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Chorord Inknishkhanutyun: Armenian salt expected in China?

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  • Chorord Inknishkhanutyun: Armenian salt expected in China?, Armenia
    June 4 2011

    Chorord Inknishkhanutyun: Armenian salt expected in China?

    June 04, 2011

    Management of the Avan salt mine is looking for ways to establish
    contacts with China to supply large quantities of iodized salt to the
    country, the Armenian Chorord Inknishkhanutyun newspaper writes.

    New business program was inspired by panic in China regarding
    necessity to struggle with radioactive elements caused by the accident
    at Japan's Fukusima 1 NPP.

    Chinese are buying iodized salt, as in contrast to the infected sea
    salt, it helps the body overcome radiation effects.

    Despite the ongoing advocacy by the Chinese authorities that there is
    no radiation threat, salt disappeared from store shelves in Beijing
    and several provinces.

    `According to rumors, Ghukasyan was so inspired that thought Armenian
    salt is not enough and it is necessary to buy salt in other countries
    and then resold it to China,' the newspaper writes.
