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Taking back the USA

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  • Taking back the USA

    Taking back the USA
    By Jerry Mazza
    Online Journal Associate Editor

    Mar 27, 2009, 00:26

    I have a vision, as Martin Luther King once said. A vision of racial
    and economic equality, equal opportunity and civil rights for people
    of all colors. The question is how do I, we, go about realizing this
    Dr. King conceived of passive resistance, non-violent protests, to
    bring vast numbers of people, black and white into the street, to the
    schools and lunch counters, the bus stops and the Washington Mall to
    show their strength and insistence on their principles. I envision a
    similar formula.
    But let me make clear what I am protesting. First and foremost, it is
    globalization, which is destroying labor, its unions, and consequently
    the working and middle classes of the United States. In this process,
    it has dismantled the manufacturing infrastructure and reduced us at
    best to a service economy. Millions of jobs, blue and white collar, we
    know have been `outsourced,' given away to the lowest bidders along
    with the hard-won benefits of US workers, including healthcare,
    pensions and decent working conditions.
    Globalization has profited only the multi-national corporations and
    the rich elite who run or invest in them. The multi-national
    corporation sits on the backs of working people around the world,
    people who have been pitted against each other, and now work for less
    because they undersold their services to enrich those
    corporations. These corporations financially divided and conquered
    world economies.
    Yet the labor movement of this country, as Mike Davis pointed out
    recently on Bill Moyers Journal, was the leading progressive movement
    until Reagan began actively union busting. Labor was also followed by
    the antiwar movements, in which labor often took part, and preceded by
    the civil rights movement in the 50s, which also joined in antiwar
    We can look back through the 19th century to labor as a force that
    organized Americans of all ethnic and racial backgrounds for the
    common good, advancing wages
    tions, and providing an agenda politicians could follow, if they
    wanted labor and minority votes -- and if they didn't want more people
    in the street.
    Labor made the Industrial Revolution a reality and also the unions, as
    well as decent wages, healthcare and pension plans. Since labor has
    been disenfranchised, since the multi-national corporation goes at
    will to the lowest bidder, whether in Timbuktu, the Philippines,
    China, or Vietnam, the working citizens of the United States have gone
    to hell in a handbasket. The decline of our industrial infrastructure
    has made us dependent on imports as well, creating a huge imbalance in
    trade, and turning the financial sector (now fully deregulated) into
    creating financial products of mass destruction.
    AIG Financial Products (located in London) was no accident, but the
    culmination of a multi-national corporation with a hedge fund pasted
    onto it, joining in the collateralization of toxic paper, including
    its infamous credit default swaps and hell's whole handbasket of
    poisonous financial products. In retreating to lower wages for lower
    level employees, these poisons were used so that management could get
    bigger and bigger salaries and bonuses. We destroyed our manufacturing
    infrastructure, once the most powerful in the world, for this
    socio-economic drek.
    As a result, we have destroyed the balance of power between labor and
    management, and left labor to the most predatory to rule, i.e.,
    Wal-Mart, AIG, Citigroup, etc.
    Yet, many of the same corporations, like General Motors, have managed
    to stay afloat in China on the back of slave labor, offering no
    healthcare or pensions, but just the coolie wage. So, where is the
    protest in the US, the unions, the irate workers, the civil rights
    allies, the army of protestors who shouted for the New Deal and
    Roosevelt in Washington, D.C., and around these United States? Well,
    they are on unemployment lines, disoriented and hoping for a chance to
    survive or serve the outrageous Wal-Mart's of this `everyday low
    price' employment.
    To, Americans in their consumerist march for the biggest and best
    `bargains' brought it on themselves, buying these foreign produced
    labels like pigs in a trough, greedily, without considering their
    poisonous effects on their own economy. But, they were encouraged at
    every turn to abandon their own by the marketing complex. Is this
    protectionism? Not really. Patriotism of a sort is more like it. China
    is cash-rich and questioning our dollar's value in this terrible
    downturn while our president is borrowing trillions to keep the
    economy afloat. To his credit, he has plans to rebuild physical
    infrastructure and schools. I hope they work.
    Hopefully, we won't be importing Asian slaves like multibillionaire
    and Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, known
    affectionately as `Prince Mo' to the Rhode Island-size Emirate of
    Dubai, as author Mike Davis calls it, `the new global icon of
    imagineered urbanism' in his article Sinister Paradise. For with this
    oil-glut-financing, along with voiceless labor comes a sinister
    sex-trade, kidnapping, slavery and sadistic violence, `the Bangkok of
    the Middle East . . . populated with thousands of Russian, Armenian,
    Indian, and Iranian prostitutes controlled by various transnational
    gangs and mafias . . . also a world center for money laundering . . .'
    Once you get started on this reversal of civilization, taking more and
    more of the wages from working and middle classes to feed the
    gluttonous few, instead of spreading the wealth and the democracy that
    comes with it, you end up at the bottom of the human barrel, which
    includes `Dubai's most scandalized vice: child slavery,' which
    includes kidnapping young children, pressing them into slavery,
    starvation, beatings and rapes. In Dubai's case, it's to make these
    innocents camel jockeys for Prince Mo and Company's arcane
    entertainment. Want to visit and take a look at the future? Mike Davis
    did. Read all about it.
    But then, Mike is a confessed socialist who teaches at the University
    of California
    king class college, where his students are finding it harder and
    harder to stay in school, given the money and job shortage for their
    families and themselves. Mike doesn't think of us as a socialist
    nation because we're bailing out banks, even inviting private equity
    to invest in `stress testing' those banks to either make them into
    stronger, more solvent entities or ready to face euthanasia.
    If indeed the government permanently managed the banks that would
    smack of socialism. Also, if the means of production were acquired and
    run by the government permanently that would be a classical definition
    of socialism. But this isn't the case here, not by a long shot. In
    fact, the banks at some point may need to be run by the country for
    some period if the Geithner plan doesn't work. And there should be no
    need to break the world's land speed record for coming up with a
    solution simply by spending money. How you spend it, what you spend it
    on, is what makes the difference. Hear that Tim, Larry, Obama?
    What I'm pointing to is the need for a progressive movement of labor
    to fight multi-national greed and spread, like the civil rights
    movement fought racism. This movement is built on the people speaking
    out, protesting in the streets, at selling outlets, at the seat of
    government, so that the Congress hears the agenda: take back the
    United States of America -- from the multi-national corporations, from
    stock market deregulation, from bank deregulation, from the further
    issuance of financial products that belong in a Vegas casino, from the
    constant offshoring of the means of production at the price of its
    Remember, the American people stepped from the last days of 1930s
    `depression in a depression' to 1941 and Pearl Harbor to mobilize the
    most powerful industrial machine on earth, which protected us against
    the incursions of Hitler and fascism. When we put our collective
    shoulders to the wheel, when labor has rights, has dignity, is not the
    slavish servant of Citigroup-type greedos who recently buil
    t money, then we're a-okay, more than okay, a great and powerful
    Fortunately, today we live in the information revolution of the
    Internet. More people have more sophisticated political and economic
    information than ever in human history. What we need is the informed
    and binding force of labor's activism, combined with students and
    civil rights movements, working together to make a better life for
    themselves, their children, their grandkids, and the future of this
    This, as I've said, relies on turning away from this fiendish notion
    of globalization. Who the hell wants a one-world government,
    especially if it's Prince Mo? Do you? The government I want is the one
    my fellow Americans elect with me to take care of and heal Americans
    first, and not to put them on a hegemonic march to rule the
    world. That is perverse, stunted, reactionary right-wing fascism at
    its worst. Parenthetically, I'm not going to walk away from that vote
    because its process is often abused.
    Obama's purpose should be to rebuild a labor-strong, manufacturing
    economy in the United States, not leaving our workers like the serfs
    of some overfed sheik, or some fattened CEO thief, or some crazed
    military dictator ala Hitler, Mussolini, Pinochet, or Bush and Cheney
    -- the latter now being accused of having headed an executive
    assassination ring to exterminate at his bidding foreign leaders not
    to his liking. This is not the USA I was born into in 1938, not the
    USA I grew up in, in the 40s, 50s or 60s. It all turned downward from
    Nixon on, right into this toilet economy we now find ourselves flushed
    into, most probably by the financiers.
    So, let American industry flourish again, let labor lead again, let
    the students follow, let the ex-veterans follow, let the civil rights
    movements join in, all the people who've had the burden of fighting
    all our wars. Let those who bear and have borne those burdens tell
    those puffs in Congress (and especially those `Blue Dog' `provided
    for' Conservative Democrats) not to try to sc
    uld try to scuttle this country by selling out labor, the aged and
    minorities, and give trillions in tax cuts to the rich, trillions to
    two hopeless wars, then we can spend and borrow responsibly to rebuild
    this country. That's how to take back the United States of America, by
    healing your sick society first of all.
    And we can do it by using the US's imagination for industry to create
    a green economy, to improve on the present one, as well, by exporting
    our genius, our inventions to the world, and with a generosity of
    spirit that once was unparalleled. And, lest I forget, we can take
    Israel off our shoulders and the $30-billion, 10-year plan to continue
    their Middle East genocide. We've been there once or twice in our own
    history and it didn't work out well. There's no need to try it a third
    time and end up betrayed, as we often have been, by our perennially
    spying `ally.'
    This is a thumbnail sketch of my vision to take the USA back. It takes
    people with the most at stake, workers, students, veterans, minorities
    and activists of all ages, and not Washington lobbyists fed by
    multi-national corporations. We can do it. We will do it. Or suffer
    the consequences of economic enslavement, one that will make the Great
    Depression of yesterday pale by comparison.Jerry Mazza is a freelance
    writer living in New York City. Reach him at [email protected]. His
    new book, `State Of Shock: Poems from 9/11 on' is available at, Amazon or