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ANCC: Turk Govt Forces Cancellation of Conference on the Genocide

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  • ANCC: Turk Govt Forces Cancellation of Conference on the Genocide

    3401 Olivar-Asselin
    Montréal, Québec
    H4J 1L5
    Tél. (514) 334-1299 Fax (514) 334-6853
    Communiqué de Presse - Press Release
    26 mai, 2005

    Contacts: Shant Karabajak 514-334-1299
    Roupen Kouyoumdjian 514-336-7095

    **Le français suit l'anglais**

    Turkish Government Forces the Cancellation of a Conference on the Armenian

    Under heavy threats and intimidation from the Turkish government, an
    Istanbul conference on the Armenian Genocide was cancelled.

    The conference, which was to start yesterday, May 25, was organized by three
    Istanbul universities (Bogazci, Sabanci and Biligi). It was cancelled after
    threatening telephone calls Tuesday afternoon from the governor of Istanbul
    and by the chief public prosecutor. More than 700 people had already
    registered for the three-day conference.

    In a telephone call to the organizers, the governor of Istanbul demanded the
    conference be cancelled due to a possible security risks. Meanwhile, the
    chief public prosecutor demanded copies of the documents to be delivered at
    the conference, implying that he would start criminal proceedings against
    those he deemed guilty.

    On May 24, Turkish justice minister Cemil Cicek, in a speech at the Turkish
    parliament, accused conference organizers of treason. "This is a stab in the
    back to the Turkish nation. This is irresponsibility. We must put an end to
    this cycle of treason and insult, of spreading propaganda against the
    [Turkish] nation by people who belong to it," said Cicek. Opposition parties
    joined the minister in condemning the conference. Sukru Elekdag, Republican
    People's Party deputy, described the conference "a treacherous project"

    Explaining why they had cancelled the conference, organizers said in a news
    release: "We are worried that the expression of the prejudices in relation
    to the contents of a conference that has not yet been held harms the
    academic freedom of a state university. We want to notify the Turkish public
    that we decided, under these conditions and faced with the possible
    consequences that may emerge from holding the conference, that it would be
    more appropriate to postpone it."

    Conference participant Fatma Muge Gocek, associate professor at University
    of Michigan, said: "The party which needs to be held responsible for this
    turn of events is not the Bogazci University, but the Turkish state in
    general and the current government in particular. The fact that the state
    resorted to such pressure to stop this conference from taking place reveals,
    I think, that they feel threatened and perhaps think they could bring
    everything under control through exerting pressure themselves."

    In response to this event, Dr. Girair Basmadjian, President of the Armenian
    National Committee of Canada stated: "By threatening, intimidating and
    censoring dissident Turkish scholars and intellectuals, once again the
    Turkish government demonstrates an unwillingness to change its policy
    regarding the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, while forbidding its
    citizens to free debate on Turkey's dark chapter of history." Dr. Basmadjian
    later added: "The Turkish government's action is incompatible with the
    political, civil and democratic traditions of the European Union. Our
    Minister of Foreign Affairs should condemn the Turkish government's action
    as an insult to historical facts, the freedom of expression and the freedom
    of academic research."

    Le gouvernement turque oblige l'annulation d'une conférence académique sur
    le Génocide Arménien

    Le gouvernement turque, par sa politique d'intimidation au niveau académique
    a obligé l'annulation hier, le 25 mai 2005, d'une conférence relative au
    Génocide Arménien de 1915. La conférence comptait déjà plus de 700
    académiciens désireux de participer.

    La conférence était organisée par les trois plus grandes universités
    d'Istanbul, soit Bogazci, Sabanci et Biligi. La décision d'annuler cet
    effort d'introspection historique a été prise après la récéption d'appels
    téléphoniques de la part du Gouverneur d'Istanbul ainsi que le chef
    procureur. Celui-ci menaça même de mener devant la justice les organisateurs
    et les participants de la conférence.

    Le 24 mai, le Ministre de la Justice du pays pris parole au Parlement turc
    et affirma: "Cela est un couteau dans le dos de la nation turque. C'est de
    l'irresponsabilité. Nous avons le devoir de mettre fin au cycle de trahison,
    d'insulte et de propagande contre la nation turque par des personnes qui y

    Expliquant la raison pourquoi la conférence fut annulée, les organisateurs,
    par biais de communiqué de presse ont affirmé que: "Nous sommes préoccupés
    par les expressions de préjudices, tenues par notre gouvernement envers une
    conférence dont le contenu n'est pas encore connu. Ces actions menacent la
    liberté académique des unviersités d'etat. Nous voulons faire savoir au
    public turc que face à ces conditions et les consequences possibles que
    peuvent les suivrent, nous trouvons l'annulation de la conférence plus

    En réponse à l'évènement, Dr. Girair Basmadjian, Président du Comité
    National Arménien du Canada a dit: "En menaçant, intimidant et terrorisant
    les académiciens participants à cette conférance, le gouvernement turque a
    prouvé de nouveau son incapacité d'affronter le fait du Génocide Arménien,
    tout en défendant ses citoyens de mener des débats intellectuels libres sur
    le sujet." Celui-ci ajouta: "Cette action par le gouvernement turque est
    incompatible avec les traditions civiles et démocratiques de l'Union
    Européenne. Le Ministre Canadien des Affaires Externes devrait condamner les
    actions du gouvernement turque en tant qu'insulte envers les faits
    historiques, la liberté d'expression et la liberté de recherche académique."


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress