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An Interview With Camp Haiastan's New Executive Director

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  • An Interview With Camp Haiastan's New Executive Director

    By Contributor // August 6, 2013

    By Dan Chakmakjian

    Camp Haiastan has a place in the hearts of many members of the Armenian
    community in the United States and throughout the world.

    Although many people contribute their time and effort to the camp
    during the year, perhaps the most difficult job belongs to the
    executive director. On July 10, I interviewed the new executive
    director, David Hamparian, on his recent acceptance of the position
    and his history with the camp.

    1x1.trans An Interview with Camp Haiastan's New Executive Director

    David Hamparian with his family Dan Chakmakjian: How did Camp Haiastan
    affect your life when you were young?

    David Hamparian: Well, it gave me more confidence. I was really shy
    at the time and coming here to camp gave me an opportunity to be away
    from home, to deal with being away from home, making new friends,
    developing stronger friendships, to learn about being Armenian and
    what it meant to me.

    DC: Can you share a story or a memory from camp?

    DH: There are so many that I probably can't... What happens at camp
    stays at camp to a certain extent. But, you know, I can still remember
    being really shy and being "snowballed"... Some of those things haven't
    changed over the years: Counselors being nice, knowing that you were
    shy, and helping you develop and be more of a young adult. So, a lot
    of good memories. Too many, too many to list.

    DC: What was your favorite thing about the summer of 1990, when you
    were summer director?

    DH: The end of the summer, when we had a successful year, the kids
    learned a lot, the counselors learned a lot, and everybody was safe.

    It's just a great sense of satisfaction knowing that we made a
    difference in kids' lives. And the counselors grew. There was a lot
    of personal growth for the counselors, which I didn't really expect.

    Seeing them change and evolve as managers for the first time in many
    of their lives was an interesting progression to watch.

    DC: How do you think that experience affected your decision to take
    the job?

    DH: No doubt, it impacted it greatly. Bob Avakian was a mentor
    in many ways and at that time it was-I said it then and I'll say
    it now-probably the best job I ever had. The most rewarding job

    DC: What was your first reaction when you were approached about the
    executive director position?

    DH: I thought they were kidding. [Chuckles] I was entertained by the
    thought but I wasn't sure how serious they were. It wasn't something
    I'd really been contemplating. I have love for the camp but until the
    opportunity was made official, it was in the back of my mind. I had
    to think seriously about what I wanted to do, and the more I thought
    about it, the more I realized, "This is something I'd love to do."

    DC: How does it feel to work at camp again?

    DH: It's harder to run [up] the hill than it was back then. [Big smile
    and a laugh] The hill seems a little steeper. The kids have changed a
    little bit, parents have changed, the perspective on camp has changed.

    It's evolved and grown but the core tenants of camp really haven't.

    The core programs are still in place, the requirements on counselors,
    and the demands place on them. The programs have gotten better
    over time.

    DC: Do you prefer Baron Dave, or Mr. Hamparian?

    DH: I don't like Baron Dave because Baron Dave was in 1990, that's in
    the rearview mirror. The Baron title is, to me, only appropriate for
    the director of the summer camp-the lower camp. I don't think that
    there is another Baron at the camp because without that Baron doing
    his job, the rest of the camp doesn't function right. It's integral
    and to me it's a title of respect for the person, what I think is
    the most important job at the camp. So, I had my day and now I have
    a different perspective on things, and we have different issues to
    deal with up here [at the executive office].

    DC: What are some improvements that you want to see during your tenure?

    DH: It's nice to see that there is a little bit more emphasis on the
    Armenian School. Baron Hagop has done a great job emphasizing that
    it's an Armenian camp and we need to be more Armenian when the chance
    is there. It's nice to see that it is being stressed and I think
    [the Armenian School teachers] are doing a great job.

    The camp has capital issues facing it. The bathrooms are a major
    concern that the community has to be made aware of-we're facing
    deadlines and major fundraising has to happen before next year to get
    that done because it's going to be an expensive project. We need people
    to be aware and we need support, financial support, in order to get
    the camp open next year. It's a possibility that without this happening
    the town won't give us the permit to open. That's first and foremost.

    Long-term goal? I'd like to see the camp grow and expand its programs
    further into the community. A week ago the founders came and saw the
    progress we've made, but we can always make it better [than it was].

    Dan Chakmakjian is a member of the AYF Greater Boston Nejdeh chapter.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress