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Nuke plants construction in Turkey in exchange for silence on Genoci

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  • Nuke plants construction in Turkey in exchange for silence on Genoci

    Nuke plants construction in Turkey in exchange for silence on Genocide?

    May 13, 2013 - 18:12 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Countries investing in construction of Turkey-based
    nuclear power plants will refrain from mentioning the Armenian
    Genocide in future, Turkish Minister for Energy and Natural Resources

    `Japan and France's involvement in the construction of an NPP in
    Turkey will influence the settlement of issues linked to the Armenian
    Genocide. After the investments made, the countries in question will
    be more careful as to their Genocide-related statements,' Sabah quoted
    Taner Yildiz as saying.

    Turkey plans to launch operation of 2 NPPs within 10 years: Sinop, to
    be constructed by Japan's Mitsubishi jointly with France's GDF Suez,
    and Akkuyu, Russia's Rosatom project.
