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Emerging Writers' Festival Brings 'Amazing Babes' To Sydney

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  • Emerging Writers' Festival Brings 'Amazing Babes' To Sydney


    Sydney Morning Herald, Australia
    Nov 3 2014


    by Linda Morris

    At the height of superstardom, Mariah Carey performed the type of
    chocolate box love songs which spoke to a teenager's yearning for

    Tamar Chnorhokian committed to heart the words of Mariah Carey's
    tracks, writing down the lyrics in an exercise book which carried
    scraps of poetry and verse that appealed to the romantic in her.

    Alone in her bedroom, the volume of her cassette player set to blaring,
    she would sing into a hairbrush as Carey effortlessly zipped back
    and forth along four octaves.

    Along with Chnorhokian's Aunty Rita, a writer of Armenian descent,
    and an obscure poet, Carey has been a role model for that young girl
    who has been able to direct all that teen angst into her first young
    adult novel, The Diet Starts on Monday, published last week.


    "I must have been 12 or 13 when she brought out Emotions, and the
    lyrics just connected with me," Chnorhokian says.

    "She writes all these songs about unrequited love and it's something
    I related to as a teenager when I went through a lot of that. I was
    really drawn to her lyrics - I was writing a lot of my own poetry at
    the time - and she helped me make sense of what was happening to me."

    Chnorhokian will pay tribute to Carey in Amazing Babes, an event
    at the Emerging Writers' Festival, which travels by train through
    regional Victoria to Wagga Wagga and Canberra and arrives in Sydney
    on November 6.

    Amazing Babes is inspired by Eliza Sarlos' picture book of the
    same name and invites writers to tell an audience of writers about
    the women who have made them who they are, festival director Sam

    It proved the most popular event of this year's Melbourne festival. In
    Sydney, it will feature on stage Astrid Lorange, Laura Jean McKay,
    Pip Smith, Rosanna Beatrice Stevens and Madelaine Lucas.

    It was American writer Gertrude Stein who triggered Lorange's interest
    in exploring writing theory. Stein was the subject of her doctoral
    thesis and her new non-fiction book, How Reading is Written: A Brief
    Index to Gertrude Stein published by Wesleyan University Press.

    More recently, she has been reading the essays of female philosophers
    Hannah Arendt and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.

    Neither Arendt nor Spivak are household names but Arendt is famous
    in her field for her ideas about collective evil and the rise of
    fascism in Europe. Spivak is best known for questioning accounts of
    post-colonial history.

    Lorange says she writes with a self-awareness that "access to education
    and publishing" is skewed to disadvantage women, and men and women
    write and read in different ways because of those social circumstances.

    The Emerging Writers' Festival is put together by writers to nurture
    young talent and first-time authors. For the first time, it has spun
    out into an online digital festival. This year's Melbourne attendance
    of 14,000 broke last year's box office record.

    Sydney's marquee event will be a day of discussions on pop culture,
    criticism, mentorship and digital literature at the NSW Writers'
    Centre on November 8.

    Chnorhokian's young adult fiction novel has been published by
    Sweatshop, the western Sydney writers' group, with financial assistance
    from the Bankstown City Council and the University of Western Sydney.

    Her debut tale tells the story of Zara Hagopian, a size 22, who has a
    secret crush on the hottest boy in school, who has a skinny girlfriend
    named Holly. It's set in multicultural Fairfield.

    Chnorhokian hopes to use her personal struggle with schizophrenia
    for her next work of young adult fiction.

    Her father's sister, Rita, a writer in Los Angeles, encouraged a
    sense of self belief after she was diagnosed in year 12. She never
    got to sit the Higher School Certificate.

    "She had an army praying for me. God is a big part of my life, and
    it is with Mariah Carey."

    From: A. Papazian