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Turkey In Europe: Breaking The Vicious Circle

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  • Turkey In Europe: Breaking The Vicious Circle


    Sept 7 2009

    Presentations from members of the Independent Commission on Turkey:

    Martti Ahtisaari, Nobel Peace Laureate; former President of
    Finland Emma Bonino, Member of the Italian Senate; former European
    Commissioner; former member of the European Parliament Marcelino Oreja
    Aguirre, Former Foreign Minister of Spain; former Secretary General
    of the Council of Europe; former European Commissioner Albert Rohan,
    Former Secretary General of Foreign Affairs, Austria

    Since the opening of accession negotiations in October 2005, Turkey's
    relationship with the EU has been far from problem-free. Opposition to
    Turkey's full membership from within the EU and domestic difficulties
    in the country itself have created a climate of mutual distrust and
    suspicion. This has had an impact on the pace of the negotiation
    process and raised many concerns and questions. Is Turkey's EU
    accession process grinding to a halt? Has the open opposition to
    Turkish membership by some European leaders caused the slow-down
    of Turkey's reform process in recent years, or was it the Ankara
    government's lack of resolve? Is there a danger of "creeping
    Islamisation" in Turkish society? What is the state of play on
    Cyprus? What are the chances for solving the Kurdish question and the
    differences with Armenia? Can Turkey's important new geo-political
    role in the region be an asset for the European Union?

    These and other questions will be answered by members of the
    Independent Commission on Turkey. The Independent Commission was
    established by prominent European leaders for the purpose of analysing
    some of the more pressing aspects of Turkey's accession to the EU. Its
    second report "Turkey in Europe: breaking the vicious circle" will
    be made public during the event.

    This event is held under the auspices of the Swedish Institute
    of International Affairs' EU Programme and has been organised in
    cooperation with the British Council and the Open Society Foundation