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NKR: Consolidation Of The Armenians - Imperative

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  • NKR: Consolidation Of The Armenians - Imperative


    Azat Artsakh Daily
    27 Nov 08
    Republic of Nagorno Karabakh [NKR]

    On September 27, in Los Angeles under the aegis of "Hayastan"
    all-Armenian Fund the next telethon will start for the purpose of
    providing means for realization of programs of socio-economic character
    in Armenia and Artsakh. It's necessary to say, that it's the thirteenth
    yearly humanitarian share of "Hayastan" Fund: the first was collection
    of contributions for construction of "Goris-Stepanakert" 64 km long
    main motor highway, which is called by the people "the way of life".

    This highway, which is the unique hopeful ground way connecting
    Karabakh with Armenia and outer world is a successful work fully
    justifying its name.

    Last years, owing to "Hayastan" Fund, various programs directed not
    only to postwar restoration of the republic, but to its socio-economic
    development were realized in NKR. Construction of "North-West"
    highway of 169 km long, which has given a chance to connect all
    NKR administrative regions to each other, belongs also to the range
    of strategic problems.It's important to note, that if not all the
    programs of the Fund bear "strategic" epithet, so it humbles in no
    way their significance in comparison with more important, really,
    strategic problems.

    And it's natural, as in20conditions of the conflict's nonsettlement
    with Azerbaijan, for Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, it continues to be
    threat to its de-facto independence, here cannot be trifles, and all
    the programs in practice take startegic turn.All these, certainly, are
    of imortant socio-economic and political significance, as successful
    realization of each program creates a hopeful basis for solution of
    next urgent problems and progressive and dinamic development of the
    republic. If we study the list of programs realized by the Fund, ,
    so we can notice, that their spectrum is rather wide.It's restoration
    and construction of dwellings and schools, health service and cultural
    objects, creation of road substructures, assistance to the development
    of agrarian part and watersupply system and so on. That is, a whole
    complex of socio-economic problems embraced in one "Artsakh's revival"
    united program, the realization of which will give a chance to reach
    to the solution of demographical problem.Because it's obvious, that
    without realization of this vital, we may say, fundamental political
    program, all other programs lose their sense, otherwise, existance
    of Artsakh will be called in question.We think, that we'll not be
    mistaken, if we call "strategic" the idea underlined the activity of
    "Hayastan" all-Armenian Fund in the name of solution of all-Armenian
    problems. It's quite obvious, that realization of natio nal purposes,
    purposes among which are particularly strengthening of statehood of
    independent Republic of Armenia, international recognition of the
    Armenians' genocide in 1915, securing of NKR safety and protection
    of its vital interests, demand solidarity of efforts and potential of
    Armenia, Diaspora and Artsakh. And it's necessary to say, that certain
    successes have been acquired on this way. It's understandable, that
    NKR by its chances can hardly compared with Armenia and Diaspora in
    sense of political econimical potential.But it doesn't mean at all,
    that it must sit with folded arms and request assistance from other
    part of the Armenians.And it doesn't essentially sit. It,s true,
    in initial stage, Nagorno-Karabakh exhausted by the war, really
    needed all-round assistance, which took a humanitarian turn. But
    later on, after strengthening, the republic decided itself to refuse
    from tutorship and suggested to pass from humanitarian programs to
    developing programs. In the circles of the current share on November
    18, the contribution began in the republic. For making a contribution
    in the work of its development the testimony of Nagorno-Karabakh's
    readiness is the fact, taht the people's psychology is changed, and
    the number of Karabakh participants of the telethon and the sizes of
    the contributions made by them grow year by year.

    Many bodies of institutions and educational institutions have
    stated about readi ness for making their contributions. Because
    today humanitarian means transfered to on account of "Hayastan"
    Fund tommorrow will be returned to the people. So they will work
    for political and economical strengthening of Nagorno-Karabakh
    republic, for its steady future. Only in all the senses the strong
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic will be able to confront to the modern,
    quickly changed world's war-calls.