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Armen Nersisyan: True faith not need advertising

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  • Armen Nersisyan: True faith not need advertising

    Armen Nersisyan: True faith not need advertising
    05.12.2009 17:47 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ "Mental disorders caused by sects are obvious and
    long-proven. When injected into the sect the human changes the
    behavior, indifference and aggression appear, a person begins
    collecting money for the sect. In fact, sects are business behind a
    spiritual shell," Armen Nersisyan, doctor of medical sciences told a
    press conference in Yerevan.

    According to him, the main mechanism to hold people in the sect is
    construction of dependency on the sect, as well as the feeling of
    guilt. According to him, the leader of the sect controls every action
    of the sectarians. People involved in the sect lose their personal
    qualities, will and independence. When a person tries to leave the
    sect he or she may experience problems such as psychosomatic illness,
    visual and auditory hallucinations, and finally a sudden death. They
    may say they had seen God or heard his voice. People trapped in the
    sect are not affected by medication.

    Psychologist Karine Nalchajyan stressed that there were 70 sects in
    2003 in Armenia, involving some 300 thousand people. The leaders of
    these sects actively monitor the treatment and rehabilitation measures
    by psychologists and psychotherapists and quickly adjust their methods
    of agitation. In her view, the fight against sects should be
    implemented systematically through combined forces of church and

    "True faith does not require advertising. And look, how actively
    sectarians advertise their organizations. If honor our traditions,
    respect our true faith, there will be no place for the sects in our
    society, " Mr. Nersisyan concluded.