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The Museum of Snoring: snorers are worse than criminals

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  • The Museum of Snoring: snorers are worse than criminals

    Pravda, Russia
    Aug 4 2005

    The Museum of Snoring: snorers are worse than criminals
    08/04/2005 09:54
    Composer Johannes Brahms could outdo the whole orchestra with his

    It is an open secret that snoring is extremely annoying at night, but
    it can also make some individuals lose their temper in the daytime.
    The museum exposition in Alfeld, a small town in Lower Saxony, is
    wholly devoted to the phenomenon of snoring and methods of fighting
    with those who snore their heads off.

    Poet Marina Novikova wrote a witty "Ode to Snoring", where this
    disorder was presented as a guarantee of immeasurable love: a woman
    is ready to forgive her lover for snoring if only he will sleep
    beside her.

    About 20 percent of all adults snore on a frequent basis. The snoring
    ones include women as well men (the latter especially). The British
    Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association conducted a survey which showed
    that the majority of snorers (and those who sleep beside them) are
    dreaming of getting rid of this problem. The most common after-effect
    of snoring is connected with insufficient sleep and waking up tired
    (81 percent). In many cases snoring causes headache, which can spoil
    sex life and even lead to divorce. Women, whose partners snore in
    their sleep, also complain that they do not get satisfaction from sex.

    About 400 more or less effective snore remedies are displayed in
    Alfeld, which is situated not far from Hildesheim (Lower Saxony).
    Physician and researcher Joseph Alexander Wirth collected them on his
    own initiative. Not only did he collect them but also exposed them to
    the public in the local "Museum of Snoring" ("Schnarchmuseum Alfeld").

    One of the army jokes says: "How do you get rid of snoring? - "You
    should sleep in a gas mask!"

    In the museum there is an "anti-snoring mask" which is a hundred years
    old and represents leather straps that were wrapped around the chin
    so that the mouth would remain close.

    "These are the real torture tools, - Mr. Wirth grins. - During the
    Independence War in the US a cannonball was sewn down to the inner
    side of the snoring soldiers' uniforms so that they would not turn
    over onto their backs and disturb fellow soldiers. A similar method
    is applied even nowadays, although instead of heavy cannonball thick
    foam plastic pillow is used or tennis-balls are sewn down to the back."

    Here one can see the so-called "ear suppository" which is paled into
    the snorer's ear so he would not turn over on his side. Another
    object represents hollow tubule filled with essential oils, which
    during the lighting-up get into respiratory tract prevent snoring.
    Its inventor left on e question unanswered: how do you sleep with this
    thing? Another case displays prosthetic devices for oral cavity,
    which help to pull the upper jaw to the front by force. "Pins"
    for nose, which stretch nostrils to the point when a sleeper gets
    more oxygen. The devices, which are fastened on hands or legs and
    start vibrating in the time of snoring. Or the cruelest of all -

    Many of the odd items in the cabinet of curiosities were gifted to
    55-year-old Wirth by his patients. "I kept them in the basement, but
    then I thought why not to make a museum out of this?" the collector
    of rarities tells.

    He collected the rest of curiosities through the Internet and
    finally opened "The Museum of Snoring" in 2000. Mr. Wirth was greatly
    assisted by the local Schlafapnoe society. About thousand of people
    visit a small house in the residential area of Alfeld every year.
    The doctor thinks that "people must come to the museum smiling and
    leave it having learnt something".

    The snorers may be comforted by the fact that many famous people
    suffered from the same trouble: British PM Winston Churchill, for
    instance. The lover of Armenian cognac "warbled" so much at night
    that lady Churchill escaped from the bedroom in panic. After decades
    of happy marriage she slept in the bedroom with special acoustic
    insulation. They say that composer Johannes Brahms could outdo the
    whole orchestra with his snoring. Some say that physicist Albert
    Einstein and even the mighty Greek god of wine, Dionysus, were among
    those who loved to snore.

    There is a whole collection of stories and caricatures devoted to this
    topic in the museum. In addition to books and pictures one can see
    a variety of dolls and fabric animals, which can snore when squeezed.

    Igor Bukker