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Putin's Legacy and United Russia's New Ideology

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  • Putin's Legacy and United Russia's New Ideology, DC
    June 2 2006

    Putin's Legacy and United Russia's New Ideology
    by Ariel Cohen
    Backgrounder #1940

    June 1, 2006 | | a/bg1940.cfm

    `The Party has been, and remains, the main organizing and
    coordinating force capable of leading the people along the path of
    profound Socialist renewal....'

    - Mikhail Gorbachev

    With the fall of the USSR, the Russian post-Soviet elite was
    demoralized by the collapse of Soviet power and sought a new
    direction. For a time, ideol - ogy took a back seat to market reforms,
    competition, and repudiation of government control. However, `men of
    the state' and `men of force' - known in Russian as `derzhavniki' and
    `siloviki' - have reversed this trend.

    The resurgence of nationalist rhetoric has acceler - ated markedly
    since the 2000 election of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the
    rise of oil prices. With Putin's departure scheduled for 2008, his
    United Russia party will require more than fond memories of the
    popular president to maintain the support and trust of the people. It
    needs a coherent political doctrine. This effort has finally been

    In February 2006, Vladislav Surkov, Putin's deputy chief of staff and
    chief political strategist, delivered an extensive speech at a United
    Russia political semi - nar.[1] For the first time, he outlined the
    underlying ideology, goals, and aspirations of the Russian
    Feder - ation's largest political party. Surkov's speech was
    sub - sequently published in two consecutive issues of Moskovskie
    Novosti, a formerly liberal weekly, under the title `The General
    Line' in direct allusion to the term applied to Soviet Communist
    Party policy between the 1920s and 1980s. The speech was later widely
    reprinted elsewhere, and media leaks from the Kremlin indicate that
    such wide circula - tion amounts to publication of the new official
    Kremlin doctrine.[2]

    Surkov's speech defines the strategic direction that Putin wants
    Russia to pursue, the goals to which she should aspire, and how the
    party can lead the country to achieve those goals. Much of it was
    reflected in Putin's State of the Federation speech to both houses of
    the Duma, Russia's parlia - ment, on May 10. It combines democratic and
    mar - ket rhetoric with deliberate actions of power centralization and
    ideological and economic nationalism bordering on protectionism.

    This ideological treatise is a great insight into the Kremlin's
    thinking and policy. Recent steps under - taken by the Russian
    Federation and public state - ments by Russian officials indicate that
    Russia may be asserting its dominance abroad, especially in the
    former Soviet area. The speech provides a number of reasons for the
    United States to reevaluate its policies toward Russia and act on the
    basis of what is realistic and possible.

    Importance of Surkov's Speech

    Surkov's speech is intended both to outline a social contract between
    the Russian leadership and the Russian people and to ensure that
    United Rus - sia continues to enjoy its position as the dominant party
    in Russian politics. If this social contract is accepted, United
    Russia will have succeeded in cre - ating an ideological framework for
    national unity and a road map to national greatness; at the very
    least, it will have ensured its position as a ruling party until the
    presidential elections of 2012 or even beyond. This is a greater
    accomplishment than previous attempts to create a ruling party in
    post-Communist Russia, such as Russia's Choice (1993) and Our Home
    Russia (1996).

    The text of the speech and the timing of its deliv - ery reflect
    Russia's social, political, and economic trajectory, including
    aspirations of single-party rule, energy superpower status, and
    geopolitical conflicts and alliances. All of this is contingent upon
    United Russia maintaining its status as the only political party in
    Russia with the means to implement its political agenda.

    Democratic Rhetoric vs. Restrictive Reality

    On the positive side, Surkov entreats Russians to become more active
    in politics, to familiarize them - selves with all sides of current
    debates, and to be part of the solution to Russia's myriad pressing
    problems. His refusal to condone expropriation of private property is
    also hopeful. The development of a propertied class that is
    encouraged to partici - pate politically may be a decisive factor in
    the future growth and strengthening of democracy in Russia. The
    growth of such a class may increase calls for stronger protection of
    property rights and rule of law as well.

    These would be welcome developments, as they not only help to improve
    the current situation in Russia, but also would enhance the security
    of for - eign investments in Russia. Unfortunately, how - ever, the
    current situation indicates that it is the bureaucracy, not the
    elected political leadership, that calls the shots in Putin's and
    Surkov's Russia.

    Also promising are Surkov's calls for picking up the pace of economic
    reform and integrating more fully into global markets. Increased
    openness to trade will likely foster improvements in economic
    efficiency, management, and transparency, all of which have suffered
    throughout the post-Commu - nist transition.

    These democratic and free-market ideals will benefit Russian society
    if they are put into practice. However, calls for strengthening
    democracy coin - cide with legislation restricting representation and
    participation. Assets continue to be concentrated in the hands of a
    well-connected few. Simply put, in today's Russia, democratic
    rhetoric is contradicted by increasingly centralized political

    Single Party Rule: A Democratic Deficit

    United Russia was created in December 2001 by combining the pro-Putin
    Unity and former Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov's and Moscow mayor
    Yuri Luzhkov's Fatherland-All Russia parties. It was a political
    construct of the Kremlin: the party of power, meant to occupy the
    center of Russia's body politic.

    United Russia is now the most powerful political party in the Russian
    Federation, with an estimated 100,000 members. Its showing in the
    March 12, 2006, regional and local elections, in which it won 197 out
    of 359 regional legislative seats, was a clear indicator of its
    strength.[3] Surkov suggests that, as with Germany's Christian
    Democrats and Japan's Liberal Democratic Party after World War II,
    United Russia should remain the dominant force in Russian politics
    for the next 10-15 years, and recent changes in the electoral system
    may ensure that this will come to pass.

    At this point, no opposition group in Russia appears capable of
    posing any real threat to United Russia's overwhelming share of
    popular support in the 2007 parliamentary or 2008 presidential
    elec - tions. However, the Kremlin is taking steps to rein in potential
    political challengers, first by abolishing the election of Duma
    members in `single mandate' electoral districts, opting instead for
    national party lists. Such a proportional electoral system seriously
    weakens the relationship between a voter and his elected
    representative. Deputy Director of the Cen - ter for Political
    Technologies Boris Makarenko has called this a `further stage in the
    consolidation of a monolithic system.'[4]

    Rodina (Motherland), a leftist nationalist party that many suspect
    was created by Kremlin officials to siphon off support from the
    nationalist Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) and the
    Com - munist Party, was barred from participation in the December 2005
    Moscow City Duma elections for inciting racial hatred.[5]

    The Duma is considering several amendments to electoral law.
    Ostensibly aimed at strengthening the party system by creating a
    small number of large parties, these laws, if passed, will rob the
    opposi - tion of their only means of competing with United Russia:
    through coalitions.[6] Another legislative proposal would authorize
    governors, who are Kremlin-appointed, to abrogate mayoral powers.
    Although so far ignored by the West, such extraor - dinarily broad
    powers will prove effective in con - solidating the Kremlin's top-down

    If all of the proposed electoral changes come to fruition, governors,
    mayors, and political parties will all be Kremlin-controlled,
    ensuring a predict - able outcome in the future parliamentary and
    pres - idential elections. The Kremlin is consolidating its own power
    at the expense of opposition forces and raising the possibility that
    United Russia will dom - inate politics in the Russian Federation for
    at least the next two electoral cycles (2007-2008 and 2011-2012).

    At present, the majority of United Russia's popu - lar support is
    derived from the popularity and cha - risma of President Putin, whose
    approval ratings fluctuate between 65 percent and 75 percent.[8] It
    is unlikely that the next president will share Mr. Putin's appeal and
    popular support. United Russia must therefore replace the personal
    legitimacy of its leader with a more long-lasting ideological
    founda - tion to provide legitimacy for future leaders. Creat - ing a
    sense of unity, pride, and common purpose that is closely linked both
    to Putin and to United Russia may allow the party to stay in power
    even with a weak next president.

    Strategic Resources

    By maintaining control of the executive branch, the judiciary,
    security services, government-owned companies, and the parliament,
    United Russia offi - cials will be able to secure control over their
    share of the profits from nationalized resources[9] and, in many
    cases, expand the assets that they effectively control. At a recent
    conference in Moscow, Minister of Economic Development and Trade
    German Greff cited the acquisition of assets by large state-owned
    companies as a threat to Russia's economic health. Minister of
    Finance Alexei Kudrin echoed this sen - timent, asserting that the
    state should play a smaller role in Russia's economy.[10] Economists
    in Russia, Venezuela, and Bolivia agree that asset holding by the
    `state' or `people' in reality means beneficiary ownership by
    specific politicians and senior bureaucrats.

    Government officials are reluctant to release their hold on strategic
    economic sectors because these same officials control and benefit
    from these assets. Gazprom, Russia's behemoth state-owned gas firm,
    is chaired by First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Rosneft,
    the state-owned oil firm that forced a sale of Yugasnknefte - gaz, the
    production arm of YUKOS, below mar - ket price, is chaired by Igor
    Sechin, the Kremlin deputy chief of staff. Alexei Kudrin, despite his
    calls for less government control over the econ - omy, chairs the
    Russian state diamond monopoly, Alrosa.[11]

    The melding of business and politics has created a pressing need by
    government officials to maintain the status quo at all costs. As is
    true elsewhere in the world, men whose wealth relies on government
    control of strategic economic sectors are unlikely to loosen their
    grasp on those resources, or on the political machinery that controls
    those resources, for the sake of reform.

    Surkov stresses in his speech that the nationaliza - tion of strategic
    resources is in the interest of distrib - uting wealth among the
    Russian population. Russian GDP per capita has grown dramatically,
    from $1,170 in 2000 to $3,400 in 2004. However, income ine - quality in
    the Russian Federation remains remark - ably high. Energy superpower
    status certainly benefits Russia as a whole, but it benefits members
    of the political-bureaucratic-security elite with access to
    government-controlled resources far more than it benefits others.

    Aside from its domestic implications, Russia's energy superpower
    status is a means to protect sovereignty and exert influence abroad.
    Auton - omy is desirable for any state; however, Russia is using
    zero-sum game analysis and tactics in the global energy markets to
    promote its economic interests.

    Alexei Miller, CEO of Gazprom and Deputy Energy Minster of the
    Russian Federation, recently threatened that `attempts to limit
    Gaz - prom's activities in the European market and politicize questions
    of gas supply' might induce Russia to shift its export focus to
    Asia,[12] and these sentiments were echoed by President Putin
    him - self.[13] Russian leaders were particularly upset about
    resistance in Europe to selling gas-distribu - tion networks, such as
    Centrica in the United Kingdom.

    Surkov asserts that in the global economy, Russia can either be a
    spider or a fly - an apt metaphor, as it reveals Russia's attitude
    toward competition in global markets, which includes neither
    compro - mise nor cooperation.

    `Enemies of the People'

    Russia is to achieve full autonomy as a global geopolitical player by
    successfully manipulating energy markets. Energy superpower status
    under the guidance of United Russia is the key to Russia's future,
    and anyone who would thwart Russia's aspirations - oligarchs,
    opposition groups, terror - ists, foreign powers - is an `enemy.' Surkov
    seeks to rally popular support by identifying those who seek their
    own ends and oppose United Russia's grand strategy as being among
    these common enemies.

    `Oligarchic revanchists' provide a perfect scape - goat for the
    troubles of the post-Communist period, an ideal backdrop for the
    emergence of the great leader who creates order out of chaos, and a
    conve - nient rationale for nationalization of the most lucra - tive
    sectors of the Russian Federation's economy. Surkov and others often
    allege that in the 1990s, oligarchs stole all of Russia's assets and
    profited from them, denying ordinary Russians their rightful share of
    national resources. According to Surkov's narrative, President Putin
    (despite being a senior Yeltsin official and designated successor)
    saved both Russia and its valuable resources from the oli - garchs. In
    this new age of order and democracy, these greedy individuals are no
    longer permitted to use Russia's resources to their own advantage,
    but must use them instead for the Fatherland and the people.

    Despite their alleged heinous crimes, however, oligarchs are
    deserving of membership in Russia's elite - provided that their
    transgressions do not contradict Kremlin policy. Roman Abramovich,
    former partner of Boris Berezovsky in ownership of Sibneft, the
    Siberian oil company, is responsi - ble for the expatriation of
    billions of dollars. Putin however, recently reappointed him
    gover - nor of Chukotka, a province in the far Northeast of Russia.

    `Isolationists,' or nationalist extremists, are a threat to the
    leadership of the Russian Federation because they are bad for both
    domestic stability and international perceptions of Russia. Isolating
    ultra-nationalists is necessary to maintain an image of
    respectability abroad and the ability to keep order at home, despite
    alarmingly frequent instances of hate crimes.

    However, Russian law enforcement has been remarkably lenient in
    punishing the crimes of these `enemies of the Russian Federation.'
    For example:

    In early 2006, a Russian nationalist wielding a knife stabbed nine
    people in a Moscow syna - gogue. He was sentenced to 13 years in
    prison, but despite his claims that the attacks were inspired by
    anti-Semitic Web sites, the charge of inciting interethnic hatred was
    dropped, much to the surprise and consternation of human rights
    In 2004, a nine-year-old Tajik girl was murdered in a brutal attack
    by a group of Russian nation - alists whose ringleader was sentenced to
    five and a half years on a charge of `hooliganism.'[15]
    In 2006, an Armenian teenager was stabbed to death in Moscow by
    skinheads, apparently on racist grounds.[16] According to an Amnesty
    International report, in 2005, 31 people were murdered and 382 others
    were attacked in race-related incidents in Russia.[17]
    In addition to racially motivated crime, Russian officials have
    exhibited an alarming degree of reli - gious intolerance. Young Russian
    Orthodox Chris - tians, who claimed that the exhibit had offended them,
    vandalized an exhibition of atheist art at the Sakharov museum. A
    Moscow court dismissed the case against them.[18] In January 2005, a
    group of Duma representatives called for the banning of all Jewish
    organizations in Russia, claiming that these groups incite ethnic
    hatred and `provoke anti-Semitism.'[19] There have been recent calls
    for offi - cial Russian Orthodox chaplains in the Russian military and
    the teaching of Russian Orthodoxy in state schools without any
    corresponding proposals with respect to other religions.

    The Kremlin is doing very little to combat these `oligarchic
    revanchists' or `isolationist national - ists.' The reason is that
    these elements, in addi - tion to being useful as political scarecrows
    and scapegoats, provide justification for new laws to restrict the
    activities of non-governmental organi - zations (NGOs) that have little
    to do with political extremism.

    As for enemies from outside the Russian Federa - tion, the Kremlin
    seems similarly ambivalent about the West, which is an invaluable
    trade partner but which also embodies democratic values and the rule
    of law. This foreign menace is all the more rea - son to support United
    Russia's vision: a plan to ensure that Russia no longer has to bow to
    Western influence.

    Why the West Should Be Concerned

    Taken at face value, Surkov's speech identifies Russia's goals in
    both domestic and foreign policy and indicates whom Russia might
    consider ene - mies and friends. The doctrine also sheds light on a
    reality that many have been loath to admit: The period of the
    post-Communist honeymoon is over.

    While the United States and the Russian Fed - eration can have common
    interests and reasons to cooperate, the U.S. must evaluate Russian
    poli - cies over the past five years. From the perspective of American
    national interests, these include (among others) developing ties with
    China and Iran, energy security, non-proliferation, democ - racy, human
    rights, and the rule of law. Russia is no longer weak and does not
    rely on Western funds and favor to maintain its place in the global

    President Putin's May 10, 2006, State of the Fed - eration address
    indicates that the Russian leader - ship intends to refashion the state
    as a capable counterweight to the United States, not only
    eco - nomically, but demographically and militarily as well. Putin
    called for women to return to their tra - ditional role of
    childbearing, and for government subsidies to mothers, in order to
    reverse the current population decline. He also emphasized the need
    for drastic improvements in all aspects of Russia's military, from
    manpower to better ballistic missile defense, as protection against
    those that would undermine Russia's sovereignty. In a not-so-veiled
    reference to U.S. foreign policy, he stated, `Com - rade wolf knows
    whom to eat - he eats and does not listen to anyone.'[20]

    The goal of United Russia and its president is to make Russia once
    again an autonomous interna - tional player by returning to the values
    that made it strong in the past. If United Russia is successful, the
    U.S. and other Western powers must engage Russia on an entirely new
    level: as a competitor, not as a junior partner.

    Will the Doctrine Work?

    The predictive value of the doctrine outlined in Surkov's speech is
    contingent on its fulfillment, which in turn relies on United
    Russia's performance for the next 10 to 15 years. United Russia must
    attempt to hold on to hundreds of thousands of its current members
    once President Putin is no longer at the helm.

    Surkov's speech appeals to a broad range of the Russian population.
    Its nationalist undertones are tempered by denunciation of
    ultra-nationalists. Its excoriation of oligarchs is offset by its
    call for pro - tecting Russian businessmen and creating a new Russian
    business elite.

    As in China, economic growth may provide an antidote against a
    decline in the party's popularity. At the moment, Russia is flush
    with cash, benefit - ing from skyrocketing prices of oil and gas. But
    energy prices are volatile, and many oil and gas consumers are
    becoming convinced of the need to diversify supply sources,
    especially as Russia's mis - handling of the Ukrainian and Georgian
    supply controversies contributed to Europe's mistrust of Moscow. It
    is possible that a synthetic ideology will not suffice to keep United
    Russia in power once the Kremlin's coffers are not so full.

    Russia's economy has seen healthy growth - about 7 percent a year for
    the past five years - and there is little expectation that oil and gas
    prices will decline any time soon. However, the high costs of
    exploration and of oil and gas in Russia's inhospitable physical and
    investment climate, as well as stifling government control, make
    eco - nomic slowdown a real possibility. Although Surkov says quite
    clearly that reprivatization is not a desirable option, Russia has
    weak rule of law and a track record of arbitrary changes in and
    application of its tax codes. Lack of predictability and insufficient
    protection of investor rights is a strong deterrent to foreign
    investment, specifi - cally in non-natural resources sectors of the
    econ - omy. If these sectors do not grow, the Russian economy will be
    at the mercy of fluctuations in commodity prices.

    Instead of privatizing Gazprom, however, Rus - sia has transferred to
    it a significant part of the oil sector and is using the giant
    company as an instru - ment of foreign policy. As the government's
    appe - tite for spending grows, Russia will likely have to rely on its
    stabilization fund to finance the govern - ment budget.[21] The Kremlin
    may be faced with mounting economic difficulties sooner than

    How the United States Should Respond

    In order to protect not only U.S. interests, but also the sovereignty
    and territorial integrity of the states of the former Soviet Union,
    the U.S. should adopt the following measures:

    Recognize that Russia is an autonomous actor no longer willing to
    play second fiddle to the United States. It is seeking to limit U.S.
    pres - ence and influence in the areas in which it has the ability to
    project military and political power. These areas include Central
    Asia, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East. The U.S.
    should promote the principle of territorial integrity in Georgia and
    Moldova. Overall, it should encourage negotiations and non-military
    Continue to support diversification of energy transit routes in
    Eurasia, specifically from Kaza - khstan and/or Turkmenistan across the
    Cas - pian, to be linked with Europe through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    oil pipeline and the Baku-Erzerum gas pipeline via Turkey.
    Encourage Russia to sign the Energy Charter, an international treaty
    on energy production and transportation, which promotes foreign
    investment in the energy sector through trans - parency and
    Support free media, the rule of law, and demo - cratic political
    development in Russia through NGOs. These include both indigenous
    Russian NGOs and foreign NGOs working in Russia. The Department of
    State and the National Endowment for Democracy should identify,
    support, and expose to their peers abroad those young politicians,
    writers, and media personal - ities who disseminate the values of
    democracy, tolerance, and human rights and support polit - ical and
    economic liberty.

    Vladislav Surkov's ideological treatise is a great insight into the
    Kremlin's thinking and policy. Recent steps undertaken by the Russian
    Federation and public statements by Russian officials indicate that
    Russia is trying to assert its dominance abroad, especially in the
    former Soviet area.

    Surkov's speech provides a number of reasons for the United States to
    reevaluate its policies toward Russia on the basis of what is
    realistic and possible. There may be relatively little that the U.S.
    can do to affect Russian domestic politics, but America can and
    should be prepared to support those who seek freedom.

    Ariel Cohen, Ph.D., is a Senior Research Fellow in the Douglas and
    Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Pol - icy Studies, a division of the
    Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies,
    at The Heritage Foundation. The author wishes to thank Con - way Irwin
    for contributing to this paper.


    The World According to Surkov

    Russia's Historic Legacy

    At present, there is no consensus in Russia as to the assessment of
    events in its past, nor is there any consensus as to which direction
    it should take in the future. Russia is a European country, but there
    are differences between the Russian Federation and countries with
    deep traditions of Western demo - cratic values. `The fundamental
    values of democ - racy are ingrained in the citizens of the U.S.A.,
    England, France. Wake them up in the middle of the night - they'll
    start telling you about human rights and so forth.' These values
    should take on greater meaning in the daily lives of Russians, and
    Russians should develop their ability both to act according to these
    values in their interactions with one another and to triumph over
    opponents by means of an ideological offensive. `[T]he party, so that
    it may retain its dominant position in the polit - ical system (and
    that is our fundamental goal), must more actively master the skills
    of ideological warfare.'

    Nikolay Berdyaev, an important early 20th cen - tury Russian
    philosopher, said, `It is necessary to strive for a free and fair
    society. Without freedom there can be no justice. Justice demands
    freedom for all people.' Berdyaev was a Russian thinker, and this was
    a Russian thought, unlike the works of Marx or Hegel. Russians should
    respect their ances - tors and should not pass undue judgment on the
    Soviet Union, as it is associated with `all our close kin, it is in
    fact we ourselves.'

    There were two great achievements of the Soviet Union. The first was
    its powerful ideological mes - sage, which spread worldwide and
    included an understanding of freedom and justice. Soviet
    power - ideological, military, and even moral - was hugely influential
    on a global scale. It was even popular among Western intellectuals
    and contrib - uted to the liberation of colonies. It played a major
    role in world history, and that is something that Russians should

    The other astonishing achievement of the Soviet Union was
    industrialization. Russians today are profiting from this
    inheritance, which includes rail - roads, pipelines, factories, and
    nuclear weapons.

    The Soviet Union had its negative side as well. Its repressive,
    closed Soviet society, `in which results are evaluated by party-dogma
    rather than pragma - tism, produced an ineffective elite.... Society was
    not only unjust, it also wasn't free. It did not address the question
    of material needs' and `obviously fell behind the new quality of life
    of the Western coun - tries in satisfying the demands of the people.'

    A Time of Crisis

    The Soviet Union's downfall was inevitable. `The Russian people
    themselves chose this fate - they rejected the socialist model' as
    inconsistent with their search for freedom and justice. However, the
    USSR tried to reform, to embrace the democratic values embodied in
    the Soviet constitution. The constitution of the USSR and its
    language about democracy made `the Soviet Union, uncondition - ally,
    the greatest modernization project. It already carried with it the
    seeds of democracy.' The col - lapse was the result of the Soviet
    people's finally holding their country accountable for its promises
    of democracy, and `the loss of territory, the loss of population, the
    loss of a huge part of our economy' was the price that Russia paid.

    After the downfall, because of disillusionment with the Soviet
    government, there was widespread belief that `government is evil...and
    having reduced it to nothing, everything would turn out fine. Of
    course, this vacuum [of power] was filled, and it was exactly these
    ambitious and self-serving commercial leaders who placed themselves
    in the myriad opportunities for power.... [E]ntire minis - tries,
    regions, parties found themselves under the control of independent
    financial groups, moreover under direct and literal control.'

    The framers of the Soviet constitution did not foresee leadership by
    commercial interests. The constitution was not written for the
    purpose of sub - jugating elected officials to people with money.
    Democracy in the oligarchic period of the 1990s was not rule by many,
    nor was it rule by a substan - tial number. `You could count these
    people on your fingers.... [A]s a result, all the foundations of
    democracy were distorted.... If that was a democ - racy, then I don't
    know what democracy is.'

    Freedom of speech during this period took on its own special meaning.
    `[L]eading television net - works became weapons in the hands of famous
    oli - garchic groups' who used them to gain access to and divide among
    themselves even more govern - ment assets. Although privatization in
    and of itself is a good thing, it was carried out by means of
    awk - ward and confusing schemes, such as rigged oil-for-food auctions.

    `In the federal system chaos ruled.' Centrifugal forces threatened
    Russia's territorial integrity in the 1990s, especially rebellion in
    Chechnya and the inability of disparate regions to agree on a federal
    budget. In the midst of these centrifugal forces, Russia `was on the
    verge of losing its sovereignty.'

    Russia's Democratic Development

    `If we want our society to be democratic, to pos - sess sovereignty and
    be an actor in world politics, we must develop our democracy, and
    here fundamental human rights are part of the strengthening the
    struc - ture of civil society. I see the [United Russia] party first of
    all as an instrument of civil society, as an instrument of societal
    participation in political life and in power...a self-regulating and
    non-commercial organization of a completely different
    insti - tute of civil society, a self-organization of citizens.'

    Regarding changes in the political system in Rus - sia, such as the
    move to proportional representa - tion in the parliament, a
    proportional system is more democratic, as it will require a greater
    num - ber of votes for United Russia to have a majority in parliament:
    `more votes than all other electoral lists combined.' This is a means
    to strengthening the opposition and the party system in general.

    As for presidential appointment of governors, and the oft-repeated
    question of how this helps to win the war on terrorism, it helps to
    avoid the chaos of the 1990s, in which there were too many parties,
    leading to the atomization of society. The goal of these changes is
    to `benefit society, strengthen its foundations.'

    Among the political reforms of the past few years is the creation of
    the Public Chamber: `a new organ for the realization and development
    of opportunities for cooperation between government structures and
    societal organizations.' In effect, the Public Chamber is intended as
    an intermediary between the Kremlin and non-governmental

    But democracy has one great enemy: corruption. It also has a
    downside: poverty. The government of the Russian Federation has yet
    to prove its effec - tiveness in providing a social safety net and
    seeing that wages are paid; for the `stable development of free
    society, free economics demands fairer distri - bution of GDP.'

    The Path to Greatness: Obstacles and Opportunities

    The fundamental threats to Russian sovereignty are international
    terrorism, military conflict, lack of economic competitiveness, and
    `soft' takeovers by `orange technologies [U.S.- and
    Western-sup - ported opposition movements] in a time of decreased
    national immunity to foreign influence.'

    Although military conflicts are not a current threat, anything can
    happen, and the army, navy, and nuclear weapons are the `foundations
    of [Rus - sia's] national sovereignty.' Russia's economic growth,
    though impressive, started from a very low level. Structural reform
    has dragged out for far too long, and this will eventually take its
    toll on growth. Other problems include enormous govern - ment
    expenditures, budgetary problems, and lack of development.

    The liberal idea that with full liberalization, all of these problems
    will right themselves is erroneous. Russian society must `work out a
    realistic model of further development. President Putin himself
    already outlined this model, although we find our - selves at the
    beginning of the road. We must use our competitive advantage and
    develop it.'

    Energy Superpower

    Russia should be an energy superpower. The energy industry is the
    state's main enterprise and brings in the lion's share of Russia's
    GDP. Becoming an energy superpower requires technological
    improvements in the fuel-energy complex; other - wise, Russia relegates
    itself to the role of exporter of raw materials, at which point `we
    become spetsnaz, guarding their [the West's] pipelines.' Russia
    already has the resources - research organizations, people, and
    specialists - with which to achieve technological advances in its
    energy sector.

    As regards Russia's strategic industries, `national is not
    necessarily governmental. But the fuel-energy complex, strategic
    communications, the financial system, and defense must be chiefly
    Rus - sian,' while other industries must open themselves to foreign

    It is necessary for Russia to control certain sec - tors in order to
    carve out a place in the global hier - archy. `Only the direct
    participation of Russian companies in the creation of global
    information links will be able to guarantee Russia a place in polite
    society. Our sovereignty and who we are in the world's spider web
    [the Russian term for the Internet] - spiders or flies - depends on

    Another threat to Russia's sovereignty is `soft invasions.... [T]hey
    blur values, declare the gov - ernment ineffective, provoke internal
    conflicts. `Orange technology' shows this very clearly.' There is
    only one way to prevent a `soft invasion' or `color revolution,' and
    that is by creating a `nation - ally-oriented leading layer of

    It is also vital that Russia not give up its sovereign interests for
    the interests of others. Russia must par - ticipate in the global
    economy's multinational corpo - rations: `multinational, not trans-,
    supra-, or just national. The economic future is not in the
    disap - pearance of great nations, but in their cooperation.'

    There are problems with Russia's business elite: namely, that many
    Russian businessmen take their families and assets offshore. `It is
    not important that he have offshore accounts, let him have them. But
    mentally he does not live here, in Russia, and such people will not
    help Russia, and they will also not take care of Russia.' Russia's
    future relies on transformation of the Russian business elite into a
    national bourgeoisie.

    Any talk of contradictions between business and government is a
    `delusion. Business is in contradic - tion with society, because a
    government official takes his cues from society.' Disavowing a
    populist position calling for expropriation of the assets of the
    rich, Russia must protect its business class, who in return must `pay
    taxes and respect traditions and morals.' The other element of a
    leading class of society is an effective bureaucracy. `The
    bureau - cracy must make a transition from quasi-Soviet,
    quasi-competent, accustomed to defeat, to a com - petitive, competent
    community of civil servants, because it is here that we lose in
    relation to the cor - poratism of other governments.'

    Russia's educational system is `not bad, but we must develop it,
    reorient it, and very important is that it produce a national elite.'
    Education is `the creation of a nation, the organization of life and
    the culture of the nation.'

    Russia's Enemies

    Russia's enemies are those who demand that Russia take a step back
    and those who demand that Russia take two steps back.

    The first group are `oligarchic revanchists' - those who profited from
    the chaos of the Yeltsin era and are nostalgic for those times.
    `Whereas before - hand they influenced decisions, now, to be honest,
    they exercise no special influence. People have many motives for
    turning back the clock. There are potential leaders of this school of
    thought. And for - eign sponsors. Unconditionally, we cannot have a
    restoration of the oligarchic regime because that is a road to
    nowhere...leading to a great loss of sover - eignty and democracy.... But
    the potential danger of their return exists, we shouldn't dismiss

    The second group - those who would take two steps back - are
    `isolationists.' They call themselves `patriots,' but one should not
    sully the word by using it to describe them. They are neo-Nazis. `The
    difficulty of establishing democracy in our country, the double
    standards of Western politicians stimu - late disappointment in
    democratic values. Secret CIA prisons in Europe, illegal use of force
    in Iraq, `orange' revolutions in neighboring countries - these hardly
    contribute to the popularity of democratic ideas.' Analysis of this
    new `enemy list' follows.

    The Role of United Russia

    `United Russia's goal is not just to win in 2007, but to think about
    what everyone should be doing to guarantee the domination of the
    party for the next 10-15 years' in order to prevent these enemy
    political forces from knocking Russia off its current political path.

    People should engage in political debate; if you do not discuss among
    yourselves, how will you convince others? Forget about right and
    left. The party is for people of all stripes - left, right, sol - diers,
    teachers, businessmen. `All who aren't against us are for us,' and
    efforts should be made to form coalitions, even with opposition

    Political discussions can be used to develop new approaches for
    achieving the national project. In order to educate themselves, party
    supporters should `study the ideological documents of the president
    and the party.'

    ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------

    [1]For a detailed summary of Surkov's speech, see the Appendix.

    [2]Vladislav Surkov, `General'naya Liniya,' Moskovskie Novosti, No. 7
    (1324), March 3-9, 2006, pp. 10-11; Vladislav Surkov, `General'naya
    Liniya,' Moskovskie Novosti, No. 8 (1325), March 10-16, 2004, pp.

    [3]Marina Mokhovets, `The March 12 Triumph: United Russia Is Today's
    CPSU,' WPS Media Monitoring Agency, March 17, 2006, at (May 11, 2006).

    [4]Aleksei Titkov, `Proposals for Transition to a Proportional
    Electoral System and the Prospects for Multi-partisanship in Russia,'
    Carnegie Moscow Center, May 24, 2004, at (May 1, 2006).

    [5]For example, Rodina leader Dmitry Rogozin has appeared in a
    television spot calling dark-skinned migrants from the Cau - casus and
    Central Asia `trash' and suggesting that the streets of Moscow should
    be swept of such `trash.' Rodina was expected to make a strong
    showing in the elections, and analysts suggest that the real reason
    for its exclusion was to ensure electoral victory for United Russia.
    See Claire Bigg, `Russia: Nationalist Party Barred from Moscow
    Election,' Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, November 28, 2005, at 58b58d-
    c196-4cb1-b0f8-6db948f452c7.html (May 11, 2006).

    [6]`Duma Set to Toughen Election Laws,' Kommersant, April 11, 2006,
    at 5355 (May 11, 2006).

    [7]Francesca Mereu, `Mayors Could Lose Their Powers,' Moscow Times,
    April 5, 2006, at
    /2006/04/05/ 002.html.

    [8]Yuri Levada Analytical Center, `Putin Approval Stands at 72% in
    Russia,' Angus Reid Global Scan: Polls and Research, April 14, 2006,
    at on

    [9]Natalya Olenich, `The Laws of Attractiveness,', March
    13, 2006, at STYLE=739318018&PRESENTÛ=985,AN=222750
    611,FM= 9,SEARCH=MD.GenericSearch (May 11, 2006).

    [10]Gleb Bryanski, `Ministers Call State's Asset Grab a Threat,' The
    Moscow Times, April 5, 2006, at 5/043.html.


    [12]Peggy Hollinger, `Gazprom Threat Adds to EU Fears on Supply,'
    Financial Times, April 20, 2006, at - istration/barrier?referer= arch?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG, GGLG:2005-40,GGLG:en&q=hollinger+threat&lo cation=http%3A// da-b160-0000779e2340.html
    (May 11, 2006).

    [13]Guy Chazan, `Putin Uses Asia in Power Play on EU,' The Wall
    Street Journal, April 27, 2006, at
    752882973 6665-search.htmlKEYWORDS=Putin+Europe+gas&
    COL LECTION=wsjie/6month (May 11, 2006).

    [14]`Moscow Synagogue Attacker Appeals Sentence on Mental Health
    Grounds,' Israeli, April 4, 2006, at 90.htm (May 11, 2006).

    [15]Claire Bigg, `Russia: Sentences in Tajik Girl's Slaying Spark
    Public Outcry,' Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, March 31, 2006, at 4fe30c-
    5ee2-4543-9401-f8b29f08cdbd.html (May 11, 2006).

    [16]`Moscow Police Arrest Teenager in Connection with Fatal Stabbing
    of Armenian Student,'PRAVDA.Ru, April 24, 2006, at 06/79470-
    Armenian-0 (May 30, 2006); see also Nick Paton Walsh, `Armenian
    Student Killed in Moscow Race Attack,' The Guardian, April 24, 2006,
    at,,175981 4,00.html (May
    26, 2006).

    [17]`Human Rights Group Raps Russia for Tide of Racial Violence,' The
    Wall Street Journal, May 5, 2006, at 348
    ru ssia&COLLECTION=wsjie/6month (May 11, 2006).

    [18]Lera Arsenina, `Secular Court Supports Religious Zealots,', August 12, 2003, at tml (May 11, 2006).

    [19]Steve Gutterman, `Russian Lawmakers Target Jewish Groups,'
    Associated Press, January 25, 2005, at s/2005/
    01/25/russian_lawmakers_target_jewish_grou ps?mode=PF (May 25, 2006).

    [20]Anatoly Medetsky, `Comrade Wolf Eats Without Listening,' The
    Moscow Times, May 11, 2006, at 1/003.html.

    [21]Rudiger Ahrend and William Tompson, `Russia's Economy: Keeping Up
    the Good Times,' OECD Observer, October 2005, at aid/1658/
    Russia's_economy_:_Keeping_up_the_good_t imes.html
    (May 11, 2006).