    lost to the United States in 1848. Readily acknowledging "the genuine
    American patriotism of millions of Hispanic citizens," he prudently
    chooses not to obsess about Mexican flags at street demonstrations
    and soccer games. "There will be no secession of the Southwest from
    the Union," he concludes. Yet he does insist that the loyalty of
    Hispanics "doesn't change the fact that Mexico is already actively
    involved in American domestic politics ostensibly on their behalf." He
    argues persuasively that, while Americans are not paying attention,
    Mexico is advancing its own national agenda based on its sense of
    historical grievance, demanding for Mexican citizens in the United
    States, and even for Mexican Americans, prerogatives and rights
    that are not enjoyed by Mexico's own foreign nationals, and even
    naturalized citizens. Yet again, Krikorian pushes the point too
    far when he concludes: "In a modern society there are two choices:
    mass immigration accompanied by a progressive loss of sovereignty,
    or protection of sovereignty through limits on immigration."

    Similarly strained is Krikorian's perspective on immigration and
    national security. He is certainly correct to dismiss the foolish
    rhetoric that "there's no relationship between immigration and
    terrorism." Usefully, he shows how Homeland Security is overwhelmed by
    the monitoring of the entry and exit of millions of individuals every
    year. Emphasizing the customer service mentality that seeks to keep
    the traffic moving with minimal delays, he again stresses that the
    problem is not immigrants, but us. Focusing on America's failure to
    grasp the full implications of today's asymmetric warfare, he argues
    that immigrant communities are potential staging areas for terrorists.

    This is undoubtedly true, but is that the end of the story? For
    example, he never considers the evidence that Muslim Americans can
    be valuable assets in the struggle against Islamist terrorists.

    Krikorian is on more solid footing when addressing the demographic
    implications of immigration. He points out that because immigrants only
    slightly increase America's fertility rate, they reduce the average age
    of the population minimally. So immigrants won't solve America's Social
    Security problems. Nevertheless, they do contribute significantly to
    overall population growth, which he regards as too high to sustain
    Americans' present quality of life: "The real population question
    for Americans is not whether a Malthusian catastrophe awaits us but
    rather what kind of life we will bequeath to our grandchildren."

    Krikorian is particularly deft when analyzing the impact of immigration
    on government spending. He lays out the data demonstrating conclusively
    that immigrants are a net fiscal burden, now and in the foreseeable
    future, especially at the state and local levels. As have others,
    he points out that one-fourth of those without health insurance
    are immigrants. But digging deeper, he points out that most of the
    growth in the uninsured is traceable to immigrants. He invokes Milton
    Friedman's observation that "you can't have free immigration and a
    welfare state." But unlike many free-marketeers and libertarians,
    he rejects the notion that immigration can be used to undermine the
    welfare state. Self-conscious realist that he is, Krikorian sees that
    Americans lack the political will to deny social welfare benefits to
    immigrants and their children, pointing to failed efforts to do so amid
    welfare reform during the 1990s. As he concludes, "Walling immigrants
    off from government benefits once we've let them in is a fantasy."

    Most compelling is Krikorian's analysis of the economic impact of
    immigration. Drawing on the research of economist George Borjas
    and others, he demonstrates that immigrants represent an increasing
    proportion of the poor, and that the income gap between immigrants
    and natives has been widening, while the children of immigrants have
    been making gains relative to their parents but earning less than
    other Americans. One result is increased competition at the bottom of
    the labor market between immigrants and unskilled American workers,
    especially African Americans-though Krikorian is careful to note that
    this is hardly the only problem confronting poor blacks. Finally, he
    argues that the huge influx of unskilled immigrants is discouraging
    investment in innovative technologies that increase productivity.

    Reading Krikorian's uncompromising critique, one cannot help but
    wonder what drastic policy recommendations will follow. Yet his
    actual proposals fall far short of his radical views. Relying on a
    "zero-based budgeting" approach to the question of how many legal
    immigrants to admit annually, he comes up with 400,000-less than
    half the approximately one million we have been admitting in recent
    years. To achieve this, he would limit family-based admittances
    to spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens, excluding parents,
    adult siblings, and the adult children of legal residents and citizens.

    To support his "pro-immigrant policy of low immigration," he urges
    increased funding for immigration services, including expanded
    English-language instruction and the establishment of immigrant welcome
    centers. As for the 12 million or more illegals here, he rejects mass
    deportations but also opposes any kind of amnesty, proposing instead
    "attrition through enforcement"-that is, rigorous application of
    existing immigration laws, especially in the nation's interior. Over
    time, he maintains, illegals here would leave and subsequent newcomers
    would be discouraged from coming.

    None of these recommendations will pass muster with immigration
    advocates or their sympathizers-or with rabid restrictionists,
    for that matter. But the main problem with Krikorian's proposals
    is that they fly in the face of his own analysis. If immigration
    is fundamentally at odds with contemporary America-weakening the
    nation fiscally and economically, squeezing the most vulnerable of
    our citizens, and threatening our sovereignty-then surely 400,000
    immigrants a year is still too many.

    Krikorian identifies himself as a conservative addressing "Americans in
    the patriotic mainstream, liberal and conservative." But his approach
    might be more aptly described as a curious blend of populism and
    technocratic policy-wonkery. On the populist side, he articulates
    a defense of "the revealed preferences" and "natural" choices of
    millions of ordinary Americans whose freely made decisions are
    being "artificially" controverted by their government's immigration
    policy. He sees immigration overwhelming the stable or slow population
    growth resulting from "the reproductive free market" in which Americans
    have opted for small families. And while he does not defend suburban
    sprawl when driven by increased population pressures from immigrants,
    he does insofar as it results from choices made available to Americans
    by technology and affluence.

    Up to a point, this stance is prudent, even admirable. Too many
    Americans today feel besieged by immigrants, while their grievances
    are ignored or smugly dismissed by elites. But surely Krikorian pushes
    his populist perspective too far when he opposes skilled immigration
    on the grounds that it would hurt the earnings of college-educated
    Americans. This is a concern, to be sure; but he never explains why
    such relatively well-off Americans should be shielded from competitive
    global labor markets.

    In Krikorian's view, America's immigration policy is a vast social
    engineering project overseen by transnational elites insulated from
    popular pressure. In the one faint echo here of Lou Dobbs, Krikorian
    invokes the specter of a remote, out-of-touch government that makes
    contemporary America sound like pre-revolutionary Russia. Yet while
    elites have behaved irresponsibly, they have not simply foisted mass
    immigration on the American people. Krikorian underestimates the extent
    to which immigration is tied to our understanding of ourselves as a
    nation. This self-image is rooted in history and ideology, but also
    embedded in the fabric of daily life. In this regard it is telling
    that he never addresses the perspective, most elegantly put forward by
    MIT economist Michael Piore, that far from being a threat to modern
    societies, immigrants are essential-not merely because they work for
    less, but because their flexibility and drive overcome the rigidities
    and constraints arising from affluence and entitlement.

    At some level, Krikorian must understand this-hence, his goal of
    400,000 immigrants annually. Yet rather than articulate a broad
    rationale capable of sustaining responses to the inevitable demands
    for fewer (or more) immigrants, he arrives at this number with the
    spare logic of an accountant. Such is the curious nature of Krikorian's
    technocratic populism, which is extremely well informed about policy
    details, but tone-deaf and too reactive to sustain a new direction
    for U.S. immigration policy.

    For example, Krikorian holds up Japan as a low-migration society from
    which the United States has much to learn. Arguing that America's
    reliance on low-skilled immigrants retards innovation, he points
    admiringly to Japan's advances in robotics. Yet he fails to consider
    the myriad ways in which Japan's antipathy to immigrants and foreigners
    reflects a way of life quite antithetical to fundamental American
    values. Certainly those millions of freedom-loving, patriotic Americans
    feeling squeezed by immigrants are not going to be drawn to Japan as
    any kind of model.

    Similarly cramped is Krikorian's reasoning about illegals. He
    rejects mass roundups and deportations because of the fiscal cost,
    the economic disruption, the ability of immigrants' rights attorneys
    to derail such efforts, and the pervasive media presence that would
    broadcast the inevitable missteps. Completely missing is any suggestion
    that mass deportations might be unfair to a significant number of
    people. Krikorian simply fails to consider that immigrants who live
    and raise families here might, over time, come to have claims on this
    society. These are complicated and emotional questions, too often
    pushed toward a predictable open-borders conclusion by advocates and
    their sympathizers. Nevertheless, these are more wrenching dilemmas
    for many Americans than Krikorian's cold logic allows.

    Finally, Krikorian proposes a limit of 50,000 humanitarian admittances
    (refugees, asylum-seekers, and others) per year-about half what we
    have typically been accepting, at least before 9/11. The problem
    is not that the figure seems too low or too rigid, but once again,
    that it is too narrowly arrived at. Krikorian seems to have opted for
    this number because it was the target set by the Refugee Act of 1980,
    not because it somehow speaks to the larger question of why a nation
    like the United States accepts refugees. Nor does he offer any broader
    exploration of how doing so might be central to American ideals or
    responsibilities as the most powerful nation on earth. Indeed, he
    does not even acknowledge these dimensions of America's refugee policy.

    These days the New York Times clearly believes that immigration policy
    can be reformed on the basis of the genuinely wrenching personal
    tragedies that it features almost daily. Serious analysts might well
    react in frustration. Yet melodrama and moralism must not be permitted
    to obscure the moral underpinnings of this nation's immigration
    policy. In this regard, the limitations of Krikorian's perspective
    are clear. Still, those who reject his perspective would do well to
    provide as sober and reasoned an articulation of their own position.

    Peter Skerry teaches political science at Boston College and is
    a non-resident fellow at the Brookings Institution and the Kenan
    Institute for Ethics at Duke.