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Creation Of Enabling Environment For Integrated Management Of Kura-A

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  • Creation Of Enabling Environment For Integrated Management Of Kura-A


    June 3, 2010 - 16:29 AMT 11:29 GMT

    REC Caucasus organized the Regional Stakeholder Meeting of the Project:
    Creation of Enabling Environment for Integrated Management of the
    Kura-Araks Transboundary River Basin.

    The objective of the project is to gain a consensus-based agreement
    between the South Caucasus countries, donor organizations and
    other concerned parties on further steps towards improvement and
    creation of basis for sustainable cooperation and coordination
    through establishment of regional institutional mechanisms for
    major participating countries of the Caucasus, including governments,
    supporting control and coordination of projects (including donor ones)
    for integrated management of the Kura-Araks transboundary rivers basin,
    and adoption of Road Maps for assessment of progress in sustainable
    management of the Kura-Araks river basin with view to introduction
    of the EU Water Directives.

    The meeting was attended by the representatives of governments of
    South Caucasus countries; EU Delegation; international organizations,
    such as USAID, WB, OSCE; NGOs and independent experts.

    Georgi Arzumanyan, REC Caucasus Executive Director made the
    presentation on the history of the project, its goals and objectives,
    future prospects and obstacles.

    Pierre Henry de Villeneuve, IWRM project director at the International
    Office for Water introduced the principles of IWRM and made the
    presentation on the experience of the transboundary river basin
    management in Europe.

    Denis Besozzi, Expert of the Rhine-Maas Water Agency, made the
    presentation of the experience based on the Rhine transboundary river
    basin management plan preparation.

    Several presentations were done on the situation in South Caucasus
    countries concerning IWRM and introduction of EU water framework
    directives. The need of regional cooperation in integrated management
    of the Kura-Aras transboundary river basin has been stressed at
    the meeting.

    The discussions of institutional set-up options, consensus-
    based agreement on creation of basis for sustainable cooperation
    and coordination through establishment of regional institutional
    mechanisms were held on the second day of the meeting.

    In light of several discussions over institutionalization of the
    transboundary management of Kura-Araks basin, considering experience
    of a number of projects conducted in the region with the aim of
    establishing regional coordination body for joint management, and
    referring to political realities of the region, participants have come
    to the conclusion, that establishing of new structure in short-term
    perspectives is not realistic. It has been decided and agreed by all
    participating countries, that REC Caucasus, as the already established
    regional institution, within its mandate is the best positioned in the
    region for implementing coordination activities towards implementation
    by countries of EU WFD and providing kind of secretariat functions
    for thematic working groups for introduction of IWRM principles.

    Further elaboration of National and Regional Road Maps, as well as
    finalization of institutional mechanism will be expected at later
    stages of the project, REC Caucasus press service reported.

    From: A. Papazian