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Barack Obama: Deceiver In Chief

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  • Barack Obama: Deceiver In Chief

    By Kevin Field

    The Simon lling_stories/ ml
    March 4 2009

    Our left-leaning columnist now regrets his vote for President Obama.

    My name is Kevin Field, and I'm a recovering Obamaniac. (Or Obamamaniac
    - I've never been told which is the correct usage.) I helped elect
    Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States... but now I'm
    starting to think my friends at and
    are right: Barack Obama is a fraud!

    Over the last two years, the rise of Barack Obama as a legitimate
    Presidential candidate thrilled me to my core. For the first time
    in our nation's history, we had actual proof that our inherently
    bigoted culture had thrown off the shackles of slavery and come
    to love all things African-American. With each rise of Barack in
    the polls, America proved herself to be less and less racist. That
    was a beautiful thing to experience. And if my favored candidate,
    Dennis Kucinich, was proving to be less than viable in the polling,
    at least we could get behind the inspiration of Barack Obama.

    And I did my part as a good citizen to support him. I bought two
    bumper stickers - one for my Prius and another for the frame of my
    mountain bike. I signed up for email updates from his campaign. I
    told a neighbor I'd let them put an Obama yard sign on my front
    lawn. I even purchased three Obama t-shirts and wore them to work on
    every single casual Friday over the course of three months... when
    my company's Employee Code of Conduct expressly forbids political
    speech. Yet I risked my own livelihood to show support for Barack
    Obama. That is dedication. My blood, sweat and tears helped lead him
    to the White House.

    But now that the honeymoon is over, ask yourself: what has Obama
    done? What has he honestly done to improve our country, other than give
    a decent speech? He's already had one month in office to make good on
    his campaign promises, but we've seen precious little in return. He's
    been all about the economy, twenty-four hours a day, just like any
    good little capitalist. (I've got news for you: all it takes to solve
    our economic malaise is progressive taxation on corporations and the
    top one percent of wage earners. And I'm not even an economist.)

    While it pains me to do this, we need to take a sampling of promises
    President Obama made during the campaign that he's already broken, in
    order that we may shine light into the darkness, and bring attention
    to his lies:

    Leave Iraq. The issue that got him elected, Obama made clear that
    the American occupation of sovereign Iraq was a mistake that we were
    no longer willing to pay with our nation's blood and treasure. But
    surprise! While he recently said he "wants" to leave by the end
    of 2010 (hardly the immediate withdrawal he had hinted at in his
    speeches), there is supposedly going to be a force of up to 50,000
    troops assisting the Iraqis after that, for years to come. Sorry!

    Sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. I
    know the United States isn't fond of making nice with the UN, but it's
    already March 2009. What's the delay? The disabled have rights. We need
    to stand up in support of those who can't stand up themselves. Because
    of their disabilities.

    Improve high school graduation rates. As someone who was lucky enough
    to receive a first-rate education at home, I can still understand
    that not everyone is lucky enough to have loving parents/partners
    invest their time and effort teaching their children. Nonetheless,
    it is schooling, no matter where and how it's accomplished, that
    is the only way to allow a teenage flower to bloom. So this is an
    issue near and dear to my heart. Yet it clearly isn't a priority
    for the President, as evinced by the fact that his own Department
    of Education has so far refused my repeated requests for the 2009
    graduation rates. What's the matter, Barack? Got something to hide?

    Double the Peace Corps. Now, to be clear, I didn't take part in the
    Peace Corps, nor do I know anyone who did. But traveling the world and
    meeting people has always sounded like a good idea to me. And yet Obama
    has yet to make good on his offer to increase the Peace Corps by 200
    percent - another broken promise. (I'm not sure that math is correct,
    as my dads focused my learning on social justice... and rightly so.)

    Seek a Code of Conduct for space-faring nations. This idea didn't
    get a lot of traction during the campaign. Admittedly it's a bit
    "out there." But if we're ever going to bring the glorious future
    that Gene Roddenberry envisioned in Star Trek to life, America needs
    to take the initiative and develop a workable treaty to govern how
    the nations of the earth interact in space. It's the first step in
    creating a workable Starfleet. But again: nothing from Team Obama.

    Recognize the Armenian genocide. You may not care about this issue,
    but I'll tell you who does: Armenians. Sadly, I guess the Armenian
    lobby isn't powerful enough in Washington D.C. (or perhaps the Turkish
    lobby is too powerful, I don't know) to motivate action on this issue,
    and thus: another promise broken!

    And those are just off the top of my head. If I could get my Internet
    connection working, I'm sure I could come up with many more.

    It's becoming increasingly clear that Barack Obama would say anything
    to get elected... just like any other politician. Which is a shame. If
    he doesn't plan on honoring the myriad promises he made in seeking
    election, we need to consider action. I don't know what that action
    would be yet - in our very flawed two-party system, even if we managed
    to impeach him for breaking his word, or replace him with someone else
    in four months, much less four years... we'd very likely get someone
    even worse - Gods forbid, someone like Jeb Bush. Another creature of
    political habit who only excels at one thing: getting elected. At
    least by electing Obama, we've proved we aren't racist; perhaps we
    can replace him with a woman and prove we're no longer sexist either.)

    That is most certainly not "change you can believe in." How do you
    sleep, Mister Obama?