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FW: Genocide/ by Ahmet Alkan in Taraf Turkish newspaper

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  • FW: Genocide/ by Ahmet Alkan in Taraf Turkish newspaper

    Ahmet Altan

    You can find the Turkish version at:

    Eve ryone is in front of their tv, watching in excitement as if it's a
    national football game. What is going on? A commission of the US
    Congress is voting on the `Armenian Genocide' resolution. We lose the
    `game' 23-22 as a result of various lobbying activities.

    And all hell breaks loose.

    Comments, discussions, spewing fury at the US , questions of `will the
    Incirlik base be closed down?' directed at the minister of foreign
    affairs. Amongst all this hoolabaloo, my favorite comment comes from a
    speaker who denounces this decision: ` Turkey is no longer a country
    that can easily be humiliated.'

    When a commission of the US Congress votes for `genocide', we are
    `humiliated'. Do you know what humiliation is?

    Humiliation is millions of people holding their breaths for the
    outcome of a few votes in somebody else's parliament. That is

    Humiliation is to find the result of that commission's vote of vital
    importance, to feel defeated because of the vote of one
    man. Humiliation is the conviction that the whole of one's national
    identity depends on the decision of one commission=3B humiliation is
    to have to wait the outcome of a vote in some other country's
    parliament, biting one's fingernails.

    Turkey is not humiliated because that commission approved that
    resolution with a difference of one vote. Turkey is humiliated because
    it itself cannot shed light on its own history, has to delegate this
    matter into other hands, is frightened like hell from its own past,
    has to squirm like mad in order to cover up truths.

    The real issue is this:

    Why is the `Armenian Genocide' a matter of discussion in American,
    French and Swiss parliaments and not in the parliament of the Turkish
    Republic ? Why can we, ourselves, not discuss a matter that we deem so
    vital that we perceive the difference of one vote as a source of

    If you cannot discuss your own problems, you deserve to be
    humiliated. If you keep silent in a matter that you find so important,
    you deserve to be humiliated. If you try to shut others up, you are
    humiliated even more. The whole world interprets the killing of so
    manyArmenians, -a number we cannot even estimate properly- as

    Genocide is a legal term. The massacre carried out by the Unionist
    largely conforms to the description of that legal term. For Turks and
    Armenians, the word `genocide' has become an obession. The Turks
    insist that `it never was genocide' and the Armenians call anyone who
    says it was not genocide `liars'.

    Both sides spend millions of dollars to convince the world that their
    viewpoint is the valid viewpoint. It is almost as if their mutual
    efforts have created a `genocide sector'. Why then, can we not speak
    about this incident in detail?

    How many hundreds of thousands of Armenians did the Unionists kill?
    Why? We claim `Armenians attacked us, that's why we killed
    them'. Fine, but the `attacking' Armenian gangs were on the Eastern
    border, what crime did hundreds of thousands of Armenians living
    elsewhere in Anatolia commit, other than being Armenian?

    Can someone be punished purely because of his ethnic origin?

    What do you call punishing someone not because they `committed a
    crime' but because they `belong to the same ethnic group as someone
    who you say committed a crime'?

    This is murder. And to tell the truth, hundreds of thousands of
    murders targeting the same ethnic group does fall into the category of
    `genocide'. Unionists committed heinous murders=3B the cruelty they
    subjected Armenians to is beyond imagination. Why are we trying to
    cover up this horrible crime, why are we trying to defend the
    murderers, to disguise their crimes, why are we squirming to keep
    truth buried, even at the risk of being humiliated?

    The history of every society is tainted with crime and blood. We
    cannot undo what has been done but we can show the courage to face the
    truths, to discuss the reality. We can give up trying to silence the
    world out of concern for incriminating the founders of the republic.

    We can ask questions.

    And the first question would be `how come we never read about an
    incident that involves the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people
    in our history lessons?' Even this reality makes the situation
    `suspicious'. If you are not brave enough to face a truth that
    happened ninety-five years ago, you deserve to be humiliated. If you
    struggle to hide an incident that happened a century ago and base how
    seventy million people relate to the world at large on a `lie', you
    deserve to be humiliated.

    No one dares humiliate brave people who are not afraid of the
    truth. If you feel humiliated, you should take a hard look at yourself
    and what you hide.