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First, Get a Green Card. Next, Hire a Publicist

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  • First, Get a Green Card. Next, Hire a Publicist

    New York Times
    July 3 2004

    First, Get a Green Card. Next, Hire a Publicist.

    Lately I haven't been a good immigrant. I can't get myself to work an
    80-hour week. I won't walk 20 blocks to save a subway fare. And I
    don't have that crazed, adrenaline-driven certainty that life will
    soon get better for me or mine. Maybe it's the gloomy times we live
    in. Maybe it's the economy. Maybe it's the war. But most likely it's
    that I'm sated -- the young immigrant's hunger and worries are gone.
    I'm not fat and doughy just yet, but my midriff looks, to quote an
    old friend, ''prosperous.''

    Want and fear drive America: the want of security, dignity and wild
    affluence, the fear of coming up short on all counts, the fear of
    extinction in an unforgiving market economy that rewards only the
    tireless and the unblinking. ''Remember the lesson of the . . . dodo
    bird,'' Monette Adeva Maglaya cautions the newcomer in her remarkable
    Survive, How to Thrive, How to Be Fully Alive (PDI Books, paper,
    $19.95). ''One must learn to adapt or else, perish.''

    I say Maglaya's book is ''remarkable'' not because it is a compendium
    of bizarre clip art, well-worn inspirational cliches, practical
    advice and religious hoo-ha, all of which it is, but because few
    books have come closer to telling me what it means to be an immigrant
    in America today. And if Maglaya is to be believed, it means living
    in a land of turbo-Darwinism that would shock the likes of Huck Finn
    and Augie March, a landscape of hucksters and dreamers, of
    work-at-home schemes, fake children's modeling contests and rampant
    identity fraud. It means, for the most part, living in Southern
    California amid tribes of Cambodian doughnut tycoons and Chinese
    laundry empires. It means believing in God (and preferably Jesus
    Christ), and making him (them) a part of everything you do.
    Religious, resourceful, highly flexible and yet essentially
    conservative, the immigrant is the most reliably American of all
    Americans, the indispensable citizen, the bedrock of the American
    dream with all its tainted pleasures and millennial lunacies.

    That said, the face of immigration, or at least the face of
    immigration guidebooks, is unrecognizable to me today. When my family
    came to the United States from the Soviet Union around 1980, we were
    given a slim instructional volume from a resettlement agency. Aimed
    squarely at the Soviet immigrant, the book stressed the prodigious
    use of deodorant and the need to grin painfully whenever an American
    was present (''smell-'n'-smile'' is how I committed this advice to

    As far as Maglaya is concerned, the modern superimmigrant has no need
    for such obvious instruction. Instead, he should gain quick
    proficiency with MapQuest and Google. Once these are mastered there
    are ''very strong arguments'' in favor of learning English, ''apart
    from the usual benefit of being able to read road signs.'' With
    English and the yield sign under his belt, the immigrant faces the
    quandary of finding a good house servant. Watch out, Maglaya warns,
    for they don't come cheap in this country. Immigrants who have had
    ''domestic help to do things for them'' will be ''in for a shock.''
    Now that the tempest-tossed refugee has secured the services of a
    reputable manservant, it is time to find a suitable activity to
    occupy his time. ''Should he go into business? Should he pursue the
    arts?'' These are all difficult decisions to make for someone who has
    just sneaked across the Rio Grande, but if one finally settles on
    entrepreneurship it is often helpful to ''get a professional
    spokesperson or a mascot.'' You know, to help out with publicity.

    The author, who came to the United States in the 1980's from the
    Philippines with a master's degree in communications, leaves us with
    a list of recommended books, including Pat Buchanan's ''Death of the
    West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our
    Country and Civilization'' and other examples of ''the boat is full''
    philosophy. Maglaya's assessment of the way immigrant groups perceive
    and treat other immigrant groups is yet another remarkable aspect of
    this book. We learn, for example, that ''Jews and Armenians have long
    histories of being involved in business in every area around the
    world where they settle,'' while Koreans have ''a somewhat hardy
    resistance to acculturation.'' Mexicans, despite being abundant in
    the author's adopted Southern California, are suspiciously absent
    from the list of enterprising immigrant groups. Possibly they have
    little of value to impart to Maglaya's ''bright, bushy-tailed eager
    beaver of a newcomer.'' The world rightfully looks to America as the
    nation most welcoming to immigrants -- and yet what many highly
    educated immigrants do not know, or do not care to know, about one
    another's struggles could fill a book. This one, for instance.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress