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Turkey's 'Zero Problems' Policy Is A Flop

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  • Turkey's 'Zero Problems' Policy Is A Flop

    Simon Tisdall
    Monday 21 June 2010 16.30

    The Turkish government is running into trouble at every turn in its
    attempt to be a regional powerbroker

    Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is seeking influence
    and markets for Turkey's expanding economy across the Middle East.

    A surge in violence pitting Turkish forces against Kurdish separatists
    along Turkey's south-eastern border with Iraq has underscored how
    far the Ankara government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan still has to go in
    resolving the "Kurdish question".

    But the renewed fighting also poses a larger question: to what extent
    the policy espoused by Erdogan and his high-profile foreign minister,
    Ahmet Davutoglu, of "zero problems with neighbours" is producing
    tangible, lasting results. On a range of fronts, high ambitions are
    colliding with intractable realities on the ground.

    Erdogan's fierce condemnation of the killing on Saturday of 11
    soldiers by Kurdistan Workers party (PKK) fighters possibly reflected
    frustration that Ankara's pursuit of non-military solutions has
    produced little that is concrete in the eight years since his Justice
    and Development party (AKP) first came to power.

    "Today we will not make the traitors happy," Erdogan said during a
    visit to Van. "We will defend this ground heroically ...

    "I say here very clearly, they will not win. They will gain nothing.

    They will melt away in their own darkness ... they will drown in
    their own blood."

    Such rhetoric, echoing Erdogan's full-blooded attacks on Israel over
    Gaza, could not disguise widely felt dismay that a conflict that
    has claimed an estimated 40,000 lives since 1984 may be reviving,
    partly due to political failures.

    Citing continuing Turkish military attacks, the PKK announced this
    month it was ending a unilateral ceasefire. The decision followed the
    banning by Turkey's constitutional court of the pro-Kurdish Democratic
    Society party (DTP), a ruling strongly criticised by Massoud Barzani,
    president of Iraqi Kurdistan, and the EU.

    Concern is now growing that further clashes could lead to a repeat of
    the 2008 Turkish military incursion into northern Iraq, where some PKK
    fighters are based. Such an outcome could strain Ankara's relations
    with Baghdad, where its efforts to encourage a role in government for
    Iraq's Sunni Muslim minority are already viewed as unwelcome meddling
    by some Shia politicians.

    Turkey's "zero problems" has also run into trouble around Azerbaijan's
    disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, where four ethnic Armenian and
    one Azeri soldier were killed in a skirmish on Saturday. Turkey and
    Armenia struck a supposedly historic peace accord last year but the
    deal backfired when close Turkish ally Azerbaijan angrily insisted
    the Nagorno-Karabakh stand-off be settled first. Instead of easing
    tensions, Erdogan's initiative inflamed them.

    Despite its aspirations to act as a regional powerbroker, Turkish talk
    has not been matched by persuasive actions in another troublespot -
    Cyprus. Elections earlier this year saw Turkish Cypriots vote in a
    new president who appears to favour the permanent partition of the
    island, notwithstanding the ongoing UN-sponsored reunification talks
    backed by Greece and the EU.

    Erdogan has certainly improved relations with one important neighbour:
    Iran. His decision to vote against the latest UN sanctions on Tehran
    dismayed the US and European countries while delighting President
    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. In contrast, relations with Israel are at low
    ebb after the Gaza flotilla debacle, with Turkish media reporting
    that diplomatic and military relations will be frozen indefinitely.

    Erdogan's regional foreign policy initiatives, his flirtation with
    Iran, his split with Israel, and his courting of supposedly suspect
    countries such as Syria have led western commentators to speculate
    about a "strategic realignment" in Turkish policy, away from the
    west and Nato and towards the Arab and Muslim worlds, in parallel
    with the AKP's pursuit of a neo-Islamist agenda at home.

    "Turkey's Islamist government [seems] focused not on joining the
    European Union but the Arab League - no, scratch that, on joining
    the Hamas-Hezbollah-Iran resistance front against Israel," complained
    American columnist Tom Friedman.

    Writing in The Australian, Greg Sheridan drew a comparison with the
    situation in south-east Turkey: "The Turkish government is expressing
    maximum outrage over the Gaza incident, although it has been vastly
    more brutal in suppressing Kurdish separatists and suspected terrorists
    than anything Israel has ever dreamed of."

    Strong criticism of the perceived shift has also been voiced in the
    US Congress, while the Obama administration has voiced concern at
    some recent Turkish actions. Robert Gates, the US defence secretary,
    said one explanation was EU foot-dragging over Turkey's membership bid.

    For his part, Davutoglu says western countries should not worry.

    Rather, they should welcome the fact that Turkey was "playing an
    increasingly central role in promoting international security and
    prosperity". Close relations with the EU and Nato were "main fixtures"
    of Turkish policy while bilateral ties with the US remained of "vital
    importance", he said in Foreign Policy magazine.

    Such assurances may miss the point. From a western perspective at
    least, the problem is not that Erdogan and Davutoglu want a bigger
    role for Turkey and are increasingly ready to go it alone. The problem,
    more often than not, is that when they do, they mess up.

    From: A. Papazian