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Why John Kerry Should Be Treated As A Thief

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  • Why John Kerry Should Be Treated As A Thief


    Kerry isn't on the Palestinian side. He's going all out for 'peace' on
    Israeli government terms

    By Robert Fisk

    August 14, 2013 "Information Clearing House - "The Independent" -
    Has John Kerry no shame? First he cuddles up to both Palestinians
    and Israelis and announces the renewal of a "peace process" which
    the Palestinians don't trust and the Israelis don't want. Then Israel
    announces that it will build 1,200 new homes for Jews - and Jews only -
    on occupied Palestinian land. And now Kerry tells the Palestinians -
    the weak and occupied Palestinians - that they are running out of
    time if they want a state of their own.

    Any other "statesman" involved in any other dispute who told an
    occupied people that if they didn't make peace their occupiers would
    steal even more of their land, would be regarded as an outcast, a
    fellow thief, a potential criminal. But no. John Kerry announces that
    illegal Jewish colonies - or "settlements" as he likes to call them,
    along with the world's Israel-compliant press - are "illegitimate". I
    think he meant internationally "illegal". But it doesn't matter. In
    the first 10 years of the Oslo "process", the number of Israelis
    living on stolen Palestinian land doubled to 400,000. No wonder Kerry
    muttered that Israel's latest theft announcement was "to some degree
    [sic] expected".

    You bet it was. Israel has been running rings around cowardly
    US administrations for decades, ignoring Washington's squirming
    embarrassment every time it went for another land grab on someone
    else's property. The Oslo accords, remember, envisioned a five-year
    period in which Israelis and Palestinians would refrain from taking
    "any unilateral steps that would prejudice the outcome of the
    negotiations". Israel simply ignored this. As it still does. And
    what does Kerry advise the Palestinians? That they should not "react

    This is preposterous. Kerry must know - as the UN and the EU know -
    that there is not the slightest chance of "Palestine" existing as a
    state because the Israelis have already stolen too much land on the
    West Bank. Anyone who drives around the occupied territories realises
    at once (unless they are politically blind) that there is as much
    chance of building a state in the West Bank - whose map of colonies
    and non-colonised districts looks like the smashed windscreen of a
    car - as there is waiting for the return of the Ottoman Empire.

    And Kerry? He's a man whose every statement must be colonised by
    the word "sic". Take this, for example. "We have known [sic] that
    there was going to be a continuation of some [sic] building [sic] in
    certain [sic] places, and I think the Palestinians understand that." I
    suppose there should be a "sic" after "understand" as well. And then
    Kerry tells us that "what this" - he's talking about the land theft -
    "underscores, actually [sic again], is the importance of getting to
    the table ... quickly". In other words, do what you're told now -
    or we'll let the Israelis snatch even more of your property. In the
    real world, this is called blackmail.

    Then came the ultimate lie: that the "question of settlements" is
    "best resolved by solving the problem of security and borders". Tosh.

    The colonies - or settlements, as Kerry goes on calling these acts
    of robbery - are not being taken by Israel because of "security" or
    "borders" but because the Israeli Right, which continues to dominate
    the Netanyahu administration, wants the land for itself. Many Israelis
    don't. Many Israelis see the vileness of this land theft and condemn
    it. They deserve the peace and security which the world wishes them.

    But they won't get it with colonisation, and they know it.

    And Kerry isn't on their side. He's going all out for "peace" on
    Israeli government terms, and the Palestinians - "cabined, cribbed,
    confined" - have got to shut up and take what they can get. And they
    will be given a few small morsels. Twenty-six elderly prisoners will
    be handed over today. Crumbs for Mahmoud Abbas and his merry men. But
    more colonies for Israel, a country which hasn't even told John Kerry -
    or us - where its eastern border is. On the old 1967 "green line"?

    Along the colony "line" east of Jerusalem? Or the Jordan river? But
    for Kerry, it's "hurry, hurry, hurry". Book your seats now, or it
    will be a full house. What price "Palestine"?


    From: A. Papazian