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KHOJALY: The Chronicle Of Unseen Forgery And Falsification

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  • KHOJALY: The Chronicle Of Unseen Forgery And Falsification

    Feb 25, 2010

    Working with historical sources, I have met sufficient examples of
    falsifications and mythical fabrications made by Armenians .....

    Havva Mamedova "KHOJALY: Shahids and shehids", Baku-2004

    Two neighboring nations living side by side were dispersed to different
    sides of the barricade because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The
    armed confrontation was followed by an informational one.

    In fact, there is nothing reprehensible in the willingness of the
    two nations to represent their point of view to the world community
    and give proofs in their favor. However, when the basic rule of
    inadmissibility on using falsification as a proof is violated, even
    if it intends to intensify the impression of the user with the help
    of other materials (photos, video materials, agreements, documents,
    letters, etc.),it is irrelevant to speak about the authenticity of
    other facts. In this case it is evident that the whole propagandistic
    "dance on bones" doesn't strive for the victory of justice, but
    pursues solely defamational goals.

    It happened so that the Azerbaijani side, feeling an urge to have its
    "personal" genocide (not a bit worse than their neighbors have),
    undertook multishift and multifold actions to fix some dates
    on the calendar as the days of a genocide against Azerbaijani
    ( 8.html).

    During the war in Nagorno-Karabakh, the civilian population was
    repeatedly exposed to armed attacks, and in some cases, to pogroms
    and slaughter. Among the most well-known episodes could be mentioned
    the following: the murder of Armenian civilian population in the
    village Maragha in Nagorno-Karabakh, the ethnic purges of Armenians
    in Nakhijevan Autonomous Region, in the Azerbaijan SSR, in particular,
    the pogrom of Armenians in Sumgait (February 26-29, 1988),in Kirovabad
    (November 21-27, 1988, and in Baku (January 13-19, 1990), the killings
    of civilian population in Stepanakert, fired at by facilities "Grad"
    from Shushi and Khojaly.

    However, the killings of rural population of Khojaly in the February
    of 1992, when at night the inhabitants of the settlement were leaving
    for Azeirbajani town Aghdam, is, undoubtedly, an episode having
    more publicity. The Armenian side claims that they were given the
    opportunity of a free corridor, while the Azerbaijani side denies
    this fact. According to the Azerbaijani side, 613 people were killed
    on those days.

    This very occurrence differs from others, first of all, by the fact
    that the Azerbaijani side fully controlled the territory where the
    Khojaly inhabitants were killed and had the opportunity to make
    an unimpeded and unrestricted survey not only of the very spot but
    also of the dead, by taking photos and video filming. In particular,
    Azerbaijani camera-man Chingiz Mustafaev, found himself in the place
    of the death practically straight away and it is his materials that
    underlie all the documentary materials on Khojaly.

    After the defeat in the war with Armenians, a process of formation
    of national identity began in the present Azerbaijan. In this
    scheme Armenia and Armenians became the main antagonists. In
    the process of modeling of the national self-consciousness,
    the Khojaly events were declared as one of the several genocides
    against Azerbaijani, though, it is absolutely evident that the
    Khojaly events, by no means, fall under the category of genocide. In
    spite of this, Azerbaijan, on a governmental level, is engaged in
    presenting the Khojaly events as genocide: at the Web Site of the
    president of Azerbaijan there is a section devoted to a number of
    genocides against Azerbaijani, including "the genocide in Khojaly "
    ( There are sections on the
    "genocide in Khojaly" at the Web Sites of Embassies of Azerbaijan
    Republic to different countries as well. All this is an evidence of
    the great role of the Khojaly tragedy in Azerbaijan state propaganda.

    Now we will examine the documentary base exploited by Azerbaijan to
    demonstrate and prove their version of Khojaly events.

    This time we will diverge from the standard references to the sources
    of "pro" and "contra" and will look into factual materials, namely,
    photographs and video-chronicles. We will refer to Web Sites devoted
    to the Khojaly events, the themes and resources where this subject
    matter is touched upon.

    We will in turn examine a number of photos taken from Chingiz
    Mustafaev's video-chronicles and different variations of his two

    The campaign "Justice for Khojaly " continually gains in scope.

    However, as it turned out, the wide scope is inversely proportional
    to the availability of factual material.

    Here is a multilingual blog illustrating "the brutality of Armenians",
    the sufferings of a mother, dead children, etc.

    However, a validity check showed that the illustrated events took
    place in 1983, during the destructive earthquake in Turkey.

    This photograph is separated from Khojaly by 9 years, a couple of
    thousands of kilometers and by the ethnic identity of the dead,
    as in the photo Kurds are depicted.

    Agitation Original

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site is the megaphone of Azerbaijani propaganda.

    The weepy article about the wretched children languished in the Lachin
    "buchenwald" is spiced with a photo-fact illustrating the "miserable
    Azerbaijani children"...

    However, by the validity check it turned out that they are Afghan

    Agitation Original

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    A terrific photograph....

    However, it has nothing to do with the "Khojaly genocide committed
    by Armenians" as it is an illustration of the events of 1978,
    when the worst in a series of pogroms of Alevis (Turkish Shi'ites,
    who generally supported the political left), organized by the "Grey
    Wolves", left 111 people dead.

    Agitation on

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    This is the most shocking photograph, actively nourishing the myth
    about the ripping up the abdomen of a pregnant woman and pulling the
    dead foetus out of it.

    It should be mentioned that this very scene is not recorded on
    video-chronicles congesting the Internet. This demonstrates the
    unwillingness of the authors to show the surrounding background. It
    means that even if in the photograph a victim of an aggression is
    shown, the act of this aggression didn't take place in the vicinity
    of the village Nakhijevanik (the real location where the events took
    place and which the Azerbaijani prefer to call "Khojaly ")

    The focus is on the foetus, while other parts of the composition are
    "smeared" in order to conceal the true location of the dead body,
    in particular, hospital stretchers on which the body lies, and,
    consequently, the fact of arrangement.

    Now we will in turn consider the discrepancies in this photo:

    1) The flat contours, the form and the line of the section undoubtedly
    indicate that it is a classical sectional cut, which means that it is
    not an act of sadism but a purposeful forensic-medical procedure. And
    the exaggerated myth about an "infuriated Armenian" ripping the
    abdomen of a pregnant woman, in this case, is rather a lame argument.

    2) Hands with medical gloves are distinctly viewed.

    3) There lies a scalpel on the body. Well, they were short of armaments
    during the war, however, a scalpel could hardly have been included
    in the arsenal of the Army of Liberation of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    4) A white bed-sheet, carefully covering the intimate parts of the
    body, gets as far as the head of the child, who is put to the dead
    body. It is evident that they wanted to avoid having a living child
    touch the corpse. Are there many cases when pathoanatomists, after
    having pulled a child out of mother's womb, wrap it up so carefully
    not to let it touch a dead body? This is only a proof of the fact
    that the photo demonstrates not a retrieval of the foetus from the
    abdomen, but putting the foetus on the abdomen! Besides, having a
    scalpel with a standardized size, as an orientator, it is easy to
    figure out the height of the child, the size of the head, the length
    of the arms and legs and define that these sizes correspond to the
    live-born child's sizes which would have been impossible according
    to the photo produced by the Azerbaijani side.

    5) The person, "taking the foetus out" is in a surgical coat, and not
    in a standard medical or military uniform which once more indicates
    that a professional treatment was accomplished by a medical worker.

    6) The hands holding the foetus: only a professional obstetrician
    could hold the head of a child so warily, and that of a live and not
    of a dead new-born child.

    7) The photo clearly demonstrates the saw cuts of the ribs. A person,
    who is more or less familiar with the anatomization of the bodies, will
    confirm: it is IMPOSSIBLE to cut the thorax with a standard or military
    knife, without using special equipment like a special saw or a scalpel!

    8) Pay attention to the right hand of the corpse: the swelling
    and the coloration of the integument point out the fact that the
    prescription of the death is no less than 24-36 hours whereas the
    skin coloration of the child is light and smooth, and swellings or
    other putrid effects are not observed. It was hardly possible for
    the foetus to remain alive in the womb of the mother who had died
    more than twenty-four hours before. The fact that, in the photo,
    the child is alive, is beyond any doubt.

    9) The line of the light and the dark on the hips: one can state with
    a definite portion of probability that these are posthumous changes
    of integument (putrid stains) and that the body lied on the abdomen,
    and the inner part of the thigh which is not darkened, accounts for
    it. In other words: a) the pregnant woman could not have died lying
    on her back, the indicative of which is the darkening of integument,
    b) she could not have lied on her abdomen either, as she was pregnant
    and because of her belly, her hips should have stayed hanging and
    then the inner parts of the hips must have been darkened as well.

    10) A heightened blur for a black-and-white photograph and the absence
    of granularity peculiar to black-and-white photographs indicates that
    repeated corrections of the photograph are made in the Photoshop or
    any other editing program.

    11) Shifted focus. In order to fix the focus in this way, the
    photograph must have been taken by a camera with tilt-shift lens,
    a very expensive and rare photographic apparatus which appeared much
    later than in 1992.

    12) The absence of the "victim's" photographs from other angles. After
    searching in the Internet for some time, we found a horrific photograph
    on the Balkan events which supposedly gave this idea to the azeri
    propaganda. As an argument for this point serves the fact that the
    azeri propaganda s' photo appeared no sooner than in 2004 (in any
    case we found older copies neither in the Internet nor in the video-

    To compare, pay attention to the cutting line, the pose of the foetus
    and how the pathoanatomist is holding the dead foetus pulled from the
    womb of the mother in the photograph below. This is a photograph of the
    victims of Balkan slaughter. These photographs are filed according to
    all the rules of collection of factual material which is not observed
    in the case of "Khojaly " photographs.


    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    Azerbaijani Embassy in China Web Site

    The photograph of a child "tortured and killed in Khojaly by Armenians"
    is largely disseminated as a factual material used as an indication of
    "brutality" of Armenians.

    "The dead Azerbaijani child on the Khojaly roads" for some reason
    appears in A. Orekhovski's reportage "A Long Way to Erkech" published
    in the newspaper "Komsomolec Kuzbasa" on January 25, 1991.

    However, the validity check showed that the photo has no connection
    either with the "Komsomolec", or with "Khojaly : in these photos taken
    by the reporter Oleg Litvin are the victims of the act of terror in
    1989. The pressman of the agency (actively using falsified
    photo-materials in his video-projects) Rizvan Guseinov, with great
    zeal threw himself to unmask Armenian "falsifiers": Â"rizer001 wrote:
    ( Pigh's blog) Dec. 31st, 2009 01:44 pm (UTC) Komsomoletc Kuzbassa

    thank you, dear, I have been looking for this copy for a long time!!!

    now we will know the primary source of falsification made by Armenians
    in the photo of the Azerbaijani child, the victim of the act of terror
    in 1989 made by Armenians" (the style and the spelling of the original
    are preserved).

    However, the "unmasker" didn't take into account a couple of delicate
    and principle issues, that is:

    a) the child who was burned during the act of terror in the bus in
    1989, can by no means be a victim of "Armenian aggression" in Khojaly.

    And "the facts" with the help of which he reveals the "Armenian
    terrorism" are falsified; b) the Armenian side has no connection
    with the newspaper "Komsomoletc Kuzbassa" and its reporter A
    Orekhovski. We've just placed in the Web the scanned copy of the
    newspaper with the reportage and the photo.

    Consequently, it is groundless to blame Armenians in stealing the
    "icon of falsification", the Azerbaijani boy.

    The most striking and important thing in all this is the following:
    The child photographed in 1989 can by no means be a victim of events
    at the village Nakhejivank, at night on 25-26th of February,1992. Ternd.Az "real atrocities" with a front photo A Long Way
    to Erkec

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    The "Icon of falsification" depicted on Azeri stamp as a "victim of
    Khojaly" Booklet, distributed by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Kuwait
    Alve injured boy, in two perspectives, which proves the authenticity
    of the photo

    In vain attempts to blemish and accuse Armenians of
    falsification, the correspondent of Rizvan Guseinov (blog: paid no heed to the fact that he
    himself admitted that they had made falsifications themselves, since,
    at the very least, it is improper to produce a photo taken in 1989
    as a photo of a victim taken in 1992.

    In other words, the time, place, events and the accusations do not
    have anything in common with each other.

    The fate and the place of replication of this photograph are identical
    with photo â~D- 5.

    A very interesting fact: this photograph is present in the
    "video-chronicle" by Chingiz Mustafaev, though it is known for certain
    that it has no connection with it. An impression is gathered that
    the Azerbaijani propaganda purposefully discredits its only authentic
    evidence of the very events taking place at the village Nakhijevanik.

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    СайÑ~B памÑ~O&#x D1; ~Bи Ч. Ð~Ñ~CÑ~AÑ~Bа&#xD 1; ~DаевÐ&#xB0 ; Original

    An Azerbaijani patriot posted this photograph up at the Bulgarian
    forum, pursuing propagandistic aims to reveal to the world "the
    exceptional savageness of Armenia aggressors" and to show 600 skeletons
    of inhabitants of Khojaly. However, this very photograph can be found
    in many other sites on Khojaly and genocide matters.

    Now we will examine it more thoroughly. The exchange of fire took
    place at night on 25-26th of February, 1992, and in the morning of
    2th of March the corpses were picked up and taken away (and, judging
    by the sequences of the video-chronicle, there were about 30 or 40
    bodies there, but this is another issue for consideration).

    A question rises from here: how could the bodies "become skeletons"
    within several cold nights, if for the human body and clothes to decay,
    at least 100 years are required?

    There is no point in proving the fact that we have an obvious forgery
    here, is there?


    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    A very interesting false photograph!

    We would like to remind one more time that the bodies remained at
    Nakhijevanik for only a few hours and could have turned into skeletons
    only in one case: if they had been burned. However, there were no
    conflagrations there. And even if we find fires conceivable, it seems
    very strange, that the bodies burned down, while the clothes didn't.

    Pay attention to the fact that in the colored photo we can see nothing
    beneath the clothes: there are no bodies there, only skeletons.

    And there is no point in claiming that the skull is taken off while
    the arms and legs are "in there usual place".

    It is evident that this is an exhumed body of a man who died a very
    long time ago. By the way, judging by the expressions on "spectators'"
    faces, there cannot be found signs of special grief on them.

    It is no use speaking about the state of propaganda in Azerbaijan if
    the Supreme Court of the country disseminates suborned photographs

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    "Armenian terror" promulgation, Baku, 2006

    Here is the history of this photograph.

    In May, 1991, the units of the 4th army of Soviet troops stationed
    in the territory of Azerbaijan, using helicopter gunships, tanks and
    heavy artillery, wiped out the village Voskepar in Noyemberian region
    in Armenia. Some military officials of Armenian SSR were shot down.

    In the photo are the citizen-soldiers of Armenian village Voskepar,
    having been in captivity since May 5, 1991. The operation was performed
    by units of Soviet army supported by Azerbaijani militia.

    The photograph was presented to the Web Site by the
    author, Aleksey Rogov (A.Rogov/ is published with
    the author's permission.

    And again, there is nothing in common with Khojaly. Neither the time,
    nor the events, nor the people!

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    The hackneyed cruel plot on the subject matter of "excised breasts"
    nearly takes the central place in the ideological propaganda of

    The shots with a woman with excised breasts are frequently demonstrated
    in the video-reels on the "brutality of Armenians".

    But, as it turned out, the Azerbaijani agitprop overlooked not the
    least of the details, that is, the very woman with tied legs (see
    photo 11), is depicted on the sequences of the same video- chronicle,
    and her breasts are not excised at all.

    When comparing the two photographs, it is obvious that one and the
    same woman is photographed in them:

    1) the leggings 2) the brightly colored skirt 3) the striped sweater 4)
    the breasts

    And on the backstage shots one can see that the striped sweater is
    pulled over her head.

    It could have been found conceivable that "knackers" had cut the
    breasts off and then put the sweater on their place. However, it
    conflicts with logic as the things are just the opposite in photo â~D-
    14, where the whole loathsome thing is put up for show.

    The absence of blood and other signs of posthumous touch to the
    body of the dead, is obvious as the striped blouse is tucked into
    a dark shawl which is wound around the girdle. And when lifting the
    dark shawl, the tucked part of the blouse must have come out, too,
    which is not observed, though.

    Pay attention to the skirt: in this photo it is carelessly pulled up
    which is natural when falling down and which points out that after
    falling the body was not touched. Whereas in the photo with excised
    breasts, the skirt is carefully smoothed out along the body which
    indicates that this time the body was touched.

    But at the moment of photography there was no trace of Armenians,
    was there?

    Tortured body The same woman, but dressed on Video

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    Comparative photo

    The authors of the report of the organization "Memorial" refer to
    the Azerbaijani doctors who claimed that an act of violence and
    outrage upon the dead bodies had taken place. And as an "evidence",
    photographs of the dead body of a barefooted woman with tied legs
    were produced. The "Memorial" didn't put the words of Azerbaijani
    to doubt, supposing that it is impossible to lie so monstrously,
    therefore they mentioned about it in their reports.

    It is evident that in the photograph the tying of the legs up took
    place posthumously, that is they tied up the legs of a dead body, for,
    if it were not so, typical strangulation fissure must have remained
    on the legs which, definitely, is not observed.

    The question "Why should Armenians tie up the legs of the dead body?"

    is just a rhetorical one...

    Now let's go back to the chronicle:

    1) the brightly colored dress 2) the blue leggings 3) in the first
    two photos, the leggings stretch to the middle of the ankle, and in
    the third photo they nearly reach the knee.

    4) the striped sweater 5) the legs are not tied up

    In the sequences of the chronicle taken from the Web Site of the
    Embassy of Azerbaijan to Kuwait, it is apparent that the legs of the
    body are not only tied, but are also in thick socks reaching the
    knees, whereas in the photo with tied legs there are no socks and
    the leggings reach the middle of the woman's ankle.

    The conclusion suggests itself: the legs of the victim were tied
    up by the Azerbaijani themselves in order to prove to the world the
    guilt of Armenians in "violation of bodies".

    Overall plan Patch of legs' image Screenshot of video

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    Comparative photo

    Video, in the role of "victims" of Khojaly , contrived
    to offer neither more nor less than... Hamas fighters annihilated by
    the Israeli forces. Original on

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    Reportages similar to the aforesaid can be found in Trend, Bakililar,,,,, and other Azerbaijani Web Sites spreading around a new
    "brand" named "genocide".

    The scene of the valley, bestrewed with dead bodies could shock even
    the prepared onlooker, that is why such sequences are used in the
    reportages in the capacity of a shocking element. But the Khojaly
    events are illustrated with photographs of pogroms in the Balkans
    which happened in 1999, and can by no means be the evidence of March
    events of 1918 (genocide â~D- 2), or Khojaly events (genocide â~D- 3).

    Besides, the original photograph is a color photograph, but,
    apparently, the Azerbaijani propagandists realized that black-and-white
    photos correspond more to "genocides â~D-2 и â~D-3". Then it was just
    a technical matter: using an ordinary editorial program, for example,
    the Photoshop program, to decolorize the photograph is not difficult
    at all.

    The fact, that the original photograph was a color one, is evident
    because of the color and the background of the photograph, reflecting
    not only the victims but also the geographical location of the place
    which doesn't conform to the landscape near the village Nakhijevanik.

    Anyway, there is a direct evidence of falsification here.

    Day.Az Â"Azerbaijan-NewsÂ" Supreme Court of Azerbaijan

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    Booklet, distributed by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Kuwait "Armenian terror", promuglation, Baku, 2006

    Guneyazerbaycankonqresi Guneyazerbaycankonqresi

    Original Original Original

    We first came across this photograph in a German publication devoted
    to Khojaly events. It was clear even then that it is of forged
    nature. It is evident that this photograph is to demonstrate the fact
    of violation rather than the death of a child (incidentally, at one
    of the Azerbaijani Web Sites this photograph is entitled precisely
    as a rape: "zorlama")

    In view of the very serious suspicions as to the "staged" character of
    the photograph, the video-chronicle on which the dead were depicted,
    were put on the most serious study. The very girl was uncovered, but...

    in clothes.

    Then, the same girl is mentioned in the role of the third victim of
    Khojaly, by the side of rather an old dead body. Every pathoanatomist
    would confirm that these two corpses belong to different periods of
    time and different spots of territory. The first body is already on a
    serious stage of decomposition taking into consideration the swollen
    and blackened face, while the second one is the very girl who is
    acting in the role of "three hypostases in one ousia": just a body,
    a raped body and a body in the morgue.

    The wound on the leg is of special interest (point 5 on the photograph
    compared). In the photograph, when in the field, it is encircled with
    a bruise which can point out the lifetime origin of the trauma. But in
    the morgue its place is taken by a gaped hole, obviously of posthumous
    origin, the indicatives of which are the contours of the wound:
    its form and the absence of haematoma around it. There is no point
    in speaking about a bullet wound, either, since the inlet is of some
    other form.

    Now let's compare the photographs:

    1) the blouse 2) the dress 3) the blanket 4) the wound on the leg 5)
    the girl in a violet jacket

    Comparative photo

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    One could, of course, object to the fact that the girl was wrapped
    in a blanket after the Azerbaijani had found her and covered the
    naked body. However, taking into consideration the gusto with which
    the Azerbaijani spread the photographs of the naked girl, it is no
    use speaking about their sense of shame or about the protection of
    honor and virtue of the dead girl. Especially because we managed to
    find out the photograph of the girl straight before getting on the
    helicopter where she is not wrapped up the same way as it is shown
    in the photo with the field but is simply covered.

    Moreover, in the chronicle, when the body of the girl is lifted, it
    is distinctly seen that the blanket froze to the body, which means
    that the girl has been wrapped up in it before her death and has lied
    covered with the blanket for a few hours. And if the child had simply
    been covered with a blanket after her death, that is, after filming,
    the blanket must have slipped off the body some time before they
    began to take the body away.

    It is evident in the chronicle that the blanket froze to the body
    and it was specially torn off!

    Pay attention to the surroundings of the girl when she is dressed
    and when she is undressed. When dressed, she is found among the dead
    bodies, and when she is undressed, all the dead bodies next to her
    are taken away and she lies quite alone. From this a conclusion can
    be drawn that the shots when the girl is dressed are taken far earlier.

    She was photographed even from the helicopter. Perhaps, in order to
    make things to look more convincing.

    Rising up of body (download) Survey from helicopter (download)

    In reality it turned out the Azerbaijani themselves bear a hand in
    the case of the scalped dead body.

    Otherwise, it is impossible to explain that the same body figures in
    two hypostases in the Azerbaijani chronicle namely.

    There is no doubt that it is one and the same man in the photographs.

    One must only compare the two photographs.

    1) the lilac shirt (in both photographs) 2) "the scalped" skull in one
    photograph and luxuriant hair in the second photograph 3) the moustache
    (in both photographs) 4) the opened eyes (in both photographs) 5)
    the striped jacket (in both photographs) 6) the band (the scarf on
    the neck) (in both photographs)

    Havva Mamedova's book "KHOJALY: shehids and shahids".

    2005 г. Baku KHOJALY. The chronicle of genocide" book, 1999,
    Azerneshr" The same body, but not scalped in "Armenian terror" book,
    Baku 2006 The same body on video

    To see the photos enlarged press on the references to move to the
    source Web Site

    Comparative photo

    Fragment of Ch. Mustafaev's video taken from Web Site of the Embassy
    of Azerbaijan in Kuwait (download)

    All the aforesaid proves that the Azerbaijani propagandistic machine
    isn't fastidious about any means it uses, neither plagiarism, nor
    sacrilege towards the dead compatriots, nor the falsification of

    Thomas de Vaal in his book "the black garden" mentions the fact
    that Chingiz Mustafaev, whose video sequences are spread around and
    are the basis of the "video-proofs", photographed the scene of the
    events twice: at the night of 25-26 and on the 27th of February, in
    1992. And he was deeply surprised to find out that on the second day
    the dead bodies turned out to be disfigured. Incidentally, Mustafaev
    undertook his own investigation and was killed under circumstances
    uncertain until now.

    In the forum Atc.Az, Eynulla Fatullaev, (screenshot), at present
    serving her sentence in prison for giving such interpretation of the
    events near the village Nakhijevanik which was somewhat different
    from the official one, and quite definitely stated that the dead
    bodies had been disfigured by the Azerbaijani themselves.

    In conclusion we would like to remind the Azerbaijani propagandists,
    engaged in plotting and falsifications, about Article 294.3 of the
    Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic:

    294.3. Falsification of proofs on criminal case on minor serious or
    serious crimes, as well as falsification of proofs on other cases,
    entailed heavy consequences - is punished by imprisonment for the
    term from five up to seven years with deprivation of the right to
    hold the certain posts or to engage in the certain activities for
    the term up to three years.

    P.S. we do not cast doubt on the fact of death of the people innocent
    of any crime.

    We present our condolences to the families of the dead and we reckon
    that those guilty must suffer a just punishment, regardless of ethnic,
    gender, civil and social identity.

    At the same time we strongly object to the fact of using the bodies
    and memories of the dead in dishonorable aims (in particular, the
    violation and disfigurement of the dead bodies), to the imitation
    of events which did not happen, to falsifications and malicious
    defamation propaganda. It contradicts the principles of humaneness
    to the same extent as does the murder of civil population.

    Xenophobia Prevention Initiation expresses gratitude to the users of
    the forum for the materials placed at our disposal,
    and also to the forum Atc.Az, as the polemics on its pages gave us
    impetus to seriously set about the analyses of falsifications on the
    part of the Azerbaijani propagandistic machine which shapes public
    opinion and educates generations with washed brains.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress