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    GIBRAHAYER e-Magazine
    March 4, 2009

    28th of February 2009 Paris - France

    Mr. President, We, the Pro Edvcatio* worldwide International movement,
    read the three press releases - namely that of an AGBU (Armenian
    General Benevolent Union) based in New York, USA, issued on the 6th of
    February 2009, and those of the Melkonian Alumni Association of Cyprus
    and the Melkonian Alumni & Friends of Los Angeles CA, USA. Issued
    respectively the 10th and 11th of February 2009 and published in
    the Gibrahayer e-magazine all of the three press releases being on
    the subject of the MEI (the Melkonian Educational Institute based in
    Nicosia -Cyprus) crisis.

    The president of the above-mentioned AGBU Mr Berj Setrakian and one
    of his fellow members Mr Benon Sevan of Nicosia met with you in your
    office on the 22nd of January, as well as with the President of the
    House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus Mr Marios Garoyian,
    the same day, and the Minister of Education and Culture Dr Andreas
    Demetrios, the House Representative Mr Takis Hadjigeorghiou and the
    Executive Dean of the University of Nicosia Dr Nicos Peristianis,
    the 23rd of January. The agenda of these meetings was about the
    MEI property as well as the past, present and future projects of
    their AGBU.

    Our20analyses, of the contents of those three press releases engender
    the following questions and remarks:

    Do you think that an AGBU has the legitimacy to deal with such matters
    and projects that involve the complete alteration and the dismantlement
    of MEI?

    Did your office make the necessary inquiries to ascertain the limits
    of your visitors' legal rights and their legitimacy?

    Do you think that, in an "Etat de Droit", the legality could prevail
    over legitimacy for the above mentioned topics?

    Do you think that Cultural Communities of Western Armenians - citizens
    of several sovereign countries, amongst which the Republic of Cyprus -
    could be considered the colonies of the Republic of Armenia or might
    be represented by a philanthropic organisation such as an AGBU?

    Do you think that friendly - even excellent - relations between the
    Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Armenia could override the
    protection and the development of the Western Armenian Language and
    its cultural identity, for which the Republic of Cyprus has signed
    an International treaty (EU, No.148) Do you think that a library and
    /or a cultural centre alone without a school such as MEI providing
    the necessary level of language skills suffice for the development
    of the Western Armenian in Cyprus and in other countries?

    Should the answer to the preceding question be yes, then the subsequent
    question is: when will all the schools of different cultural identities
    in Cyprus be annihilated, for the sake of a library and a cultural
    or research center?

    Western Armenian values are different from eastern ones and that
    according to the Constitution of Cyprus Mr Vartkes Mahdessian is the
    consultative member of the House of Representatives of the Republic
    of Cyprus charged at state level with issues related to the Armenians
    in Cyprus. How can then the absence of the Armenian Representative be
    explained when aforementioned visitors of AGBU met with you and with
    other high ranking officials of Cyprus trying to discuss projects
    that concern MEI and All Armenians' worldwide Diaspora?

    Does the absence of the Official Representative of Armenian Cypriots
    imply that his competency is restricted to the taking care of the
    reparation of Ledra Palace Armenian Cemetery and he can be kept away
    from meetings where MEI and issues of concern to all Armenians are
    discussed with the representatives of an AGBU?

    Shouldn't MEI be reopened to carry out its vital educational mission
    as a Western Armenian International Boarding High School, given that
    education is above all a Human Rights issue and it is not a negotiable
    matter for financial considerations, whoever the negotiators are and
    whatever their past or present qualifications or competencies may be?

    Mr. President, we would be obliged to receive your answers to the
    above questions, before drawing our conclu sions.

    Sincerely Yours, Dr. Art Maranci - MA-USA Dr Vartan Ozinian - Secretary
    General Spokesman for Pro Edvcatio

    *P R O E D V C A T I O is a Worldwide International movement which
    deals with educational matters - taking into consideration social,
    economic and political dimensions of the cultural dynamics - together
    with geopolitical realities and related strategies for the development
    of human resources, respectful to legitimacy and legal conditions. The
    Pro Edvcatio's G R T A S S E R E is a panel - constituted by ad hoc
    Armenians of Diaspora and non-Armenians - which deals with Armenian
    educational issues.