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NKR: Bank Cannot Run Risks

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  • NKR: Bank Cannot Run Risks


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
    23 May 05

    Susanna Balayan: `What loaning policy does the bank carry out?' Kamo
    Nersissian: `The bank grants loans to such branches of economy as
    building, agriculture, food production, services, trade, consumer
    sector, etc. Since 2004, in accordance with the government programme,
    the bank loans money to small and medium-size businesses increasing
    the sums significantly in 2005. It is planned to increase the volume
    of mortgage loans.' S.B.: `Will the population benefit from this? Why
    cannot the rural population benefit from the loans? Aren't the
    conditions of the bank too tough?' K.N.: `The economic development
    determines the improvement of the quality of life, unemployment
    decreases, salaries rise. People will be able to afford better forms
    of leisure connected with the development of services. As to loaning
    of agriculture, do not forget that Artsakhbank is a commercial bank
    and must defend the rights of its shareholders and creditors. In
    loaning the bank does not discriminate between rural and urban
    inhabitants. Any type of loan is granted on security. Whereas, the
    rural inhabitants do not have `suitable' property to offer as
    collateral, as it is required by the bank. The bank does not have the
    right to run risks, it is possible only in cooperation with the
    government. Today such attempts are made, but again it is mainly
    Artsakhbank that runs risk, therefore the bank is cautious in granting
    loans agriculture. Besides, the tough conditions in loaning are
    determined by the regulations maintained by the Central Bank of
    Armenia forall the trade banks, which is the main reason for the tough
    loaning policy of the bank.' S.B.: `Are there privileges for you
    permanent customers?' K.N.: `Certainly. Over several years of
    cooperation good relationships have been set up with many of our
    customers, and the bank offers more favourable conditions to them,
    because the bank can estimate the degree of risk. Besides, the
    department of loans regularly analyzes the financial state of the big
    creaditors, and as a result surprises are excluded.' S.B.: `How would
    you evaluate the dynamics of loan investments of the bank?' K.N.: `By
    January 1, 2004 loan investments in the NKR economy totaled 3728.9
    million drams, while by January 1, 2005 they had amounted to 5163.8
    million drams growing by 38.4 per cent. For NKR this is a significant
    growth.' S.B.: `What is the situation on the loan market in NKR like,
    what banks are involved in the market, and are there other
    organizations likely to be involved in this sector?' K.N.: `Today it
    is pointless to speak about a loan market in NKR, for the monopoly of
    the bank is obvious. We do not have competitors (there are small local
    branches of Armenia which do not have great possibilities and conduct
    an even more cautious policy of loaning). Unfortunately it is so,
    whereas free competition would improve banking services, as well as
    relieve our work, for efficiency is impacted by a large number of
    customers, especially in the departmentof loans. In the nearest future
    we do not expect appearance of serious banks because of the lack of
    investments caused by geographic and political reasons. We still live
    and work in an area of risk.' S.B.: `Does the lack of the institution
    of insurance affect granting loans negatively?' K.N.: `A system of
    insurance in NKR would be an ideal variant and would considerably
    reduce the credit risk.'
