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How Erdogan overplayed his hand

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  • How Erdogan overplayed his hand

    Jerusalem Post
    June 11 2010

    How Erdogan overplayed his hand

    06/11/2010 16:18

    So the Mossad, the navy and the government were caught off guard, not
    to mention Israel's PR system, such as it is. Yet at the end of the
    day theirs were tactical failures alongside a sensible strategy, which
    is to defend the Jews and fight their enemies. In Turkey it has been
    the other way around, with a tactically impressive foreign policy now
    proving strategically catastrophic.

    For seven years Recep Tayyip Erdogan has fooled everyone about his
    agenda and character. The more time elapsed, however, the more the
    makeup wore thin and the masks came off, and now the entire costume
    party has ended amid much tragedy and farce.

    Erdogan's quest for `zero problems' with Turkey's many neighbors
    struck the international community as the kind of Islam the world so
    badly craved: pragmatic, tolerant and dialoguing. Turkey's leaders
    smooched with their Greek archenemies, celebrated a pact with the
    Armenians, allowed Kurdish TV broadcasts, accommodated Syria and for
    the first time in decades visited Iraq.

    True, some of these packages proved more poorly sewn than initially
    claimed. The Armenian deal stalled as it involved no Turkish
    concession on genocide recognition, and the gestures toward the Kurds
    left out what matters most ` permission to run schools in Kurdish.
    Still, Turkey lent no reason to suspect its sincerity.

    Not anymore. Erdogan has now made his country's many historic enemies
    suspect that he is a liar, a wolf in sheep's clothing who thinks he
    can fool everyone all the time.

    SUSPICIONS THAT Erdogan is a diplomatic swindler arose already two
    weeks after he entered office in spring '03, when the Turkish
    parliament vetoed America's entry into northern Iraq through Turkey.
    At the time, few understood this development, which was overcome
    militarily with an improvised, but well executed, airborne landing.

    Politically, it was Erdoganesque cunning at its purest. The American
    operation he nearly derailed was not the kind for which Turkish
    governments seek legislative approval. Yet Erdogan manufactured a
    `prohibition' which allowed him to pretend to be constrained by the
    very democracy that had made America wage its war in the first place.

    Similarly, initial impressions that Erdogan was a moderate Muslim out
    to uphold Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's legacy eventually gave way to a
    crawling counterrevolution, whereby the secular military, media and
    judiciary have been gradually strong-armed into submission.

    And that, in fact, is the problem with Erdogan's many half-truths,
    diversions and downright lies; they can only last so long. Eventually
    everyone begins to suspect they are being taken for a ride.

    To hear Erdogan yelling at us, the Jews, as he did this week `Thou
    shalt not murder' (`I will now say it in Hebrew!') is grotesque. This
    is the man who won't recognize his country's mass murder of the
    Armenians last century, the great lover of humanity whose typically
    escapist response to the American and Swedish legislatures'
    recognition of the Armenian genocide was to furiously recall his
    ambassadors from Washington and Stockholm.

    Turkey's many historic victims, from Serbia and Bulgaria through
    Romania and Hungary to Cyprus, Armenia, Kurdistan and the Arabs are
    now quietly taking stock of the man behind the Flotilla Affair, and
    they have no choice but to suspect they have business with the kind of
    Turk they would all rather forget. The man is trouble, an Islamist
    loose cannon in a world brimming with Islamist fervor, malcontents and

    IT IS only a matter of time before the Turkish middle class joins the
    elite in wondering just how much Erdogan's adventurism will cost them.

    It is bad enough that he embarrasses his people when he says, for
    instance, that he can't allow schools to teach in Kurdish because that
    kind of minority right is not accorded anywhere in the world. Of
    course it's allowed, for instance in Israel, where Arab schools teach
    in Arabic. And it is of course bad enough when Erdogan is so
    inconsistent as to demand that Germany allow its 0.3 percent Turkish
    minority the kind of cultural autonomy he won't allow his own 15%
    Kurdish minority.

    It is also bad for Turkey that its leader is now perceived across the
    world as a demagogue. Erdogan missed the irony of him, the man who
    hosted Sudan's convicted perpetrator of genocide Omar Bashir, publicly
    hollering at Nobel Peace laureate Shimon Peres, `You are killing
    babies in Gaza.' Millions of others, however, did not miss the irony,
    and they realize they have business with a thug whose definition of
    morality and immorality is what is good or bad for him, rather than
    what is good or bad regardless of him.

    It is certainly bad for Turkey to be associated with anti-Semitism, a
    disease with which it was never previously plagued.

    Erdogan likes to declare that he loathes anti-Semitism. He visited the
    chief rabbi of Turkey after a terror attack on a synagogue in
    Istanbul, and this week he hosted Israeli rabbi Menachem Froman. Alas,
    such gestures, beside suggesting he distinguishes between the Jews'
    right to their faith and their right to their land, become meaningless
    when he succumbs to the basest anti-Semitic profanity ` the blood
    libel. As long as he is in power, Turkey will be at odds with the
    entire Jewish people, a proven recipe for the kind of decline that
    befell Spain after the expulsion and Russia after communism, not to
    mention Germany after Nazism.

    Yet the worst thing for Turkey is to be associated with provocation per se.

    Erdogan has convinced his country's many historic enemies, most of all
    Russia, that he is a dangerous hothead who must be contained. For
    Russia, modern Turkey is but a reincarnation of the power with which
    it had 12-odd wars between 1568 and 1917. For Russia, Ankara's
    meddling in superpower politics by intriguing with Iran and Brazil was
    an alarm bell, the kind Erdogan was originally careful to avoid
    ringing, until he became overconfident, forgetting that a nuclearized
    Islamic axis of the sort everyone now suspects he is cultivating is
    for Vladimir Putin what a Cuban A-bomb was for John F. Kennedy.

    All intelligence services suspicious of Turkey ` and they add up to at
    least a dozen ` know the truth about the flotilla. They know it was
    inspired, and very likely masterminded, by Erdogan; that it was a
    metaphor for his entire foreign policy, a loudly trumpeted, well
    financed and poorly camouflaged voyage of zealots who elbowed their
    way into a ship of fools, in order to pick a fight where the world
    least needed one. Erdogan has now made all suspect Turkey of quietly
    feeding the very Islamism that is the bane of the entire world. What
    action all this will produce is a separate question, but the mask has
    come off, and it's too late to put it back on.

    From: A. Papazian