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Hate Meets History In Azerbaijani Cartoonist'S Anti-Armenian Art

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  • Hate Meets History In Azerbaijani Cartoonist'S Anti-Armenian Art

    by Simon Ostrovsky

    Agence France Presse -- English
    October 3, 2005 Monday 3:32 AM GMT

    Venom dripping from its fangs onto a Swastika, only the efforts of
    powerful arms grasping metal pincers restrain a black serpent and
    its desire for global domination, in a drawing displayed at a Baku
    gallery recently.

    This could be the description a World War II-era Soviet propaganda
    poster depicting the concerted effort of the allies as they hold back
    the menace of Nazi Germany and the Axis forces.

    But this poster -- and others like it, recently on display in the
    Artists' Union in former Soviet Azerbaijan -- are the recent works
    of an Azerbaijani scientist-turned-cartoonist.

    You may not have heard of it, but the author Kerim Kerimov is on a
    mission to blow the whistle on "Armenian hegemony."

    Slithering across a watercolor globe towards Azerbaijan, the serpent
    is Kerimov's metaphor for Armenia and its "Greater Armenia" policy
    while the six arms grasping the pincers represent Azerbaijan's Turkic
    brethren from Turkey to Turkmenistan.

    The president of Azerbaijan's National Geophysicists Committee,
    Kerimov is better known in oil circles for his role in the signing
    of the so-called "contract of the century."

    The mid-1990s Caspian Sea oil deal marked the launch of development --
    with Western participation -- of Azerbaijan's sizable oil reserves,
    which Kerimov assessed on behalf of the Azerbaijani state.

    Few know of his prolific political drawings however, which have
    appeared in Soviet and later Azerbaijani newspapers for nearly
    50 years.

    Much of his work targets Armenia, against which Azerbaijan fought a
    bloody war, and in large parts complements the government's official
    information campaign against the Caucasus nation.

    Anyone in Baku will tell you that Azerbaijan has many enemies: Armenia
    with its Russian backing, Armenia's wealthy diaspora, Azerbaijan's
    own opposition forces and perhaps a few loose clerics from Iran.

    Kerimov goes further and puts the enemies into pictures, with horned
    and bewarted horrific caricatures of Armenians clawing at the map of
    Azerbaijan or driving a wedge between the country and its ally Turkey
    with a giant bomb.

    Schooled in the style of Socialist Realism in the days when both
    Azerbaijan and Armenia were constituent republics of the Soviet Union,
    the 72-year-old Kerimov is a self-described disciple of Russian
    WWII-era cartoonist Boris Yefimov.

    But if Yefimov is remembered for his drawings of a contorted Hitler
    in the pages of Soviet propaganda sheets, Kerimov has set his sights
    on tackling Azerbaijan's modern-day foe.

    "I don't want Armenians to see an enemy in me," he said however,
    claiming he has received death threats from Armenians and other
    "enemies" of Azerbaijan.

    "I want them to see that the policies they are carrying out are wrong;
    then life will be better for both peoples."

    But his stated peaceable intentions might prove to be a tough sell to
    Armenians, who in his drawings are alternately depicted as big-nosed
    hairy demons or sometimes white-hooded Ku Klux Klan members.

    In the Caucasus, Armenia's neighbors often implicate Armenians in a
    conspiracy to expand their territory through military conquest and
    migration that has been in action since World War I when they were
    expelled from Ottoman Turkey.

    It is a charge that Armenians deny and attribute to biases which have
    evolved since that war.

    More recently, Azerbaijan and Armenia fell out over control of the
    Nagorno-Karabakh enclave in the twilight days of the Soviet Union,
    when Moscow's centuries-long rule over the Caucasus began to crumble.

    After the fall of communism, the newly independent republics launched
    into a full scale war over the mountainous region, which ended in
    a tense ceasefire in 1994 with ethnic-Armenian forces in control of
    Karabakh and seven surrounding Azerbaijani regions.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress