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The Terrorism That Israel, Iran, And Turkey Have In Common

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  • The Terrorism That Israel, Iran, And Turkey Have In Common

    by Esra'a (Bahrain)

    MidEast Youth
    June 6 2010

    I will first start by revealing that I completely sympathize with the
    Palestinian struggle for justice and freedom from Israeli oppression.

    It's vital for everyone to join forces in exposing Israel's crimes and
    systematic abuse. But I refuse to stand by other murderous governments
    just because they suddenly share this sympathy. Iran and Turkey are
    everywhere in the Arab media, praised as heroes, with Turkish and
    Iranian flags held high in almost every flotilla protest. This is
    disturbing for me, and I'm sure it's even more disturbing for the
    millions of individuals who have suffered and continue to suffer
    under these regimes.

    Let us not forget the number of people within Iran and Turkey who
    are also struggling for justice and human rights, namely ethnic and
    religious minorities who have been killed, kidnapped, tortured, and
    oppressed for decades, by the very people who are now being idolized
    as "peace activists." Who is the Turkish government referring to when
    Erdogan says "human rights for all" and "thou shalt not kill?" Who?

    The gnomes in his garden? Or real people suffering in his name?

    The Palestinian crisis is a serious one. It has to be taken in
    absolute seriousness. This is a real human rights violation,
    committed by a government (Israel) that has proven itself to have
    no limitations when it comes to violence, while maintaining their
    total disrespect and disregard for the international community at
    large. It is therefore upsetting to see the governments of Iran and
    Turkey abuse this situation for its own self-serving and political
    gains. Clearly if either countries had an iota of respect for human
    rights, if either countries were sincerely run by "peace activists,"
    things would be different. The world would have sufficient reasons to
    take Iran and Turkey seriously, and then be able to see Israel for
    what it really is: a country run by criminal behavior. Until then:
    two wrongs doesn't make a right. Just because Iran and Turkey are
    expressing solidarity with Palestine makes neither of them innocent.

    Neither of them are championing the Palestinian cause if they are
    committing similar crimes at home. There are different motives for
    their "support." And there is something very cunning about their
    words, almost each of which echoes decades of their violence towards
    innocent minorities.

    I stand in these protests and I see the Turkish and Iranian flags
    being waved in my face, and it conjures up images of dead Kurds
    and dead Armenians and dead Christians and dead Baha'is and dead
    political dissidents and dead sincere human rights defenders. These
    aren't my heroes! Those they killed were. These abusive governments
    are using Palestine in an effort for us to dismiss their own human
    rights violations.

    Palestine will live, and it will be fought for. But in what world do
    we live in if we are forced to support a criminal's fight against
    another criminal? They are the same murderers exchanging guns and
    daggers. They do not have my support. Do they have yours?

    Note: Opinions expressed here are my own and they do not represent
    Mideast Youth as an organization.

    From: A. Papazian