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Congressmen Call For Strengthening Restrictions On US Aid To Azerbai

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  • Congressmen Call For Strengthening Restrictions On US Aid To Azerbai


    26.03.2009 14:36

    Yerevan (Yerkir) - With Congressional appropriators in the early stages
    of crafting the Fiscal Year 2010 foreign aid bill, Congressional
    Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL)
    earlier today urged their House colleagues to join with them in
    backing the inclusion of a series of provisions aimed at strengthening
    U.S. ties to Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh, and bolstering the prospects
    for regional peace, reported the Armenian National Committee of America

    "We commend the leadership of Representatives Pallone and Kirk in
    ensuring that the foreign aid bill reflects America's support for
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabagh and furthers our nation's efforts to
    ensure a fair and lasting peace in the Caucasus region," stated
    ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. "We look forward to working
    toward the adoption of the vital foreign aid priorities outlined in
    the letter sent today by the Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs."

    In a March 24th "Dear Colleague" letter, Members of Congress were
    encouraged to co-sign a letter to Foreign Operations Subcommittee
    Chairwoman Nita Lowey (D-NY), a longstanding supporter of the U.S.-
    Armenia relationship, and Ranking Republican Kay Granger (R-TX).

    The letter cited six key foreign aid priorities, including:

    -- Enhancing restrictions on U.S. assistance to Azerbaijan,
    as outlined in Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act, by further
    limiting Presidential authority to waive the provision in light of
    continued Azerbaijani government incitement of a military solution
    of Nagorno Karabagh conflict.

    -- Increasing economic assistance to Armenia from the FY2009 level
    of $48 million to $70 million.

    -- Increasing military assistance to Armenia from FY2009 level of
    $3.3 million to $5 million.

    -- Increasing the amount and scope of U.S. assistance to
    Nagorno-Karabakh from the FY2009 level of $8 million in humanitarian
    aid to $10 million in both humanitarian and developmental assistance.

    -- Including language "urging Azerbaijan to support confidence-building
    measures that facilitate interaction among the parties, in order
    to address regional security, resource management, infrastructure,
    development and people to people programs."

    -- Removing restrictions on travel, contacts, and the free exchange
    of ideas between U.S. officials and the democratically elected leaders
    of Nagorno Karabakh.

    Members of Congress will have until March 31st to join with
    Reps. Pallone and Kirk to support these U.S. foreign aid priorities
    as the foreign aid panel begins drafting the FY2010 foreign aid bill.