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International Organization ARTICLE 19 Has Published Report On Human

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  • International Organization ARTICLE 19 Has Published Report On Human


    18:08 03/10/2014 >> REGION

    Azerbaijan should refrain from using spurious criminal charges to
    put its critics behind bars, according to a new report by ARTICLE
    19, launched at the Council of Europe today, in the article called
    "When the truth becomes a lie." The report is published on the site
    of the organization.

    According to the report in 2014 the Azerbaijani authorities unleashed
    a vicious attack on civil society in the country, including those
    engaged in the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

    The report reads that the number of people imprisoned for expressing
    their critical opinions peacefully - whether on paper, on the Internet
    or on the streets - has been growing.

    ARTICLE 19 notes that the authorities should immediately and
    unconditionally release those detained or imprisoned for peacefully
    exercising their right to freedom of expression, and not target those
    speaking uncomfortable truths, either at home or at international
    level, including at the Council of Europe.

    "We are concerned that those raising the issue of political prisoners
    at the Council of Europe are specifically targeted, and such reprisals
    are incompatible with the human rights standards the Azerbaijani
    authorities claim to adhere to" said David Diaz-Jogeix, Director of
    Programmes of ARTICLE 19.

    According to him the Council of Europe, needs to speak up and call
    for the immediate and unconditional release of political prisoners
    in Azerbaijan.

    As the ARTICLE 19 notes, With Azerbaijan as the chair of its Committee
    of Ministers, the integrity and accountability of the whole institution
    is at stake.

    According to the report working in human rights in Azerbaijan is
    dangerous as attacks are both physical and psychological. Individuals
    are subjected to arbitrary arrest, smear campaigns, pressured
    to 'repent', and they, their families, and their colleagues are
    threatened. Those involved in highlighting the issue of political
    prisoners in Azerbaijan at international level are particularly
    vulnerable and have, ironically, become political prisoners themselves.

    "President Aliyev claims that "press freedom is fully ensured"[i],
    but ARTICLE 19 believes that this is untrue in today's Azerbaijan,"
    reads the report.

    The report recommends that the Azerbaijani authorities complied with
    their commitments in the field of human rights, including freedom
    of speech.
