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Ruben Vardanyan: "Prosperity Model Requires Will, Ambitions And Risk

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  • Ruben Vardanyan: "Prosperity Model Requires Will, Ambitions And Risk


    Mediamax, Armenia
    June 24 2013

    - In our interview last February we spoke about the "industry of
    charity". Has your understanding of this term changed over this time?

    - Many things have happened indeed since that interview. Thus,
    for example, it was decided to set up the IDeA Fund (Initiatives
    for Development of Armenia). Since the RVVZ Charitable Fund, whose
    founders are me and my wife Veronica Zonabend, realizes projects not
    only in Armenia, we decided that the "driver" of the Armenian projects
    will be the IDeA.

    To present the goals of IDeA in brief, I should say that we are
    setting up this Fund in order to overcome the skepticism and increase
    social confidence. We want to implement charitable projects which will
    influence Armenia's future and help it pass from the survival model,
    which currently dominates in the country, to the model of prosperity.

    To this end, we need to transform the people's way of thinking and
    teach them to think and to work 20-30 years ahead. We are trying to
    restore people's faith that the "impossible is possible" by means of
    creating mechanisms for the realization of complex long-term projects.

    We have formulated 7 basic principles which help us choose the projects
    and work on them:

    - A long-term vision and plan spanning several decades; - Its scale
    and symbolic importance; - Collegiality and internationality; -
    Multiplier effect (infrastructure, social, cultural); - Local community
    involvement; - Gradual operational self-sufficiency; - Meeting high
    international standards and creating a new benchmark locally.

    I'll try to explain how these principles work in detail on examples.

    A long-term vision and plan spanning several decades. Non of projects
    is designed for 1-2 years; their horizon of planning and success
    makes 10-20 years. Thus, for example, the idea of "Tatev Revival"
    was born in 2003. The realization of the project began in 2008 and
    it is planned to be over in 2017 when the Tatev Monastery will mark
    its 1111th anniversary. The idea of creation of Dilijan International
    School was born in 2006 when we were seeking variants to educate our
    children. In 2010, the President of Armenia planted a symbolic tree on
    the territory of the future school and in 2014 the school will welcome
    its first students. The school will work to the full extent in 2023.

    Undertaking such long-term projects we strive to show on our own
    example that the future of the country cannot be built in 2-3 years.

    It is a hard work which requires involvement for decades.

    Its scale and symbolic importance. Overall $80 million was invested
    into "Tatev Revival" project by the initiators of the project, the
    Government of Armenia, private individuals from various countries
    of the world. This is a very serious amount. However, the scale is
    measured not only by the volume of investments but also by changes in
    the level and quality of life in the region. As for Tatev, I should
    say that over 140 000 people (and this is a very serious figure) have
    used the aerial tramway leading to the Monastery since October 2010.

    Tourism development entails infrastructure development. It creates
    new sources of income and new workplaces for the local population. In
    case of Dilijan International School, the volume of investments into
    the construction of the campus, infrastructure and equipment totals
    $150 million. We are going to attract serious funds in the future,
    which allow allocating scholarships and grants to cover the tuition
    fees of 70% of the students. Such projects are vital not only on
    the local level but also on the international one, since they draw
    attention to Armenia: for example the "Wings of Tatev" is registered
    in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's longest non-stop
    reversible aerial tramway, and children from at least 60 countries
    will study at Dilijan International School.

    Collegiality and internationality - projects unite a lot of people
    of various nationalities and religions. This is one of the key
    principles. It is very important to realize that these are not Ruben
    Vardanyan's projects. For example, the donors of "Tatev Revival"
    project are not only Armenians, Russians or Americans, but also Kurds,
    Indians and Jews. Overall 140 people from 18 countries take part in
    the financing of the project.

    The criterion of our success is not the fact that we have managed
    to build the longest aerial tramway in the world but the fact that
    the significant part of the donors of "Tatev Revival" have decided to
    back the Dilijan International School project too. If people continue
    donating to new projects it means that we have managed to convince
    them of the correctness and attractiveness of our ideas, and it is
    a clear indicator of success.

    This principle intersects with two others - the scale of our projects
    and the multiplier effect laid in them: most of the people having no
    ties with Armenia take part in the realization of projects in this
    country. Many of them have never been here before and now they come
    and become the friends of Armenia.

    Multiplier effect (infrastructure, social, cultural). The basic goal
    of "Tatev Revival" is certainly laid in the name of the project - to
    restore the gem of the medieval Armenian architecture and one of the
    most important Armenian shrines. However, on the way to this goal we
    are also solving many other vital tasks. It's already obvious that the
    construction of the "Wings of Tatev" cableway became the catalyst of
    development of tourism in the region. If before the realization of the
    project only several dozens of tourists were visiting the monastery
    during the day, today the figure already makes several hundreds on
    week days and sometimes even 1000 people on weekends. Ten new hotels
    have opened in Goris in recent years, which is a bright evidence of
    the multi-effectiveness of our project. At the same time, we work
    on the creation of new types of tourism in the region - hiking and
    cycling tours on special mountain routes, as well as rock climbing.

    The revival of Tatev influences the surrounding villages as well,
    whose inhabitants now have a chance to find a worthy work.

    Another very important component of "Tatev Revival" project is the
    provision of a more comfortable communication with Artsakh. Taking
    into consideration the fact that the road from Yerevan to Stepanakert
    is very tiresome, many people, including the Armenian citizens,
    didn't want to visit Artsakh. Today, the development of the tourism
    infrastructure allows the Armenian travelers and foreign tourists to
    spend the night in Goris, enjoy the beauty of Tatev and then continue
    their journey to Artsakh.

    The construction of Dilijan International School is also a pronounced
    multi-effective project. First of all Armenia will enrich the list of
    countries, which have international schools meeting modern educational
    standards. Secondly, the teenagers who will study in Dilijan will be
    able to study at the best universities of the world in the future,
    and the years they have spent in Armenia won't be in vain. These young
    people will become sort of "envoys" of our country contributing to its
    popularization. Thirdly, the realization of such a large-scale project
    will bolster the development of small and medium entrepreneurship in
    Dilijan and creation of workplaces. I can continue this list but I
    would like to highlight the most obvious aspects.

    Local community involvement. This is a very important and at the same
    time one of the most complicated principles to realize. I wouldn't
    like people to perceive our projects as some "foreign bodies", as
    something imposed from "above". People working in Tatev or Dilijan
    should feel that it's not simply a job and "their" project is part of
    their life. Let's take, for example, the Yerevan Cascade. The reaction
    on the first sculptures was reserved, sometimes even hostile. However,
    today they have already become part of a natural Yerevan environment
    and if anyone decides to take away Botero's "Cat" I am sure many
    would worry and ask: "Where is our cat?"

    Gradual operational self-sufficiency. We have to understand that
    charity is the initial significant capital investment, necessary to
    establish an infrastructure. It will never return to the donors. We
    have to create mechanisms for the gradual transition of the projects
    to self-financing, when the projects will exist irrespective of the
    donors. For example, the aerial tramway in Tatev is an expensive
    engineering-technical construction and all the incomes from the sale
    of tickets are directed to its maintenance.

    Meeting high international standards and creating a new
    benchmark locally. Our projects in Armenia meet the highest world
    standards. The Tatev cableway was built by an Austrian-Swiss company
    Doppelmayr/Garaventa - world's leader in this area. As for Dilijan
    International School, thanks to the project which was worked out by
    British architect Tim Flynn and is realized by a Russian RD Management
    Company, Armenia will have the first large complex of public buildings
    meeting the most modern environmental standards that perfectly fits
    into the landscape of Dilijan National Park. The Board of Trustees
    of the school comprises internationally recognized people of various
    nationalities, who are ready to be in charge of the project. This is
    another evidence of the fact that we are setting a very high bar to
    our undertakings.

    As for the industry of charity on the whole, it' s a relatively new
    notion, as a result of which there are only a few people who can do
    charity professionally. Very often charity is perceived as an emotional
    outburst, not a professional activity. People don't understand that
    this is a very serious work, just like the commercial activity. Of
    course many learn it. Some people do it faster, some slower, bur
    the understanding of the industry of charity in the society is,
    nevertheless, improving.

    - You have frequently stated that for you business is not only a way
    to earn money but also a means to achieve positive changes. Do your
    projects in Armenia help change for the better?

    - I hope they do in some way. I think even small changes are very
    important and I am happy that much has been realized so far. It's
    another thing that being a restless man by nature and very exigent to
    myself and to people around me, I worry that things are moving very
    slowly. At the same time, I understand that the speed of developments
    in Armenia is very slow and things move through inertia. In any case,
    I hope we will manage to realize everything we have scheduled within
    several decades.

    - There exists a very fashionable term today - crowd funding: people,
    mainly young, start collecting money in social networks to help sick
    children or to solve some local municipal tasks. Can wealthy people
    help such enthusiasts create kind of a framework within which they
    will be able to realize their good intentions?

    - I can say we already have an example of crowd funding: several
    years ago people reacted to the initiative of Yerevan Magazine and
    took part in the fundraising to restore David Sasuntsi monument and
    the small fountain on the Republic Square in Yerevan. Although it's
    hard to solve large-scale charitable tasks through crowd funding,
    I think it's a very good and important undertaking. Nevertheless,
    there are a lot of differences between the crowd funding and industry
    of charity: crowd funding in only one of the mechanisms.

    - In our last interview you said that "Armenia-2020" project was an
    "attempt to plough up the mental field in Armenia". Unfortunately,
    the attempt was not very successful, since Armenia's development
    models set forth within the project and scenarios were not discussed
    by political forces, media and the public on the whole.

    - The answer is quite simple - we have to keep on "ploughing"
    (smiling). There will be no harvest if you plough up the filed
    only once. I can't agree with the opinion that "Armenia-2020" was
    fruitless. The idea of a state-private partnership, on which the
    project was based, was realized through the establishment of the
    National Competitiveness Fund of Armenia. Let's not forget either that
    the government of Armenia invested $20 million into "Tatev Revival"
    project, making a significant contribution to its realization. So, the
    restoration of Tatev Monastery is a joint work of private investors,
    the Armenian Apostolic Church and the government, where the National
    Competitiveness Fund of Armenia is the coordinator between the project

    IDeA Fund is the product of "Armenia 2020" project. So, in fact,
    many ideas and approaches we have once discussed gradually transform
    into concrete projects.

    - In you opinion, what is most lacking in Armenia today?

    - I think it would be incorrect to give assessments, since I don't
    live here. At the same time, as a person who regularly visits Armenia
    and can view the processes from "outside" I see several fundamental

    Although there is a lack of workplaces in Armenia, it's is extremely
    difficult to find professionals ready to devote themselves to projects,
    who are not limited by working hours only. At the same time, many
    people are ready to leave for Moscow or anywhere else and do a much
    less attractive job there.

    I have to say that today the Armenian society is dominated by a
    somewhat distorted perception of success: people think that the
    successful person is not the one who works much and earns money, but
    the one who has money but doesn't work. The important factor is not
    the knowledge but the diploma. This is a very depressing phenomenon.

    Personal and professional relationships are also often mixed here. As a
    result of this the discussion of a particular business problem often
    turns into a "bazaar".

    There exists another aspect as well: the richest people in the country
    aren't the largest taxpayers and their business is built not on the
    talent or intellect but on proximity to the authorities. There are
    different game rules for different groups, which are defined not by
    the talent and the ability to work hard but by the ties with certain
    circles. Anyhow, there are indeed some good success stories too. And I
    am happy that some Armenian businessmen participate in the realization
    of our projects.

    I think it happens because people have lost faith in the future, their
    dreams. Armenia sticks to the survival model today. When you live in
    such regime, you don't think about long-term perspectives. Even the
    elite lacks a "long" planning horizon, this is why the most important
    decisions are made without thinking about the future as if we live here
    and today only. This is particularly visible in urban development:
    a lot of high buildings are being built in Armenia today, mainly in
    the center of the cities. Such a rapid saturation of the space with a
    large number of objects inevitably impacts the quality of construction,
    as well as the concomitant infrastructure. And no one cares about
    the ideology, aesthetics, or about convenience and adaptability of
    these houses to people's lives, especially children.

    New buildings should not only fit to the urban environment, they
    should help the city preserve its integrity and identity. This can
    be done only if you love your city, take care of it and think about
    its future. Unfortunately, I don't feel that people love their city,
    their country. I don't feel that they are proud of it.

    In order to turn the tide, we have to increase confidence first of
    all, and then expand the planning horizon. But the model of survival
    that exists in Armenia today doesn't allow it. This is the problem
    of not only authorities but also the society and the people. They
    are building a small vendor kiosk, then attach a veranda to it, then
    a balcony and then this construction turns into a shop, which later
    transforms into an empire, but it is still built of small patches yet.

    Over the last century Armenians have lived under the yoke of aliens,
    and it became one of the reasons that we are very good mediators and
    assistants, but we become the heads of large corporations very seldom.

    The model of survival exists everywhere, whereas we don't have a
    prosperity model which requires ambitions and risk.

    - Can the model change in the foreseeable future?

    - Everything is possible. This is a matter of vision, will and sequence
    of actions. The goal of IDeA is the effective transformation of
    people's way of thinking, which is necessary to pass to the prosperity
    model. It requires sequence of actions and cannot be done within a day.

    Ara Tadevosyan talked to Ruben Vardanyan. -
