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Amnesty demands changes in the new Turkish Penal Code

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  • Amnesty demands changes in the new Turkish Penal Code

    Amnesty demands changes in the new Turkish Penal Code

    Kurdish Media
    May 16 2005

    16/05/2005 Info-Turk A new version of the Turkish Penal Code (TPC)
    currently before the Turkish parliament for approval may be used
    to unnecessarily restrict the right to freedom of expression and
    couldresult in people being jailed as prisoners of conscience. It also
    leaves open the possibility of discrimination on grounds of sexual
    orientation within the law, and retains obstacles to prosecutions
    for torture.

    The new TPC has been presented as a reforming measure designed to
    improve human rights protection in Turkey, as it attempts to bring its
    laws into line with the requirements for membership of the European
    Union. While the new TPC does propose many positive changes - for
    example, it increases the punishment for those convicted of torture -
    it contains numerous restrictions on fundamental rights. Provisions
    covering freedom of expression, which have been used in the past to
    prosecute people or imprison them as prisoners of conscience, remain.

    Article 159 of the old TPC, which criminalized acts that "insult or
    belittle" various state institutions, is one that Amnesty International
    has repeatedly called on the authorities to abolish. It reappears as
    Article 301 of the new TPC in the section entitled "Crimes against
    symbols of the state's sovereignty and the honour of its organs"
    (Articles 299 - 301). Amnesty International is concerned that this
    section could be used to criminalize legitimate expression of dissent
    and opinion.

    New articles have been introduced which appear to introduce further
    restrictions to fundamental rights. Article 305 of the new TPC
    criminalizes "acts against the fundamental national interest". The
    explanation attached to the draft, when the law was first presented to
    Parliament, provided as examples of such crimes, "making propaganda for
    the withdrawal of Turkish soldiers from Cyprus or for the acceptance
    of a settlement in this issue detrimental to Turkey... or, contrary
    to historical truths, that the Armenians suffered a genocide after the
    First World War." Amnesty International considers that the imposition
    of a criminal penalty for any such statements - unless intended or
    likely to incite violence - would be a clear breach of international
    standards safeguarding freedom of expression.

    The law was supposed to enter into force on 1 April 2005. However, in
    the face of forceful objections by Turkish journalists that the TPC
    could be used to greatly restrict their activitiesand even imprison
    them, the government agreed to delay this until 1 June 2005 in order
    to make amendments.

    On 3 May, the ruling Justice and Development [AK] party submitted its
    proposed changes to the draft TPC. While some small changes have been
    made - mainly the removal of provisions that allowed for increased
    sentences when breaches of the code took place in the media - most of
    the restrictive articles remain and have not been changed. In at least
    one instance, the ruling party is apparently trying to introduce even
    greater restrictions: for example, the proposal suggests that Article
    305 should be altered to explicitly allow for the prosecution of
    "foreigners" as well as Turkish citizens

    Article 122 of the draft, which forbids discrimination on the basis
    of "language, race, colour, gender, political thought, philosophical
    belief, religion, denomination and other reasons" originally listed
    "sexual orientation", but this was removed from the draft at the
    last moment. Amnesty International is therefore concerned that
    discrimination on the basis of sexuality is not criminalized in the
    new law.

    In addition, Amnesty International is concerned that the statute
    of limitations (the time limit) still applies in trials of people
    accused of torture. While the new law has extended this time limit
    from seven-and-a-half years to 10 years, it is common for trials
    of alleged torturers to be deliberately protracted and ultimately
    abandoned because of this provision, thereby contributing to a
    climate of impunity. Given the frequency with which this happens,
    Amnesty International considers that there should be no statute of
    limitations for the crime of torture.

    RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as
    possible, in English or your own language:

    - expressing concerns about the draft new TPC, much of which may be
    used to unnecessarily restrict fundamental human rights and which may
    lead to people being imprisoned for the peaceful exercise of their
    right to freedom of expression;

    - welcoming the amendments tabled by the ruling AK party but stating
    that these seem to be insufficient to guarantee the right to freedom
    of expression in Turkey;

    - urging the authorities to listen to the concerns of press and human
    rights groups, and take further steps to amend or abolish problematic
    articles of the TPC, such as Articles 305 and 301;

    - expressing concern that the statute of limitations remains for
    crimes of torture and ill-treatment;

    - asking the authorities to take steps to ensure that discrimination on
    the basis of sexual orientation is prohibited. (AI Index, 13 May 2005)


    Prime Minister Mr Recep Tayyip Erdogan Office of the Prime Minister
    Basbakanlik 06573 Ankara Turkey Salutation: Dear Prime Minister Fax:
    + 90 312 417 0476

    Leader of the Republican People's Party Mr Deniz Baykal Leader of the
    Republican People's Party Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi Cevre sokak No:38
    Cankaya, Ankara Turkey Salutation: Dear Sir Fax: +90 312 467 0996

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress