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Soldiers refuse alternative military service

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  • Soldiers refuse alternative military service



    | 14:53:15 | 20-05-2005 | Social |

    "The people preferring alternative military service are also
    Armenians. The society and the military men must not have negative
    attitude towards them", said Avetik Ishkhanyan, head of the Armenian
    Helsinki Committee. He is surprised by the fact that the Government
    does not want to amend the RA Law on "Alternative Military Service"
    which was adopted in 2004.

    Today by the initiative of the "Cooperation for Open Society" organized
    a discussion about the problem in which besides non-governmental
    organizations representatives of the OSCE Yerevan office and
    the Ministry of Defense took part. Ministry of Defense Juridical
    Administration head Sedrak Sedrakyan informed that at present 24
    RA citizens are in alternative military service. 11 of them have
    applied to the commanders saying that they refuse to continue their
    service. The reason was that the officers make them do duties proper
    to soldiers and thus violate the law and their religious convictions.

    Yesterday 4 alternative servers left their place of service in the
    Vardenis for the same reasons. They will be put to Military tribunal,
    as according to the law the punishments for the alternative and
    traditional servers are the same.

    According to the Armenian Helsinki Committee the Law must be amended
    as soon as possible. Particularly, the date of 42 months for the
    alternative servers must be reduced by at least 6 months. Also the mark
    on their uniforms "Alternative server" must be eliminated, and, which
    is most important, their service must be regulated not by military,
    but by civic organs.