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The Ballot Blues

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  • The Ballot Blues

    Michael Young

    June 1 2012

    There is a consensus that the outcome of Lebanon's parliamentary
    elections next year will be greatly affected by the situation in
    Syria. That's a sensible conclusion to draw, but it should not detract
    from the fact that the March 14 coalition would do better to start
    preparing for elections now, independently of Syrian developments.

    As Hezbollah observes its ally, Bashar al-Assad, struggling for
    political survival, it is devising a fallback plan to protect itself
    if the Syrian regime is ousted. The party is focused on winning a
    parliamentary majority, which would select a new president a year later
    and then take full control of the apparatus of the state. This is a
    strategic necessity for Hezbollah, and therefore denying the party and
    its allies such a victory should be a strategic necessity for March 14.

    Among March 14 devotees, particularly in predominantly Christian
    areas, the mood is upbeat. They sense that Michel Aoun has lost
    ground, and that some of the political alignments that have afforded
    him considerable electoral punch are fraying. They will argue, for
    instance, that Aoun may no longer benefit from the block Armenian vote
    in the Metn. How the Armenian Tashnaq Party leans will, in part, be
    shaped by the behavior and survivability of Bashar al-Assad's regime
    in Syria, where a sizable Armenian community resides.

    That assessment could be correct. The results in the predominantly
    Christian districts of Mount Lebanon-specifically Baabda, the
    Metn, Kesrouan and Jbeil, as well as Aley and the Chouf, where
    Walid Jumblatt rules-will probably define who ultimately holds a
    parliamentary majority. But would Bashar's fall, assuming his regime
    does go within the coming year, necessarily harm Aoun's chances of
    remaining the politician with the largest Christian bloc?

    March 14 could err on the side of hubris by answering in the
    affirmative, providing Aoun with a decisive advantage. The reality
    is that if elections were held today, the general would still likely
    win the largest bloc of Christians, despite his setbacks. Here is why.

    Even if we accept that Aoun's popularity has regressed, this does
    not mean that March 14 has gained. There are anecdotal signs that the
    Lebanese Forces have expanded their base of support in Mount Lebanon,
    but winning the vote involves a complex game of alliances that Samir
    Geagea would have trouble managing alone. Aoun will benefit greatly
    from unified Shia backing in Baabda and Jbeil, and his prospects for
    a victory in Jezzine are relatively high, since the alternative is
    a list of candidates backed by the parliament speaker, Nabih Berri,
    who is not liked among Christians in the district.

    In the Metn the Armenians may yet go their own way, but there is no
    overriding motivation for them to do so. If Aoun is the dominant
    player, why should they abandon him? Tashnaq has been talking to
    Michel al-Murr lately, but this need not be at Aoun's expense.

    Remember that during the last elections in 2009, the Armenians voted
    for Murr even though they were represented in the Aounist list.

    As for Sami Gemayel, he, too, will probably win reelection. However,
    the Gemayels are arguably more wary of their professed allies than of
    their adversaries. The Kataeb Party quietly views the Lebanese Forces
    as a political competitor, since both fish in the same electoral pond.

    Sami Gemayel rightly feels that he can appeal to the Aounist base in
    the Metn, but if he expects to win only his own seat (as opposed to
    bringing several candidates in on his coattails), he doesn't want to
    have to compete with a Lebanese Forces candidate over that seat.

    In the Kesrouan, where traditional politics tend to dominate, it will
    be equally difficult to unseat Aoun. That does not mean that the
    general's list will not be vulnerable to individual challenges. In
    2009, for instance, Carlos Edde made a surprisingly strong showing in
    the district. Past parliamentarians, such as Mansour al-Bon, continue
    to have followers, and family rivalries can affect voting patterns.

    However, because party politics are less influential in the Kesrouan,
    electoral jockeying could undermine a concerted March 14 campaign.

    In the districts of Aley and the Chouf, March 14 may have the upper
    hand, but only through a door opened by Walid Jumblatt. The Druze
    leader is flirting with March 14 because he needs Sunni votes in the
    Chouf and for his candidates in Beirut and the West Bekaa. However,
    once elections are over, his interests and those of March 14 may yet
    diverge. Jumblatt, if he strides the middle as he has in the past
    three years, can become the kingmaker in a new government.

    To win an election, one needs money. March 14, by the admission of
    its own partisans, does not have a great deal to spare these days,
    with Saad Hariri outside of Lebanon. These are early times, however,
    and the checks may begin arriving in early 2013.

    However, it will require a bit more to persuade voters to choose the
    candidates of the former majority. Hezbollah and Aoun are exposed
    enough, their project of governance discredited enough, that March
    14 has a valuable weapon to deploy in its own favor. But unless,
    and until, it can show that its project is more credible than that
    of the current majority, and convince a public whose cynicism is at
    an apoplectic high, the election consequences may disappoint.

    Michael Young is opinion editor of The Daily Star newspaper in
    Lebanon. He tweets @BeirutCalling.
