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From Advocacy To Giving: Why Taking Part In The ANCA Endowment Fund

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  • From Advocacy To Giving: Why Taking Part In The ANCA Endowment Fund

    By Lara Garibian dvocacy-to-giving-why-taking-part-in-the-anca-endo wment-fund-telethon-will-strengthen-the-armenian-c ause/
    May 22, 2009

    On April 22, I was invited to go to Washington D.C. to help lobby
    in Congress for the Armenian Genocide. Fifty people from all over
    the Unites States gathered together to fulfill one purpose. Our
    goal was to visit a long list of congressional offices and speak
    to each congressman's foreign affairs aide and provide them with
    the information necessary to cosponsor H. Res. 252, which calls
    "upon the President to ensure that the foreign policy of the
    United States reflects appropriate understanding and sensitivity
    concerning issues related to human rights, ethnic cleansing, and
    genocide documented in the United States record relating to the
    Armenian Genocide..." Along with learning what the bill entailed, I
    also learned how to intelligently speak against the counter arguments
    that would be presented when we met with foreign affairs aides.

    For years the Armenian National Committee of America has brought
    Armenian-Americans from across the United States together to make known
    the truth of history and to give Armenians who ended up immigrating
    to the United States as a result of genocide a solid piece of closure
    by working to make the world see the atrocities that occurred 94
    years ago.

    "The Armenian National Committee of America is the largest
    and most influential Armenian American grassroots political
    organization. Working in coordination with a network of offices,
    chapters and supporters throughout the United States and affiliated
    organizations around the world, the ANCA actively advances the
    concerns of the Armenian American community on a broad range of
    issues, such as fostering public awareness in support of a free,
    united and independent Armenia, making sure that the U.S. recognizes
    the genocide of 1915, to influence and guide U.S. policy on matters
    of interest to the Armenian-American community, and to represent the
    collective Armenian American viewpoint on matters of public policy,
    while serving as liaison between the community and their elected
    officials," according to the organization's Web site

    To be honest, my family tried to get me involved in such organizations
    for a number of years and my response would always be, "Look, it's not
    really my thing. I'll leave the politics to the politicians." However,
    after really having an opportunity in making a difference on such
    a strong and influential level, I realized that the ANCA represents
    more than just politics.

    While we spent days working hard, walking the halls of Congress, and
    trying with all our hearts and efforts to make a difference, we were
    disappointed to hear President Obama's failure to honor his pledge
    to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide. We heard the news literally an
    hour before our protest at the Turkish Embassy in Washington D.C.

    However, that day something very powerful and symbolic really dawned
    on all of us. The work we put in wasn't only based on political
    interest. The fact that we had an organization, which allowed all
    of us young Armenians to come together and work towards something
    culturally advantageous, really showed me why we have such a proud
    core within our blood.

    Amid our disappointment, I realized a few things. The first was
    that the true core of the ANCA wasn't about just passing a political
    resolution, it was about bringing our people together, to work hand
    in hand towards something that would allow our legacy and our heritage
    to truly live on. The second was that my disappointment didn't lie in
    President Obama's lack of acknowledgment. My heart broke for all the
    Armenian men, women and youth that had spent years and generations
    working toward a strong closure and acceptance. Yet they still faced
    the repercussions of denial until this very day. After all the last
    stage of genocide is denial and with that kind of adversity against
    our people it made me so incredibly proud to see everyone come together
    once again and strive hard to keep getting our message across. Thirdly,
    I realized we all have a responsibility. We owe it to our ancestors
    who sacrificed their lives and lands to hold on to their ethnicity,
    culture and religion. We have a responsibility to those who work hard
    everyday at making our communities here stay strong and who work
    at making sure that year after year we never give up fighting for
    what we truly believe in. As I heard Elizabeth Chouldjian once say,
    "Mer askayeen bardaganootyoun neh." It is for our future generations,
    for our ancestors and for our families who dedicated time, money,
    strength, but above all, heart.

    I'm sure you are familiar with the writer William Saroyan and his
    famous quote about Armenians. He wrote, "I should like to see any
    power of the world destroy this race; this small tribe of unimportant
    people whose history is ended, whose wars have all been fought and
    lost, whose structures have crumbled, whose literature is unread,
    whose music is unheard, whose prayers are no longer uttered. Go
    ahead, destroy this race. Let us say that it is again 1915 there is
    war in the world. Destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them
    from their homes into the desert. Let them have neither bread nor
    water. Burn their houses and their churches. See if they will not live
    again. See if they will not laugh again. See if you can stop them from
    mocking the big ideas of the world. Then see if they will not laugh,
    sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world,
    see if they will not create a New Armenia." That is exactly what the
    Armenian National Committee has done; it has created a new Armenia
    for Armenian Americans.

    When you take a look at the reality of our daily lives, we see all
    the work that piles up on our desk, the daily correspondence we have
    to attend to, the children we have to take to school, pick up, help
    with homework, etc... We see the situation of our economy and the
    pressures that come along with all the responsibility we take on. I
    know it is unrealistic to expect everyone to drop everything and get
    involved in activism and lobbying efforts; however your efforts are not
    in vain. You can make a huge change today by donating to a great cause.

    I ask you to please contribute to an organization and a cause that
    will be around to nurture and nourish our young Armenian American
    adolescents for all the years to come. I ask you to fulfill the
    cultural responsibility that has been instilled within us for all
    our lives and make sure that we stay involved in whatever way we can
    to make sure that our efforts prove fruitful in providing a strong
    acceptance and closure for an issue that has impacted our lives on
    such an enormous level. Realize that just one bit of effort can really
    make a difference in the futures of us all as a minority. Whether
    you want to give one major donation or split it in two, please
    consider the difference you will be making. I appreciate your time
    and consideration of this matter. Your tax-deductible contributions
    should be made payable to Armenian National Committee Endowment
    Fund. Let's work together to make this year's ANCA Endowment Fund
    telethon a great success on May 31, 2009!

    I would like to leave you with one last quote to think about. William
    Saroyan wrote, "A man's ethnic identity has more to do with a personal
    awareness than with geography."