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Interaction signed [email protected] contract with VivaCell

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  • Interaction signed [email protected] contract with VivaCell

    PanArmenian News Network
    July 19 2005


    19.07.2005 04:53

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ INTRACOM has signed a new contract, amounting to
    [email protected] in its first phase, with VivaCell, the trademark of K-Telecom,
    which is second largest mobile operator in Armenia, for the
    deployment of a mobile network. INTRACOM Company Press Service stated
    to .am edition of PanARMENIAN.Net. According to the source, the aim
    of the project, which INTRACOM undertook in cooperation with ALCATEL,
    is to enable VivaCell to become a strong mobile operator in Armenia
    that will provide the most advanced high-quality services to the
    Armenian end-users. In particular, within the framework of the
    contract, the project provides for the deployment of a complete
    "turn-key" mobile network covering the entire territory of Armenia.
    It should be noted that INTRACOM Company headquartered in Greece is
    one of the main providers of ArmenTel telephone company, which has
    concluded a $37-million contract of with INTRACOM in 1999. However,
    the Interdepartmental Commission, formed by the Armenian Government
    in 2001, has discovered misuse of the financial flows of common
    activities of ArmenTel and INTRACOM. It should also be mentioned that
    INTRACOM Company was founded by social immigrant Sokratis Kokalis,
    who is observed to be in close cooperation with German State Security
    Committee. Bundestag respective bodies are dealing with the
    wheeler-dealer finance of Sokratis Kokalis and his company. Detailed
    information is available in the Library section.