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CNN: Is Europe Setting Up Clash Between Muslims And The West?

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  • CNN: Is Europe Setting Up Clash Between Muslims And The West?


    Feb 3 2012

    By Mohammed Ayoob, Special to CNN

    Editor's note: Mohammed Ayoob is University Distinguished Professor
    of International Relations at Michigan State University and adjunct
    scholar at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding

    (CNN) -- Europe and the Muslim world seem to be on a collision
    course that could have major political, economic and ideological
    ramifications. January 23, 2012, may well come to be remembered as the
    crucial date when Samuel Huntington's "clash of civilizations" thesis,
    which many of us believed discredited beyond repair, was reaffirmed.

    Political scientist Huntington wrote in 1993 that cultural divisions
    preclude a defining global civilization, and the West and the Muslim
    world would never share the same values.

    Last month, Europe took two different actions that nonetheless sent
    the same message to the Muslim world: You are not our equals and are
    doomed to be judged by standards different from those by which we
    judge ourselves. Future historians might call January 23 the day when
    Europe irreversibly alienated not one, but both, pivotal powers --
    Iran and Turkey -- that in all probability will dominate the political
    landscape of the Middle East for several decades.

    One action was the European Union's decision to ban oil purchases
    from Iran, including imports of crude oil, petroleum products and
    petrochemical products, to force Tehran to negotiate away its uranium
    enrichment program, which Tehran insists is for civilian use only.

    This is the latest in a series of increasingly stringent sanctions
    that Western powers have unilaterally imposed on Iran. These sanctions
    go well beyond those required by the U.N. Security Council.

    The EU sanctions attempt to hit the Iranian economy where it hurts
    most: Europe imports about a fifth of Iranian oil. When combined with
    a ban on transactions with Iran's Central Bank, this action is aimed
    at paralyzing the Iranian economy.

    At the same time, the French Senate passed a law making it a crime
    to deny genocides that are officially recognized by France. The two
    genocides in this category are the Holocaust and the killing of 1.5
    million Armenians in Anatolia during the last years of the Ottoman
    Empire. Because the denial of the Holocaust is already a crime under
    French law, the obvious objective of the bill is to criminalize the
    denial of the 1915 Armenian genocide.

    The issue of Armenian genocide touches a very raw nerve in Turkey,
    which denies the scale of the killings -- Turkey maintains that roughly
    500,000 Armenians were killed -- as well as the claim that it was
    planned. According to Turkey, the killings happened in the midst of
    the disarray accompanying World War I and the disintegration of the
    Ottoman Empire. Turkey says a nearly equivalent number of Turks and
    Kurds were also killed in inter-ethnic strife with the Armenians,
    who were allied with the Ottoman's Russian adversaries.

    It's not the accuracy of the opposing claims that is at issue;
    it's Muslim perceptions. Iran may well be trying to develop nuclear
    weapons, and what amounts to an Armenian genocide may well have taken
    place. What roils Muslim opinion worldwide is the perception that
    the West uses blatant double standards to pass judgment.

    Harsh sanctions on Iran are seen as an attempt to prevent a Muslim
    country from developing deterrents to attacks from Israel and the
    United States, both nuclear powers hostile to the Islamic Republic.

    Most Western discussions of the Iranian bomb do not make even passing
    reference to the well-documented Israeli nuclear capability, even as
    Israel threatens to militarily strike Iran's nuclear facilities. This
    omission is seen as hypocritical, dishonest and self-serving.

    For many in the Muslim world, double standards explain why France
    singled out Turkey, and didn't criminalize the denial of other nations'
    crimes against humanity. Although denying Germany's crimes is a crime,
    the Holocaust is universally accepted as genocide, while Turkey's
    is not.

    Many ask why disputing European massacres of non-European people is
    not criminalized -- such as the French actions in Algeria, as Turkish
    Prime Minister Erdogan has said. These would include the near-total
    extermination of native populations by European settlers in Australia,
    New Zealand, and North America.

    They would include the killings of millions of people by the Belgian
    administration of the Congo Free State, whose population was halved
    during the early decades of Belgian rule. Most pertinent of all,
    Muslims ask, why not criminalize the denial of the genocidal Spanish
    Inquisition that led to the extermination, expulsion or conversion
    of the entire Muslim and Jewish populations of the Iberian peninsula?

    Many Muslims perceive these moves as the West targeting Iran
    and Turkey in an attempt to prevent important Muslim countries
    from achieving the military capacity -- Iran -- and the political
    stature -- Turkey -- they deserve. Many see behind these moves the
    not-so-hidden hand of an ideology based on Huntington's theory of
    the clash of civilizations. Although these perceptions may not fully
    conform with reality, it is well established that perceptions count
    much more than reality in the conduct of international relations.

    From: Baghdasarian