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Christian-Muslim Conversations Seek Cooperation And Understanding

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  • Christian-Muslim Conversations Seek Cooperation And Understanding


    16 Oct 2008

    The World Council of Churches (WCC), together with a number of
    Christian world communions, the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) and
    the Roman Catholic Church are expecting some 50 church leaders and
    experts on Christian-Muslim dialogue to attend a consultation from
    18 to 20 October in Chavannes-de-Bogis, outside Geneva, Switzerland.

    The aim of the consultation is to provide a space for churches and
    communions to share their initiatives and theological resources
    for engaging with Muslims, and to identify substantial issues for
    Christian theology in relation to Christian-Muslim dialogue.

    Among the expected outcomes of the consultation is to consider ways
    to articulate a Christian theological understanding of dialogue
    with Islam and identify theological issues that are pertinent to
    Christian self-understanding in relation to Islam. To achieve this, the
    consultation will consider input from different Christians traditions
    and from the experience of churches in different parts of the world,
    including Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

    Catholicos Aram I, head of the Armenian Apostolic Church (See of
    Cilicia), will be the key-note speaker at the consultation. Already
    as moderator of the WCC Central Committee from 1991 to 2006, Aram I
    gave considerable leadership to the Council's work on interreligious
    dialogue and coooperation.

    The meeting brings together representatives of the WCC fellowship
    of member churches, councils of churches and communions of churches,
    including the Anglican Communion, the Disciples Ecumenical Consultative
    Council (Christian Churches), the Friends World Committee for
    Consultation, the International Old-Catholic Bishops Conference,
    the Lutheran World Federation, the Reformed Ecumenical Council, the
    World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the World Methodist Council.

    The consultation emerged from an ecumenical process of response to
    A Common Word, a letter signed by 138 Muslim scholars and addressed
    to Christian leaders around the world, which was launched by the WCC
    in 2007. This process includes the release of the document "Learning
    to Explore Love Together," which encourages WCC member churches to
    be in dialogue with Muslims in their local communities.

    This event builds on a series of dialogues between Christians and
    Muslims, including a high-profile conference at Cambridge University
    ending today, hosted by the archbishop of Canterbury, as well as a
    meeting at Yale University in July.

    Since the letter was released, Christian leaders from the Catholic,
    Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant and Evangelical traditions have been
    working with Muslims to organize a series of dialogue events and
    consultations which are scheduled through 2010.

    What is unique about the consultation taking place from 18 to 20
    October is the space it provides for developing, ecumenically, a
    common Christian theological understanding of dialogue with Islam
    and the implications for Christian-Muslim dialogue today.

    WCC programme on Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation: s/interreligiousdialogue.html

    "A Common Word between You and Us", a Muslim letter to Christian

    WCC commentary "Learning to explore love together":