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The Real Jew: A Lesson From Turkey

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  • The Real Jew: A Lesson From Turkey

    By Arnold S. Leese 20Real%20Jew%20-%20Turkey.htm
    March 1939

    The Turkish revolution which dethroned the Sultans was Jewish. The
    Jews used Freemasonry as a tool. It has been said with considerable
    truth that the Young Turks were old Jews.

    The active agency of Revolution was the Committee of Union and

    This was fostered and manned by Freemasonry while Freemasonry was
    itself in the hands of the Jews. The center of revolt was at Salonika
    where a majority of the population was actually Jewish.

    The Jew Emmanuele Carasso used the Masonic Lodge "Macedonia Resorta"
    for the secret meetings of the Committee of Union and Progress and
    when Sultan Abdul Hamid was deposed Carasso was one of the four
    men who went to Yildiz to tell the Sultan that his reign was at an
    end. The Committee of Union and Progress firmly seated itself in the
    saddle of government with Mahommed V as puppet Sultan.

    The Minister for the Interior of this regime was Talaat Bey. De Nogales
    in his Four Years Beneath the Crescent (Charles Scribners Sons, 1926
    p.26) reveals Talaat as "the renegade Hebrew (Donme) of Salonika." A
    "Donme" is a kind of Marrano Jew, a descendant of Jewish refugees in
    Turkey who pretended to be Muslims. This fact of the Jewishness of
    Talaat is of great importan ce and little known. The Encyclopedia
    Britannica 12th edition Vol. XXXI p. 1222, calls him "the sinister
    figure largely responsible for the downfall of the Ottoman Empire."

    In The Cause of World Unrest he is stated to have been responsible,
    "perhaps, more than anyone else for handing over Turkey to Germany
    and thus encompassing her ruin." Talaat had been President of the
    Committee Party. De Nogales in his work above cited says Talaat was
    "the principal organizer of the massacres (of Armenian Christians)
    and deportations." Dr. H. Stuermer in Two War Years in Constantinople
    (Hodder & Stoughton, 1917) says on p. 72 "Enver, and still more
    Talaat, who as Minister of Interior and really Dictator of Turkey
    was principally responsible for the Armenian persecutions...."

    Until now Talaat seems to have remained unrecognized by the world as
    a Jew "patriot" who ruined his country and was responsible for the
    wholesale slaughterer of Christians.


    The German Government made use of the services of a criminal Jew called
    Nelken to gain control over the Young Turks. He called himself Mehmed
    Zekki Bey and edited several newspapers in Constantinople. These and
    other Jew run newspapers in the town did all that was possible to
    poison the Turkish mind against the British.

    Talaat's Finance Minister was another Jew, Djavid Bey, who arranged
    the f inances of revolution in Turkey with Jewish banks abroad. He
    had a Jew Messim Russo as 'his chef de cabinet.'

    When Djavid Bey was finally hanged by Kemal Ataturk, "a number of great
    financial concerns including the banking houses of the Rothschilds in
    Vienna and London tried to persuade the English and French Governments
    and the leading newspapers in both countries to use all their influence
    to make a personal appeal for Djavid." (Grey Wolf by H. C. Armstrong
    published by A. Barker, Ltd.) The French Freemason Sarraut actually
    visited Kemal in Angora and appealed to him as a fellow mason to spare
    Djavid's life. He was not successful. Kemal Ataturk who had been a
    Freemason and a revolutionary, seemed to have changed his nature with
    his name when he ceased to be Mustapha Kemal and closed the Masonic
    Lodges. His actions were Aryan. His mother is said to have had Donme
    blood (Lewis Browne's How Odd of God, 1935) but The Times November 1,
    1938, said she was an Albanian who "may have transmitted the Nordic
    type to her boy." She had fair hair and blue eyes. The Donme blood
    if present, must have been thin.

    Kamal's Turkish patriotism was his only decent quality.

    Another leading Jew of the Committee of Union and Progress as
    Refik Bey who in 1939 was Prime Minister of Turkey under the Refik
    Saydam. During the First World War the Jew=2 0Carasso became a food
    controller in Constantinople and as a result, many people died of
    starvation. Meanwhile he amassed a fortune of two million Turkish
    pounds which was seized from him after the war. He saved some of
    it by suddenly claiming to be under Italian protection. Another
    "Turkish patriot!"

    In The Cause of the World's Unrest published by Grant Richards,
    Ltd. in 1920, we learn that even the counter revolutionary forces
    were controlled and made ineffective by Jews. The Commander being
    the Jew Renzi Bey. Jews controlled the Revolutionary Press.

    Whoever was prominent in the revolution and was not a Jew was a
    Freemason of "synthetic Jew."