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Turkey's Democratic Dilemma

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  • Turkey's Democratic Dilemma

    Turkey's Democratic Dilemma

    Letter from Istanbul

    By Piotr Zalewski
    March 21, 2012

    Journalists and activists rally for press freedom in Ankara, March 19,
    2011 (Umit Bektas / Courtesy Reuters)

    During a town hall meeting organized as part of Barack Obama's 2009
    visit to Istanbul, a Turkish student expressed his disappointment with
    the president's inability to implement substantial changes to U.S.
    foreign policy. `Moving the ship of state is a slow process,' Obama
    explained. Not so in Turkey. Since the spring of 2011, Ankara has
    performed a remarkable volte-face. A country that engaged and appeased
    Middle East dictators for the better half of the past decade now urges
    them to undertake democratic reforms -- or risk regime change. There
    is just one problem: If Turkey is serious about exporting democracy,
    it will have to do a much better job of nourishing its own.

    Turkey's renewed focus on the Middle East began in the 1990s but hit
    full swing with the election of the Justice and Development Party
    (AKP) in 2002. Trade with the region boomed, visa restrictions with
    neighboring countries disappeared, and feel-good bilateral visits
    abounded. (By his own account, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet
    DavutoÄ?lu, billed as the architect of Turkey's renewed engagement with
    the Middle East, visited Damascus more than 60 times in the past eight
    years. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄ?an, meanwhile, vacationed in
    Turkey with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his family.) Things
    were going so well that a 2010 free-trade agreement among Jordan,
    Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey immediately bred talk of a Turkish-led
    Middle East union.

    Doing business with authoritarian regimes always involved a trade-off,
    however: Pushing economic interdependence, AKP officials foreswore any
    talk of meddling in their neighbors' internal affairs. In the interest
    of stability and expanding commercial links, Turkey repeatedly looked
    the other way in the face of authoritarianism and human rights
    violations. Ankara downplayed the genocide in Sudan, made no mention
    of Syria's dismal human rights record, and ignored the violence that
    followed the 2009 presidential election in Iran. Where most Western
    governments at least paid lip service to the need for democratic
    change in the region, Turkey gave precious few hints that it was
    uncomfortable with the status quo. ErdoÄ?an himself saw nothing wrong
    with accepting a human rights award from the Libyan dictator Muammar
    al-Qaddafi in late 2010.

    But the Arab Spring left this approach in tatters. Suddenly, the AKP
    government awoke to find that what it had valued most -- stability in
    its neighborhood -- could no longer be served by pampering the
    region's autocrats. What the Turks (and everyone else) realized was
    that the Arab world was bound to go up in flames without fundamental
    reforms. Assad and Qaddafi were hardly placed to deliver them. Another
    realization soon followed: `Zero problems with neighbors,' the guiding
    principle of the AKP's foreign policy, may have reaped economic gains,
    but it was not so useful at effecting political change.

    The deterioration of Turkey's once-prized relationship with Syria, in
    particular, laid bare the limits of Ankara's previous approach.
    ErdoÄ?an and DavutoÄ?lu had expected their friendship with Assad to
    translate into political leverage. It did not. As Syrian tanks rolled
    onto the streets of Hama, Turkish pleas for an end to the violence
    went largely ignored. ErdoÄ?an should have learned his lesson: The same
    scene had played out in Libya only months earlier. ErdoÄ?an had been
    convinced that he had Qaddafi's ear, only to be rebuffed by the Libyan

    Lately, AKP policymakers and pro-government media have been struggling
    to rewrite the narrative of the past few years, insisting that Turkey
    had been on the side of democratic change all along. In his February
    2011 speech calling for former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to
    step down, ErdoÄ?an boldly proclaimed that `not only in Turkey but
    everywhere in the world, the [AKP] has shown no fear or hesitation in
    siding with the oppressed and the victim. It has always taken a
    position against the status quo.' ErdoÄ?an's speech not only marked an
    attempt to revise history; it also heralded what has since become a
    genuine overhaul of Ankara's foreign policy. One year later, `zero
    problems' is out; in is a policy that is more assertive, willing to
    take sides, and ready to take risks.

    Today, Turkey no longer hesitates to play hardball with its neighbors.
    During a September 2011 trip to Cairo, ErdoÄ?an disappointed many of
    his admirers in the Muslim Brotherhood by publicly praising the
    virtues of secular rule. Having belatedly endorsed outside
    intervention in Libya, he warned earlier this year that the situation
    in Syria is `heading toward a religious, sectarian, and racial civil
    war' that `must be stopped.' In late January, the Turkish leader
    scolded Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for stoking sectarian
    conflicts. Two weeks later, Bülent Arınç, Turkey's deputy prime
    minister, lambasted Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon for remaining silent in
    the face of the bloodshed in Syria. `If they do not raise their
    voices,' he said, `then they have to remove the word `Islam' from
    their names.'

    Particularly with regard to Syria, Ankara's new posture has involved
    more than just words. Turkey, which shares a 550-mile border with
    Syria to its south, has made it clear that its doors are `open to all
    Syrians who want to flee from oppression,' as DavutoÄ?lu put it last
    month. Refugee camps inside Turkey are already home to over 16,000
    Syrians, with many more expected to arrive in the coming weeks. Ankara
    has provided a haven not only for refugees but for scores of Syrian
    activists and leaders of the rebel Free Syrian Army. Earlier this
    month, government officials said Turkey was weighing the possibility
    of arming the rebels, setting up humanitarian corridors in Syria, and
    even deploying troops.

    Even if it implies a commitment to a more principled foreign policy,
    Turkey's decision to throw its lot with the Arab revolutionaries also
    reflects the realpolitik of the `zero problems' era. Without a doubt,
    the images of bloodied protesters in Cairo, Homs, and Tripoli have
    galvanized Turks, both on the street and in the government, to make
    the case that dictators who turn their guns on their own people have
    no right to govern. Whenever possible, however, ErdoÄ?an's government
    has done all it can to hitch its newfound enthusiasm for democracy to
    Turkish interests. After all, when it came to Libya, with $15 billion
    worth of Turkish contracts on the line, Ankara initially opposed
    outside intervention. When it shifted course, dispatching five navy
    ships and a submarine to help enforce the arms embargo against
    Qaddafi, evacuating and treating wounded fighters from Benghazi, and
    committing $300 million to Libya's National Transitional Council,
    Turkey made sure to capitalize on its aid. By the time of ErdoÄ?an's
    triumphant visit to Libya in September 2011, a month after the rebels'
    capture of Tripoli, Turkish companies were in pole position in the
    race for new contracts -- and had received assurances that old ones
    would be respected.

    If Turkey's support for regime change in Libya was anchored to
    economic interests, then its support for the Syrian opposition is more
    bound to geopolitical ones. Having calculated that Assad's days are
    numbered, Turkey wants to reap strategic dividends should the
    opposition take power. When the time comes to draw up a post-Assad
    Syria -- and to accommodate the aspirations of the country's Kurdish
    minority in particular -- ErdoÄ?an will be waiting on the doorstep.

    But there is a catch. All of this pushing for democratic change will
    ultimately ring hollow so long as Turkey's own democracy continues to
    show signs of rot. Turkey's reform process, once propelled by the
    promise of EU accession, has sputtered. The Kurdish conflict, largely
    dormant just a few years ago, has once again flared up, largely
    because of the AKP's failure to deliver on a highly touted `Kurdish
    initiative,' which would have granted the community some measure of
    local autonomy and new cultural rights. And even with the March 12
    release of two reporters, Ahmet Å?ık and Nedim Å?ener, Turkey continues
    to have more journalists in jail than any other country in the world,
    according to the Turkish Journalists Union. In this year's Press
    Freedom Index, the country placed 148th worldwide, down from 102nd in
    2008 and behind the likes of Zimbabwe, Russia, and the Democratic
    Republic of Congo. Beset by internal divisions and competing
    loyalties, the justice system is a growing black hole. In the last
    three months alone, prosecutors tried to launch an investigation
    targeting the leader of the parliamentary opposition, subpoenaed the
    head of the national intelligence agency in a terror probe, and had a
    former military chief arrested on conspiracy charges, raising fears
    that parts of the judiciary have become tools in the hands of rival
    political and ideological forces.

    Unless Turkey gets its house in order, its ability to influence
    regional politics will suffer. For one, a more authoritarian Turkey
    would put itself at odds with the West and bury its already
    diminishing chances for EU membership, making it a much less
    attractive partner, politically and economically, to its neighbors.
    The contradiction between Turkey's new foreign policy posture and the
    state of its democracy at home may also engender backlash. In January,
    after ErdoÄ?an skewered Iraq, Maliki openly accused the Turks of
    hypocrisy. `If it is acceptable to talk about our judicial authority,'
    Maliki said, `then we can talk about theirs, and if they talk about
    our disputes, we can talk about theirs.'

    At the same time, Turkey's flirtation with authoritarianism threatens
    to erode international confidence in the viability of democracy in the
    Muslim world. For better or worse, the notion of a `Turkish model' --
    shorthand for the successful marriage of democracy and political Islam
    -- has become an indispensable reference point for supporters of
    systemic change in the Middle East. It is no secret that the West's
    faith in the course of the Arab revolts has already been tested.
    Should Turkey continue to backslide away from democracy, it will be
    dented further.
