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US passed resolution on withdrawal of Russian bases from Georgia

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  • US passed resolution on withdrawal of Russian bases from Georgia

    Pan Armenian News


    14.05.2005 03:51

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The US Senate has passed a Resolution on Withdrawal of
    Russian Military Bases from Georgia. Democrats and Republicans spoke for the
    soonest completion of the Russian military presence in that country,
    reported As Republican Senator Bill Frist noted, Moscow has not
    fulfilled the commitments to withdraw the bases assumed earlier. He also
    reminded that over 3 thousand Russian servicemen are in the territory of
    Georgia at the moment and time has come for them to leave that country.
    Russia has not fulfilled its commitments within the Istanbul arrangements on
    the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe,' notes the document. US
    State Secretary Condoleezza Rice being present at the Senate hearing assured
    the members of the upper chamber of the Congress that the Bush
    Administration does its best to convince Moscow to withdraw troops from
    Georgia as soon as possible. It should be reminded that during the OSCE
    Istanbul Summit in 1999 Russia signed an agreement according to which the
    Russian troops have to leave Georgia and Transdniestria within four years
    and now Washington demands that Russia meet these commitments. Being
    concerned over the NATO activities along the Russian borders, the Kremlin in
    its turn does not hasten to withdraw the peacekeepers. While the US Senate
    confirms its readiness to assist Georgia in the withdrawal of Russian
    troops, the State Duma in Moscow officially censures the harsh statements by
    the Georgian colleagues, who have put forward an ultimatum over the Russian
    military bases in Georgia. The State Duma has expressed its attitude to the
    Georgian message in a n address to President Vladimir Putin. At that time
    the Staff of the Group of Russian Forces in Tbilisi is not supplied with
    water for already two weeks. As reported by Tbilvodokanal company, the water
    supplies are suspended due to the debt for spending water that makes over 1
    million laris (some $500). The company representatives assured that `the
    cease of water supply has nothing common with politics, as the company
    attitude to any persistent defaulter.' At that the energy supplies of the
    staff is not stopped. TELASI Tbilisi electricity distribution company
    official representative Valery Pantsulaya told journalists today that the
    Group of Russian Forces in Transcaucasia pays for the electricity and `the
    company does not feel any political pressure either by the Georgian
    authorities, or Russia.' In spite of that Georgian leaders officially assure
    that nothing threatens servicemen of the Russian bases, stated Speaker of
    the Georgian Parliament Nino Burjanadze. In the Speaker's words, she `does
    not understand the hysteria that has taken place in the Russian State Duma,'
    she does not understand which irresponsible statements Russia accuses
    Georgia in. She also accentuated that `Georgia is not for exacerbation of
    the relations with any of its neighbors, especially Russia.' However, in her
    words, it does not mean that Tbilisi will renounce its principles and
    interests: `We use all opportunities provided for by the international law
    to withdraw Russian bases from our territory.'