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Making Sense Of Genocide

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  • Making Sense Of Genocide


    Los Angeles Times
    March 8 2010

    Turkey needs to come to grips with its bloody past so it can move
    forward in its relations with Armenia and the U.S.

    An estimated 1.5 million ethnic Armenians were massacred in the
    final throes of the Ottoman empire. That blood bath, carried out
    by the Turks between 1915 and 1918, was genocide, and should be
    called by that name. In approving a nonbinding resolution to make
    this the official U.S. position, Chairman Howard L. Berman (D-Valley
    Village) and other members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee were
    responding to constituent demands that the United States take a moral
    stand. Now, Congress and the Obama administration must decide whether
    such a symbolic act also serves the strategic interests of the United
    States. For the moment, just like presidents George W. Bush and Bill
    Clinton before him, Barack Obama appears to be saying no.

    It is important for the United States to stand for historical truth on
    the Armenian slaughter. Even more important is that Turks themselves
    come to terms with their brutal history. From Germany to South Africa
    to Argentina, there are many examples of countries that have confronted
    their violent pasts honestly.

    Instead, Turkey recalled its ambassador for consultations after the
    23-22 House committee vote, saying the resolution offends the country's
    honor and warning of negative consequences for U.S.-Turkish relations,
    as well as for the ratification of agreements to normalize ties with
    the Republic of Armenia. A more productive approach would be for the
    Turks and Armenians to adopt the protocols hammered out last year to
    establish diplomatic relations and reopen their shared border.

    The U.S. vote must not become a pretext for further stalling.

    During the 2008 campaign, Obama was unequivocal in his support for
    labeling the killings a genocide. As president, however, he has the
    unenviable task of weighing that position against the need for Turkey's
    support in Afghanistan, in stabilizing Iraq and for United Nations
    sanctions against Iran. Turkey is the only Muslim country in NATO,
    and it currently sits on the U.N. Security Council.

    We understand that any U.S. administration must nurture the vital
    strategic alliance with Turkey. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham
    Clinton, who coaxed Turkey and Armenia into signing the protocols last
    year, noted that the agreement established a commission to examine
    their bloody history and argued that "it is not for any other country
    to determine how two countries resolve matters between them." That's
    true, but we also understand Armenian fears that such a commission
    could whitewash history.

    The goal is Turkish and Armenian reconciliation, putting to rest the
    ghosts of the past. That is in the U.S. interest as well as that of
    both peoples. For it to happen, the onus is on Turkey to acknowledge
    the Armenian genocide.