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Islam: The Religion of Peace?

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  • Islam: The Religion of Peace?

    American Daily, OH
    July 20 2005

    Islam: The Religion of Peace?
    By Tom Brewton (07/20/05)

    One consequence of our degraded educational system is a cohort of
    college graduates who swallow the fallacious line that Muslims are
    the aggrieved party; that because of the Crusades they are victims
    who are merely struggling to redress oppression by the formerly
    Christian West; that the United States deserved the 9/11 attacks.

    The facts are overwhelmingly the reverse of the anti-American picture
    painted by our liberal-socialist universities and colleges.

    Earlier postings on this website (here and here) have documented some
    aspects of the truth about the barbaric and warlike nature of Islam,
    which has been a religion of conquest, pillage, and enslavement since
    622 AD.

    That is not to say that all Muslims fit that profile today. It is to
    say, however, that so long as they remain silent about, or joyfully
    exult in terrorist mass murders, they do fit that description. Al
    Queda~Rs principal spokesmen have explicitly declared war on the
    Western world.

    Unfortunately, just as happened to American colonists during our 1776
    War of Independence, when families and friends were split between
    American rebels and loyalists to the crown, Muslims living in western
    societies are caught between two loyalties and they must choose.

    Maggie~Rs Farm provides additional specifics about Islam~Rs murderous
    past in a posting dated Tuesday, July 19. 2005.

    Islam: The Religion of Peace
    Reading the reactions of Canadian Muslims to the London bombings as
    they attempt to paint themselves as victims of nonexistent crimes
    made me think back to some of the very real crimes that have been
    committed by Muslims against the Christian (and other non-Muslim)
    minorities in their midst throughout history. Most Westerners,
    familar only with the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and the
    Holocaust, may be surprised by this:

    The Armenians: Over 1,000,000 killed by the Turks in 1915 in a
    forgotten genocide.

    The Assyrian Christians: An ancient, non-Arab people of Northern
    Iraq, 500,000-750,000 - almost three-quarters of the entire Assyrian
    population - killed in 1915 by the Turks.

    The Serbians: The first true ethnic cleansing in the Balkans was
    committed by the Ottomans, who after a failed campaign against the
    Austrians in the 1680s killed thousands of Serbs and destroyed
    hundreds of churches and monasteries, notably in the Serbian homeland
    of Kosovo.

    The Egyptian Copts: The first major persecutions of Egyptian
    Christians began during the medieval Fatimid Caliphate, but they
    continue today in the form of abductions, forced conversions and
    harsh laws overlooked by the government of Hosni Mubarak.

    The Lebanese: Christians were a majority of the inhabitants of
    Lebanon from late Roman times until the 1980s civil war, when tens of
    thousands were killed and hundreds of thousands more driven to
    emigrate. In 1980, Lebanon was majority Christian nation: today,
    Christians are a shrinking minority.

    The Sudanese: 1.5 million Christians have been killed by Muslims in
    the north of the country, and many more have been tortured, enslaved
    or driven from their homes.

    The Nigerians: Muslims in the north of the country have launched a
    virtual civil war against the Christians of the south, killing
    thousands of innocent civilians in attacks over the past several

    The Iraqi Christians: One of the lamentable results of the Iraq war
    has been the persecution, killing and emigration of hundreds of
    thousands of Iraqi Christians, who are suspected of being in league
    with the Western occupying forces. Christians made up as many as
    15-20 percent of the Iraqi population 25 years ago: today the figure
    is three percent and falling.

    The Hindus: The Muslim conquest of northern India and Afghanistan
    resulted in the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Hindus and
    Buddhists and the destruction of entire cities. Even when nearly
    every last non-Muslim had been killed or converted, the Taliban still
    insisted on destroying the harmless and beautiful Buddhist reliefs
    carved into cliffsides to eradicate every trace of their memory.

    The Indonesians: Attacks against Christians in recent years have
    resulted in the deaths of dozens of Christians and the destruction of
    thousands of Christian-owned homes and businesses.

    This is only a very partial list, of course, but it is fairly
    representative of the atrocities that have been committed all over
    the world throughout history and up to the present day. All of this
    is in addition to continuing legal discrimination against Christians
    in Muslim-majority nations, including laws against interfaith
    marriage and Muslim-to-Christian conversions in Egypt, laws against
    public worship and the establishment of new churches in Saudi Arabia,
    and laws against proselytization of Muslims in Malaysia.

    Having taken a brief look back at history, it seems more than a
    little ridiculous for a Muslim to complain about his treatment in
    Canada of all places, which has granted citizenship to hundreds of
    thousands of Muslims in recent years, permitted the establishment of
    hundreds of mosques, and caved in to Muslim demands at every turn.
    Muslim arrogance at present is unparalleled since the days of the
    ~Srightly guided Caliphs,~T perhaps, and until Western nations find the
    spine to stand up to this attitude things will only get worse.

    What of the Western leaders describing the bombings as the work of a
    "tiny core of extremists,~T or "a fringe movement?" Nonsense. Nearly
    every Islamic nation in the world has waged or is currently waging a
    war against the non-Muslims in its midst through one means or
    another, with the goal of driving such unbelievers out entirely and
    establishing complete demographic dominance while sending out
    tentacles elsewhere. Islam does not deal in missionaries and sermons,
    but in the sword and the chains of bondage, and always has. Modern
    international terrorism is merely an outgrowth of this basic mindset,
    which implicitly or explicitly condones whatever measures are
    necessary to insure the spread of Islam. Perhaps the guilt-ridden
    nations of the West can come to understand the vital lessons of
    history before it is too late.

    Posted by The Dylanologist in History at 15:53