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Turntable Activism: Smoked Turkey

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  • Turntable Activism: Smoked Turkey

    By Alex Kantrowitz

    Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun 2008/11/21/turntable-activism
    Nov 21 2008

    ISTANBUL -- In an undeniable milestone for the civil rights struggle
    earlier this month, Barack Obama was elected President of the United
    States of America. His victory was much more than just a triumph
    for equality, but, there's no denying the symbolic importance it
    brings in that respect. For years, activists in America have fought,
    and sometimes given their lives, in pursuit of making the promise
    outlined in our Declaration of Independence, that all are created
    equal, a reality instead of just a guideline. When our 44th President
    took that stage in Bryant Park, the promise never looked so valid.

    We find ourselves in interesting times. On one side of the globe we
    have seen a great victory for human rights. Here in Turkey, however,
    and in other places similar to it, we find that great challenges still
    exist. While a fight on one side of the globe is closer to nearing
    its completion than ever before, others around it see victory as
    something helplessly far away.

    In recent weeks, Turkey's fight for human rights has been set back yet
    again. In a conversation with Omer Madra, the founder of Acik Radyo
    (a social force pushing for open society on the streets of Turkey)
    I discussed some distressing developments in this country.

    For instance, Turkey has seen a strong movement of its ruling AK Parti
    (AKP) towards the dominant military. As reported last month by Turkish
    Daily Taraf; the military sat and watched as Kurdish fighters prepared
    a serious attack on one of its bases. Perhaps, it is supposed by the
    newspaper (and indeed many others who have followed the situation),
    that the military allowed the attack in order to strike down harder
    on the Kurds.

    What has been surprising, Madra told me, was the military's weak
    denial of Taraf's accusations and the subsequent defense of the
    military by AKP leadership. By aligning with the military in this
    sense, it is likely that the AKP is making a play for goodwill --
    this even though the military's influence almost led to a ban of the
    party this summer. Either way, the beginning of a long few weeks was
    underway; more strong anti-minority positions were yet to come.

    The next move came in Brussels last week as AKP Defense minister
    Vecdi Gönul told a crowd that the elimination of Greeks and Armenians
    from within Turkey's borders helped turn Turkey into the nation state
    that it is today. Said Madra, this is essentially a declaration that
    genocide was part of Turkish state building.

    These moves are alarming steps in the wrong direction for Turkey. For
    years, Kurds and Armenians have fought to be seen as equal citizens
    (and for recognition of the Armenian Genocide) yet, the situation has
    become increasingly difficult. Sometimes the government here seems
    almost schizophrenic, reaching out to Armenians one day and then
    making statements such as that mentioned above the next. Whichever
    way you look at it, one disgusting statement is often enough to erode
    years of reconciliatory overture.

    Where is the hope? It comes through people like Madra. In a country
    where people will go to prison for airing views contrary to the
    liking of the state, he has started a radio station which insists
    on openness. His programs advocate issues such as human rights and
    climate control and will go to the wall for causes it believes in
    (Madra himself has sat in prison).

    In our talk, he constantly repeated his sorrow over the loss of Hrant
    Dink, a slain Armenian Turkish journalist who was a dear friend of
    his, and is seemingly still in shock over his death. How could he not
    be? The man who shared the same passion for equality and fought that
    same fight alongside Madra, was gunned down by a teenage nationalist
    last year.

    Madra's solace, however, comes in his causes and his victories. Today,
    while still advocating for equality in Turkey, Madra finds himself
    a leading (if not the leading) advocate on global warming in the
    country. He has spoken at hundreds of rallies and lectures and leads
    the fight for Turkish awareness on the issue. With a steel resolve
    he does not relent, knowing all too well what is at stake if he is
    to fail.

    After spending a few hours at the station, I prepared to leave. Before
    my exit though, Madra asked me to return and spend a morning with
    him on his program. Still missing my weekly slot on WVBR and excited
    about what had previously been told to me about the station, I agreed

    I had heard about the honor of being on Acik from Stephen
    Kinzer, former bureau chief of the NY Times here in Istanbul. In a
    conversation with him earlier this year he had pointed me in Madra's
    direction. Kinzer, while here, had hosted a blues show on the station
    and filtered in political talk as he went on. In closing his tremendous
    book on Turkey, "Crescent and Star," Kinzer speaks of an imaginary
    monologue which he would have loved to have given on the air. The words
    speak of a Turkey which has gotten past the troubles of today. He tells
    those who have kept the old order that, in this new world, "The state
    is slipping from your grasp, the people marching away from you." And,
    "a new Turkey is being born before your eyes."

    The birth, however, has yet to take place. While much promise remains,
    it is still just that, tangible yet unfulfilled. What we saw earlier
    this month showed us that the impossible is now possible, perhaps now
    that message will reverberate throughout the world. It's time to let
    stations like Acik go back to playing music.

    Alex Kantrowitz is a senior in the College of Arts and Sciences. He
    is writing from Istanbul, Turkey this semester. Check out
    his blog at Smoked Turkey for further coverage. Smoked Turkey
    appears alternate Fridays this semester. Alex may be contacted at
    [email protected]

    --Boundary_(ID_a/j7 vUizU/2TVmZgOCv/IA)--

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress